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Everything posted by Booch

  1. No...I.just want Buck to take em lol In all honesty...I don't see a roster Jake would make...or Schmeck...maybe he may as last man up depth...but for reps we gave him....nowhere
  2. I dint think going into this yr that ZC is the guy to rely on now...the run of post season games alone is telling I as well would bring Lapo back..as a straight up coordinator...with just that to focus on...he'd be fine
  3. Demski running wild cat wouldn't have done worse
  4. Jake...kolo...ZC...Biggie....please
  5. Or...they all starters...they in building cause they can help us win.... Dolegala by all accounts in practice too looked better...basically because he has been in league 2 yrs...and started...so he recognizes things quicker right now...so why was he not brought in for zZC? Was this another case of guy here longer...so he gets it by default?
  6. For those not on Twitter @GCn20 u still gonna die on that hill about the grip??? Not enough hate to loose guys...too many here for ride country club no need to put in the extra to stay on top...where do u think that eminates from
  7. Positive note...I thought Jake was signed to 2 yrs.....so there is hope....
  8. I'd call it a bit of that....a lot of it is stubborn arrogance....and also resting on old success and believing you dont have to change.....hoping it's not a case of not knowing how to change....but man...3 yrs running now....makes one wonder I also believe he needs to put his Canadiana bias on the back burner....find and position your best 6 Nationals and the one Nationalized American at whatever position it is....and then fill the roster around that...with your best...not your fav's...or you old vets.....extra Canadians cause thats what he does....but that leads back to his stubborn arrogance....so....is anything really gonna change under him?
  9. I know 100 percent...there was some anger and frustration on the defensive side.....and have I not been waving that flag 2 yrs running now? And like I said in an other post....we lost guys like u mentioned....and Gray..Desjarlais....Darvin...Couture...totally forgot about Kongbo and even only being a rookie brought it...24/7 and lead by example....when he was re-habbibg his knee that rookie yr and the way he worked at practice....gym....it even inspired the vets to go harder....we havn't really replaced any of that....
  10. I've alluded a few times here...much to the opposing opinion of several nut tuggers that don't believe all you see and hear from media...and lil sound bites here and there....all is not as what people like to portray....and this notion guys love Osh and will walk on fire thru a wall and into a septic tank for him is wayyyyy over played....**** gets old and worn out and doesnt work anymore....and guys are not happy with a lot of stuff....decisions....play calling....roster....usage....but they are pro's and will never say it to the media......I'm not media....I not trying to say I am better than anyone...but I have played....train with these guys....played with some ...moreso on coaching fronts now....and I get confidential trust being a brother....and not/never disclosing names on a forum...of which many DO peruse here.....so if I did say so and so said this....he said that...I'd have some explaining to do....People like to mock me...have thier say and that I don't know ****....think I better than Osh...whatever.....but I havnt been far off the mark at all...and called a lot of this crap before it happened...membership has it's privledge NO NO NO...ITS all on the players tho!!!...Bullshit to the highest degree....I guess based on the points every other team put out against them they must have exponentially better players right?....or....our coaches put out poor choices....and then failed them with poor scheme....based on the last 3 yrs....i go with the coaching and scheme....rosters hmmmm maybe some people here should actually consider things I say...and look a lil deeper if thay can and realize since end of 2022 it's not all lollypops and rainbows.....cause the media and others in media say so
  11. Sweet fack all...I'd take him here in a heartbeat If we were to go with a total unknown wild card...I'd just go with Wilson...On the cheap entry level deal....and load him with elite pieces...best way to learn and earn is being dropped right into it...he's got a yr under his belt and all off-season to prepare...and all camp.....and even if it a slow start to season...it's where u are at end....old...aging vets has shown to not be the way post 2021 easy fix...his Boss's...aka Miller and Walters can take the option right out of his hands....and yes they are the bosses....not Osh sorry if I offend you....but I know for certain he is not a whiner...or has an ego.....fake news gotta get there first..we stand pat and do the usual....next yr we wont.....we were lucky this yr i'd say...its a bigger gable actually....and it also puts you further behind for 2026...we still have a solid core (if the right guys are back) brought in some real good new guys....rolling with the Vaj or a younger lesser known...on cheaper deal...with talent around them....is the better forward looking way....and we should be looking forward...not backward...Look at the ast 3 grey cup winning QB's...MBT/Sexpest/....The Faj.....Arbuckle....the right talent around them...and A+ coaching and prep.....they won....no reason we can't with someone else not named Zach
  12. yeah....he has the sentimental/favs thing going on too...cmon Bob!! lol and the DA designation would be huge elsewhere...DT...DE...LB...WR....RB WE have more thn enough leaders and locker room guys....buh bye
  13. for me Strev Schoen Lawler Bryant Lofton Dobson WJ Fox Haba Garbutt Cole Ford Parker I want Holm too....but if it's fiscally reasonable...Same with Sergio tho I'd love a Canadian there for DA purposes...Neuf for right price/role...but we need to be getting the heir apparent playing....whoever it is but his exp...and valoe as the 6th or 7th guy would be huge...and with spot starting The rest...totally replaceable and free's up cash
  14. Trim the fat time is right there for the taking
  15. i was gonna say...some kind f 3 way deal where we swap VAJ and ZC
  16. 100 percent agree....I dont think a lot of people truly understand whats all involved...and yeah how things have evolved/changed
  17. are u really being serious?....good god....stop while you are semi competent looking
  18. dead weight...anchor...albotross....nightmare?.... The Vaj I bet would do great here....with BO...his ability to move...2 guys like Lawler and Schoen....Likely a guy or 2 who would follow him here....I'd roll with Vaj as Wilson is groomed...he looks way more advanced and a much better skill set than Brown had/showed after his rookie yr. People like to dump on VAJ but from what I have heard with talking to players...guys love him...he's team first and not a locker room cancer....if anything the opposite....Some guys have said he can get a little too emotional, but it's cause he cares
  19. try 3 years....and no...not in the room per say....but I talk to those in room...train with many....and hear the real ****.....take it for what it is worth...or dont..I could give an eff but much like the U,S political bs....don't believe all the fake news you are fed same ol same ol...it worked before....lets give er again...and have no plan B....seen it how many times?
