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Everything posted by Booch

  1. what 17to85 said for starters...Sask has regressed based on pre-season opinion alone. Now they have jettisoned their best offensive player...sure they took Edmonton to the wire...but Edm isn't that good and their record flatters them..Christ T.O beat them and then they barely eeked out a win against them in the second game...you guys would have lost to them as well if Trestman challenged that obvious PI call on your pick 6. Also Ottawa schooled you guys...yet they barely beat Mtl..so what does that say about the Riders?? And seriouslly??...you think Collaros is a saviour and top tier??...eegads...one modestly average game against a suspect Edm defense wouldn't give me feelings of fuzzyness....Check back after the weekend and how he performed against CGY....if he even lasts the whole game
  2. well...we shall see come play-offs then...based on the season so far..stats...wins..losses...Wpg has to be considered one of the elite teams thus far
  3. I'd say Sask...at least it looks like Montreal is actually improving..Sask seems to be regressing
  4. saying a team is elite for past cup wins isn't indicative of elite or not...Calgary and Winnipeg have won the most games the last 2 years...neither won a cup...so with that logic neither is elite Never liked the "elite" title on a team or player as it is baseless if you ask me based on championships..i look at it in the here and now and over a course of a season...so you lose the last game of the year and dont hoist a trophy...it's dissapointing...but to say a 14-4 team..or even a 12-6 team isn't elite is foolish
  5. I think he means riderfans...site of the hypocrates and mis-informed
  6. Agreed...and even tho I can't stand Rod penison and what he has to say...and his totaly Pro-Rider drivel and anti-Bomber B.S....I do have to agree with what he said and that the word around the league is that Winnipeg is a destination that players want to go to based on how they are treated here by management and by the enjoyment the players have playing for each other..all the hard work and ups and downs in what Walter's and Oshea have been trying to established has grown roots now and the benefits are being reeped
  7. A lot of the ST play has to be given full credit to Boudreau...and a lot of the south of the border mimicking comes from his daddy's input I would bet as he was the creator of it down south..Oshea has surrounded himself with a real good coaching cast....thats key...and real good team players...all init together and not for personal glory...you see it on the filed and you see it when a good play is made...not all kinds of elaborate stupid celebrations...a lot of times it's just minimum and running up to great and high five fans is great...keeps the fans engaged and you see what it di on the last Hamilton drive...these guys all celebrate together...not as individuals. Agreed on Bighill...he is basically the only real "new" piece from last year, and well...proof is in the pudding..the last 5 games now we have given up an average of only 19.2 points per game...I think this is a trend more than a blip.
  8. Now they have what..Naaman...Stanfor (National)...Shag Evans...Lambert...2 unproven rookies...and back to Holley???...yeesh...they are right...what an embarrassment hahaa
  9. Embarrassment of riches was a term tossed around there frequently.. I guess now it's just an embarrassment
  10. I just find it funny how the fanbase there. As well as many in the media turned a total 180 and are dumping all over Carter..while all last year and pretty much all this year were singing his praises..saying he been nothing but awesome all around.. and now say different...no wonder that fanbase and team get ridiculed and mocked.. they bring it on themselves
  11. Makes u appreciate so much more how our locker room and staff runs
  12. Even so..the whole dynamics going on there from top on down is so messed up..joke of an organization
  13. Harris always wilts when push come to shove..and our defense will give him fits..maybe not 4 weeks ago..but now..yup
  14. Yeah Penison ..he fits in there..a real tool...that whole upper management there is just pathetic and spinning wheels with no direction. Penison too..was always boasting about the awesomeness off Carter..and how he gets a bad rap and been nothing but a model teammate.. and now blabbers this 180 of pure B.S..what a joke. I actually kind of feel bad for Duron even though he has his issues and warts and hope he does well.and if plays them again just torches them all the while as the Rider offense continues its ineptness.. and I do hope he goes off on them about it on social media too..and would actually applaud him..that franchise and their low IQ fanbase is a joke
  15. Ottawa looked good due to Montreal d being not so good..and being on the field for 20 mins of the second half We wont have that problem and if our front 7 plays as they do..and should.. Harris will wilt like a flower..he cant handle the pressure and getting smacked around..I can actually see this being a win by at least 2 majors to be honest
  16. Jones.. what a classy G.M....what a circus he runs over there
  17. If we can win when our QB plays like a steaming pile..well I see that as a good thing...we all know that is not the norm...so why worry
  18. Yeah he did some good things for us..but we aren't missing him in the least..Demskis use/production far offsets what Westerman would have brought..and even without that our dline has been lights out anyway
  19. An impact receiver would be more benefit than a safety..Loffler hasnt been his usual self but in no way is hurting us or costing us games..tho another threat on offence has huge implications
  20. If Dressler is out next week..would love to see what Tompkins and Washington could do coming out of the slot together...lethal
  21. Gotta give major props to Poop and Nevis..dont get the sexy stats..but they are the reason our ends are killing it and Biggie and JSK are being machines.. those two occupy usually the whole interior oline and disrupt where the running back wants to go..and end up diverted right to our linebackers. And just a note.. Hurl if still there would be missing ans whiffing and always 2 seconds late to the play resulting in long extended drives. Biggie has been the best thing for this defense and the best thing that could ever have happened to JSK...he best be buying him a doosie of a Xmas gift
  22. Our national players have scored more TDs than the whole Rider team..as well as OTtawa..Bc..Montreal..and are tied with T.O....pretty damn impressive. And Simonese and Peterman have yet to score
  23. The one deep ball though to Tompkins.. If the ticat didnt cause PI and slow up Tompkins he grabs that ball in stride for a TD..but the other long shits..mainly to Adam's were awfull
  24. Yeah I rewatched it at home..was gonna say they did mute it..didnt sound nearly as loud actually didnt sound loud at all but it was deafening if u were there. You couldn't even here the in game announcer stuff over the TV either so they had to have toned down sound..wonder why as it really adds to the game experience on tv..stupid TSN I'm sure rider putzes are probably saying that they are louder as it wasn't loud at IGF last night
  25. 1.. Gotta give the crowd credit.. that last Hamilton drive was in good part to them..Hamilton was frazzled and couldn't function at all...loudest I have heard it in a long time. 2..Biggie is a beast.. and he just brings out the best with rest of front 7 trying to match him..what an addition he was. 3..Harris...had a fumble but got the tough yards we needed and his fire pumps up others. My thoughts on Randle tho was yeah he had a bad game..he seemed to be too conscious on just keeping the little speedy receivers in sight and not getting burned deep and didnt want to look back at qb to see where ball was for fear of them getting away from him and him being in chase...and it burned him bad..on at least 3 occasions if he just played his usual game and turned to the play he breaks up the play and could have had 2 picks...oh well.. sure he will learn from it.
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