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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Yeah he is like the father figure of the oline.. keeps everyone in check and leads by example..all the while just being dominant and consistent
  2. Edmonton has yet to shut Harris down tho, and Nichols has carved up Edmonton's defense 3 times already in last 2 years and would have had offense on the field a good 7-10 mins more as well..keeping edmonton off the field and most likely scoring more points when doing so.
  3. Changing of a QB tho in football is a very big thing, the only position in my opinion that makes a significant difference other than weak O-lineman. Especially when you are swapping out a proven QB with a recent track record of 22-9 with a rookie straight out of college who's first exposure to 3 down football was the 3 weeks prior to the game...so yeah in this instance that change does change a lot. As for the Riders...in essence your roster is basically at the QB position a collection of back-ups..and the "starter" has shown nothing this year, or the last couple years and him being in the game you probably do worse against Montreal, or at best the same, so that comparison isn't really a good one...You guys do not have a starter worthy of being a starter, and looks like this year you are staying that way unless you swing a deal for "potential" at that position, but will have to give up a lot to get that, and would be robbing Peter to pay Paul and still no better off. That all can be attributed to piss poor management and a stubborn egomaniac who thinks he is just plain better than anyone else, and until he is gone, or smartens up, I see that franchise continuing to spin it's tires..I have seen and played with similar Management and coaches and tho outward appearances may seem rosey and fine, I can guarantee you it is not.....and then you still have to address 0-line issues and general depth all across the board. A defense (a great defense) will generally will pull out 2-3 wins a year for a team with a average to below average offense and to me it seems it has pulled out 2 already, and as much as many out West might not want to admit it, your offense is a step or 2 below the below average point, and a lot of it is due to the coaching there, and it's not changing anytime soon...so based on the fact the sun will shine on a dogs butt every once in a while...the dogs butt (Sask Offense) will most likely have a day..or 2...and the defense probably will steal one more for a 5 win season...likely the least amount in the league next to Montreal, tho I see potential there and more depth to sustain injuries and guys who aren't cutting it
  4. you think we would have lost against edm if we had our starter in there?..when a raw rookie still wearing his Universality undies almost did?... And your offence has scored 4 TD's all year...you plan on holding every team to under 15 points all year...just for a "chance" to maybe win??...highly doubtful
  5. they are lucky not to be 0-4 truth be told.
  6. Riders are lucky to have 2 wins...and yeah..are in the bottom 2 teams in the league. No QB..No O-line and NO depth...a good defense, but are an injury away from trouble ans well as ratio hell. T.O most likely beats them if Trestman challenged the pick 6...and they have scored what??..4 TD's on offence all year???...and the 2 main things to fix there to rectify that..QB and O-line are the toughest to do...especially in mid season. We beat the teams we were supposed to (Mtl and Bc) and anyone with any intelligence will admit we would have beaten Edm with Nichols, and most likely Ham too.
  7. I would say he is the best Right Tackle in the league and totally personifies a team player. And to think when he was originally brought in, many just looked at it as a "meh" signing..But just a solid dude all around and he loves it here to boot...
  8. We haven't missed Bond in the least.. sure he was good...but not the main piece that held this group together. Oline play and being dominant is a lot of times due to familiarity and cohesion between a group of guys who have spent a lot of time together as a group which this group has. Factor in that chungh..Bryant.. goose and Hardrick are all top shelf talents and well you have basically the best line in the league..they trust each other...know each others tendancies and work off it. The beauty of it is they will/should all be back again next yr if we want them so things will continue on the same way. I gotta mention that Hardrick has been dominant this year..takes his blocks to the extreme and just doesn't let his guys go..send them into the next level consistently..he is one of the straws that stirs the oline's drink and his attitude and edge is a big part of the oline's personality..love that guy out on the field
  9. Cant be too out of line to say Montreal and Sask are arguably the 2 worst teams in the league at this point
  10. he won't get an nfl shot anytime soon...especially if Nichols doesn't go down again and he remains planted as the back-up..Now if he gets a lot of playing time..and takes over for Nichols next year for whatever reason and does well...all year..he may garner interest, but even so, a barely 1 yr starter and only 2 true years of NCAA ball as a QB he best be battling for 3rd string/PR spot there...if he was to stick, and his best bet is to win starter here outright, have 2 solid years of play and then explore as a 26-27 yr old guy with experience
  11. The line is easily the the best in the league...with Neufeld in there. We are the leading rushing team, and Strevler has hardly been touched in the pocket as well, and times he has been pressured more of it was his inexperience...if Nichols was in the ball would have been out already. Neufeld had injuries before yeah...true...but he a big burly farm boy and he couldn't get out of the tub before because he was always rushed back before 100 percent healthy as the line sucked and had no depth..so he kept getting knicked..
