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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Not one to use excuses..or ya buts..but...realistically if we started the season with Nichols healthy I have no problems saying this team would be 6-1 at worst..possibly even 7-0... We are a better team than our 4-3 record indicates and believe me...teams know it
  2. Yeah..but he was a player on the roster tho..now they need to replace the roster spot...and have no real useful canadians in reserve..
  3. But they need to field another Canadian on the roster to replace him..of which they have little of at any position that would provide any use
  4. Not Sayles hasnt impressed..Fenner is just better all around and wont hurt u with a rookie mistake..Sayles slides into the DI role...cut and dried
  5. They already discussing Franklin for bridge trade lol
  6. Bryant is just plain good..has that side locked down and is the leader. And like Hardrick said..Bryant is a quiet leader by example type of guy..but when he speaks up everyone listens..because he rarely needs to say much but when he does..it carry's a lot of weight
  7. Riders issues are more than bad OC work..sure he is lousy but he is trying to devise a game plan where the QB has to get the ball out in 1 to 2 seconds..because the piss poor oline cant sustain much for blocking more than that..the coaches know it and are doing the offence they do so they can protect Bridge and avoid injury.. or him getting pounded and getting the Willy's He goes down and they are reeaally screwed..more than they are now. Factor in if u ask me other than Roosevalt a weak receiving Corp with no veteran presence to see things and recognize where to go and it just makes it worse. Getting rid of Bagg..Grant..Owen's was soooooo dumb and falls solely on coaches and GM and mismanaging a SMS system caused it. Carter might help that offence but I doubt it and his immaturity and whining and **** disturbing he would cause due to not getting balls thrown to him or ones that are being uncatchable would totally fragment that team more than it is..coaches know it too and prob why they keep him away. The fact on defense that they have to move him around on defense basically to try and hide him so not to get exposed is also telling. For all the tire pumping fans and some media give Jones he is the sole reason the team is at the point they are..and the bonus part about it is he is to egotistical to make the right changes and this will continue..and nbn is funny as heck
  8. Yeah we should come back from break if all goes well totally healthy..which is good
  9. Hardrick has been killing it since last year..and there was never any doubt with Neuf at guard other than many's perceived idea he was a bandaid..he was just a victim of bad luck and being rushed back to play before 100 percent healthy which augmented his injuries due to us needing him and having zero depth. He always has played with an edge and follows up run plays to help out and move the pile..same with Goose and Chungh two nasty SOB's who take no ****. Our oline does a great job getting under defenses skin with still playing within the rules and it is part of what makes then so successful. Teams are more concerned sometimes with retribution or payback at the expense of making plays...and I love that.
  10. You have to..or else hear incessant whining out of Sask
  11. I still cant understand how we lost to the Cats...shame on us
  12. Imagine his record for us with an above average defense the last 3 years.. dare I say a dominant one
  13. How was that not blocking from behind at goal line by Carter on the pick 6?
  14. yeah pretty much showed that this offence is balanced and has many different ways to beat you...focus your game plan on one aspect...two others step up and become the dagger..so it's a pick your poison type thing with our offence...and this is very encouraging and will eliminate any prolonged offensive dry spells. once tompkins gets more game savy and integrated we may get even better...and just love how the o-line drives everything..mean..nasty and play right from whistle to whistle..downfield punishing guys and helping the weapons all over the field. come cold weather football these guys are going to just be punishing teams left right and center
  15. He must have a killer QB rating..2 for 2..about 30..35 yards and a TD
  16. He is gonna draw coverage help away from Adam's. And looks to be a good possession guy with big play abikity
  17. Nichols got screwed by his defense and coaching in his 2 playoff games here..look at the stats and how each game went..not on him Any semblance of a defense and no coaching brain farts and most likely we are in both west finals and a good chance one of them we prob would have won
  18. Exactly..on the punt where Darvin passed it Strevler is the second option..Harris is the primary target but 2 Argos went with him and covered him so a pass to him would have been most likely incomplete or picked off. Kudos to Adam's for recognizing it and Strev's for doing his part and running his part to a T and being in the spot to make the play. Well coached
  19. Big block on the Demski run too..he does all the things right..always been a kick ass blocker since he arrived here
  20. Thing is tho..good teams generally abuse the weak sisters and save for the 2 quarter melt down against bc we have basically mauled the bad teams..a good sign
  21. Or goes on and on about squaring up shoulders to turn up field..holy crap I sure people got the idea after the 6th or 7th time he yammered on about it
  22. That's generally what happens when you chase the money and don't create any lasting legacy...and try and become a leader...and you get some inflated defensive stats as your crappy defense is always on the field so you rack up the tackles. Also listen to that first podcast with Andrew Harris and his comments on not getting Muamba...he basically said he was glad and that Muamba wouldn't fit in here and didn't want him on the team...more or less...we lucked out big time with him spurning us
  23. sadly nope..haha...u made me laugh there...good one!
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