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Everything posted by Booch

  1. I doubt it...he's not the savior there...
  2. yeah...because your qb has to chuck it right away...hence that silly screen..flat pass offence...They cant hold the ball for more than a second or else...also any one with any football IQ will know sacks are not a result of poor line play 80 percent of the time...I thought you were a little bit smarter in the Football IQ department...also..majority of the sacks were on a raw rookie who held on ball too long...I think over the last 5 games we have given up...3...at most...and all media...and coaching staffs in league claim bombers having the best line...Sask isn't ever in that discussion....and u have to admit...your line sucks bad...and will look silly on weekend with a raw rookie at tackle against CGY
  3. That could be something in a dictionary...or marketed...be a nice T-shirt for LDC and Banjo Bowl
  4. aren't you second..or third in cfl in rushing..hardly a pass first offence...It;s just that your qb's are not that good and supporting staff the same. Short dumps and hooks and screens are the easiest...or should be the easiest play to execute...so that statement makes not a lot of sense...
  5. Like the insistence of running out Hurl..Kuale..Carmicheal..Willy...sometimes heart and feelings get in the way of whats best..
  6. his fumble took sure points off the board..fg at worst...and could have changed the complexion of the game...one game of stats means jack crap...Thigpen had a 80 yard scamper in one game..his sole run...so I guess he is the ultra supreme RB with that wicked average...no?
  7. Pretty much all QB's have flaws...but when you look on Nichols since he took over as a starter...he is what...29-12?...and thats playing in front of some porous defenses whee he had to consistently put up 30+ points just to get that win...so I'd say over the last 3 years he is a proven winner at this point now...not flashy and all bang...but just wins IF a Rider fan can't admit that they would be happy if they had him running the show the last few years..well then they have no real football I.Q..even behind the cheese cloth O-line you run out there game to game his quick reads and ability to make a play quickly he would do pretty good...though probably get pummeled to a pulp in doing so
  8. Not sure...with our raw as can be raw rooikie in he produced more touchdowns in his time playing ..3 starts plus some short yardage...than the whole lot of Rider QB's all year...so at the lest I would have to say we are better off than the Riders with their 4 year guy in Bridge and their what..7 year guy in Collaros...or is it that the Bombers are just a better team all around and the QB is just a piece of the overall team being better....hmmm...u decide
  9. Yeah still not certain what he implies with that?
  10. Yeah he doesnt fumble in season opener.. we likely won..he also fumbled 2 last year I believe as well..not to mention the drops and balls he gave up on..one of which resulted in a pick
  11. I don't include them in the grouping of other teams in the league because based on how they do things, and treat/use players...they don't really make any sense..so inclusion is just not warranted
  12. EXACTLY....You can send anyone deep...but if there is no real threat to make consistant plays...whats the point...all you do is draw away the db, and really....every play a db is responsible for something...I just think it's a waste and we could do a lot more with a real threat out there....and don't even go there about his return skills...we have been fine without them, and truthfully he isn't that good at kick-offs..if there isn't a clear seem or hole...he doesn't have the ability to make something out of nothing...and I question his ball security..any time he is in traffic i cringe. This was the opportunity to get someone else in the line-up who we don't really know what they have to offer and if they are in the plans for the future...and we are missing the opportunity...we know what Lankford brings...and I would be hard pressed to see a line-up in the league where he would crack the active 46..and that says a lot right there
  13. YEAH HE IS...AND IS 4-1 as a starter this year even though he has played below his usual standards...point being???...I can say too..we are probably better off with Strevler behind center if Nichols gets hurt than anything you guys trot out there...especially based on the support all around )coaching/rb/O-line/receiver) and proof is in the pudding from whats transpired this year so far. Heck...Streveler has produce more TD's this year in his 3 starts and spot play all by himself than your offense has in total all year...can't deny that can you?
  14. thing is....we can send any receiver deep....it's just not s skill set exclusive to Lankford..I wish people would get off of this idea that we need a specific "guy" who can stretch a defense. If you send any one deep on a post..corner..fade..whatever...a team will have a guy in coverage on him every time. And at this level (pro) Lankford isn't some amazing speed talent where nobody can/will cover him. The thing thats negative in my opinion..and experience playing is that 9 times outta 10 Lankford going deep will not require...or have a team game plan to have over the top safety help on him and can focus it elsewhere as he is not a proven guy to make the tough catches...contested catches or win many 50/50 battles...whereas a Washington...Tompkins...even Simonese could/would I know that at times we would tell a corner that this "field stretcher" is all yours and leave him at that until he shows he is getting beat, or if the free safety has read the play correctly and jumped the play as it was the first read and play went there...I think it's a waste of a chance to roster someone else and give our offence a diffident dynamic for teams to worry about as the season progresses...
  15. Fans there praising it and yelps of yippiie..yet 2 months ago all agreed he was too old and no loss..their embarrassment of riches would see them thru...bunch of idiots out there
  16. I guess this time off has allowed Bagg ro become younger as he was cut due to age and this being a young man's game..as per Chris Jones...what a bloody joke haha
  17. Thing is tho..they ate 75k up front already and 7 game cheques on his remaining 69k of what was reported 144k in hard money for the year ..so add like roughly 27k for his games this year to the 75k bonus and he has absorbed 102k of this years SMS and they save 42k...hardly a savings at all when you really look at it. 102k basically wasted on a guy dumped not even at midway point and in the process sounds like some nice fracturing of club house and doubts about their coaching....well done Mr Jones...its is a real gong show there.
  18. Bennett has played the outside gunner position last several games...so he is fully immersed into the ST's Interesting to note what Farhan Larlji mentioned that DC around the league have to tone back their rushes on teams and defense as Winnipeg uses so may variations and has different fake options on kicks, that they have to play if safe to avaoid getting burned..as opposed to rushing hard and trying for a block or pressuring the kicker
  19. he has run a fake probably 3 times the last 2 years
  20. My gut tells me that he gets extended prior to the play-offs...or shortly after..they won't let it linger
  21. agreed...the fanbase there is not in touch with reality and march to the beat of the idiot Pederson and his drivel
  22. Thing is Conteh can kick too tho.. has kicked 3xtra points and fg's as well as kickoffs at Grambling. Comes from a soccer background so I sure can punt too if required..Lankford has no history at place kicking
  23. yeah barely...in a weird stop and go game...with a QB at the helm who was exposed to the canadian game for 3 weeks..and only one week as a guy prepping to be a starter..so yeah...Edm is a smoke and mirror team...and yeah stand by the notion they are not as good as their record
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