  12. when they ran their sad 3 man front scheme Masoli had all day back there..watching Evans try to get penetration dealing with 2 guys was sad to watch...definitely not worth the money they have tied into him
  13. I would have to disagree there..Evans and whatever they play beside him are inferior to Poop and Nevis...Why they got so worked up over there thinking Evans was this beast is beyond me...Jefferson is good..Hughes hit and miss and looking like he isn't an every down dude no more and all the back-ups there are marginal..They didn't get a lot of pressure yesterday..there were many times Masoli could have went through his reads 2x ..
  14. alexander was on 1 game injured last week i believe
  15. hahah...nope his ole role looks just fine there Pretty sure a savvy vet and a guy who can read a defense would do okay there...a lot of the issues is your QB's cant get past a first read, or recognize coverage for a hot read and the defense knows it, and is not concerned about it. Poor personnel management by Jones isn't helping and dumping those vet receivers for new guys, who don't see the things they should isn't helping the cause either, but a veteran QB could work with that and make things work...but you don't have that currently, and looks like you won't have that this year either
  16. Agreed...but also, you guys do not have a QB that will take you anywhere...Collaros included. 5 wins will be a high water mark for you guys this year I think and thats only if your defense plays lights out all year long..and they won't as there is no depth there..and injuries will happen
  17. yeah...it's bizarre...speaks to the character of the guys on defense to follow the script and not go rogue and abandon the scheme, but on the flip side, I hope that conversations were not had by the players and with Hall to adjust or if they could do something else if they see something on the field , and have Hall say no....this would not be a good thing, and certainly after that game, and watching how a different team approached that offence, that changes have been made. We have better players overall in our back-end with Randle, Fenner, Leggett, Loffler, Bighill and JSK as opposed to Jovon, Gainey, Edam, Butler, Hurl and Eugoven...so for us to not scheme against teams better and shut them down is soley on the Co-Ordinator
  18. eeeked out a win but that will be few and far between...no QB'ing at all there and no saviour in site..Defense played decent, but I think Hamilton was off a bit, and Masoli in the end I think was still feeling the head shot on the Hughes TD...Why they didn't challenge it, or the command center not see that on the review...as all scoring plays are reviewed is odd....take that TD away and it's 1-3 Sask got the benefit tho of watching us last week and how not to defend against that offense, and scheme for it as Hamilton didn't change anything on their end..The rematch I bet is a Hamilton easy win tho.
  19. Way to ruin your QB mr Jones..hooked after 2 series?? What a joke
  20. To be honest I was shocked both were even let go in the first place. I would think thou we may see Conteh back shortly
  21. and Manziel drives for 2 scores and Rider Nation cries for Ol Jonsie to trade for him...can see it now
  22. Yeah have a gut feeling this is going to be an ugly game ...again for Sask and will look very out classed. I think this is the game too where we see Carter really implode on filed..and or on the sidelines and it will make for great T.V It's very realistic and probable that they will be a 1-7 team after 8 games...at best 2-6....In the CFL with no QB...no O-line = No Chance
  23. and I don't think we are in any cap related crisis that would require that.
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