  20. of a poor game plan....and then not adjusting it...also...the coaches choose the players.....obviously not good enough for big time games....we need more guys who play nasty and can still fit this "Culture" Since we lost guys like Desjarlais...Gray..Darvin...Sheed...Jeffcoat...Stove...Nevis....Couture...we have lost edge and nastiness...mean assed mofo's who got under theskins of other teams and were mean s.o.b's....and we have wilted and failed when it mattered More focus should be made on players who can get it done and are do anything for team towin...as opposed to nice guys...fit culture or see ya...good players will fit any culture and even add to it...it's pretty easy to spot bad eggs right from the get go, and if room is good as it's claimed to be....edgier team first guys will blend in just fine
  21. okay...Osh himself said ZC couldnt grip the ball.....like are u that much of a nut tugger??
  22. you think you are right too....and can't see any different angle...U love Osh...we get it....and maybe the coach should play better players??...hmmm...theres a wild thought...he rosters the players....and as HEAD CAOCH is responsible to make sure whateverplayer is rostered is ready...healthy....and prepared for any circumstance that comes up
  23. he let a QB dictate things to him and play when he couldn't hold ball.,,.let alone throw....he also did nothing to counter what Argo's were doing...he again dressed a player who didnt see the field...he again relied heavily on a receiver (Demski) who was far from being effective....and....had no coverage rostered for it....he again rolled with 2 sub par DT's for no apparent reason I can see other than his love for excessive Canadians.....this team again seemed not totally prepared...and yeah drops and mental miscues is all part of a game prep and coaching...Have you ever played at a high level and know what actual preparation and coaching entails to mitigate that?...No you havn't....an to your point it is on the players?...well maybe thats a reflection on who the coach put out there too...get and or roster better ones who won't/don't choke fact of the matter the loss...and the win last week are collective ventures.....but to say we were not out coached...and our coaching let us don...now 3 yrs running is head in the sand nut tugging.....I get it you thihnk Osh can do now wrong and is perfect.....well he can do better...much better and is far far from perfect...dont let some success blind you. The interesting part is that 3 yrs running....you can inter-change a lot of the complaints...gripes....issues that contributed to the losses and they would be valid....how many failures is it gonna take to change the way you approach things?.....based on what I have seen...and how Osh acts and tries to spin things....I don't see him changing his MO...I just don't. History has shown now he either can't or doesn't know how And our offensive game plan...was crap....and he signed off on it....defense played more than good enough....but again the scheme and the plan to just let Arbuckle of all people sit back un-impeded and carve us up,..was also something the coaches came up with...then didnt alter the plan when it really wasnt working as good as we would have wanted...let alone needed Players cant go rogue and do their own thing...they do as told...and coached up to do.....so you can say all you want that it's a Osh attack....and yeah I guess it is...and justified....our coaching let us down...again....hate to be right and say I told yu so...but I said if we fail ...again it will be due to coaching....and for most part...it was....again leaving the gimp QB who threw them in after it was determined he couldnt hol a ball...let alone throw it as a QB should....who is responsible for that gaff???.....do tell....and it was a direct result of the interceptions....I think a coach made that call...all yr not addressing the returner issue and standing pat...who makes that decison?.....unless you have some other insider info no-one is privy to as to confirm it's not the coach making these calls...then please do disclose
  24. and with the right supporting cast...and use of him...no reason he cant for another 2..3 yrs....
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