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Everything posted by Booch

  1. yeah...it's bizarre...speaks to the character of the guys on defense to follow the script and not go rogue and abandon the scheme, but on the flip side, I hope that conversations were not had by the players and with Hall to adjust or if they could do something else if they see something on the field , and have Hall say no....this would not be a good thing, and certainly after that game, and watching how a different team approached that offence, that changes have been made. We have better players overall in our back-end with Randle, Fenner, Leggett, Loffler, Bighill and JSK as opposed to Jovon, Gainey, Edam, Butler, Hurl and Eugoven...so for us to not scheme against teams better and shut them down is soley on the Co-Ordinator
  2. eeeked out a win but that will be few and far between...no QB'ing at all there and no saviour in site..Defense played decent, but I think Hamilton was off a bit, and Masoli in the end I think was still feeling the head shot on the Hughes TD...Why they didn't challenge it, or the command center not see that on the review...as all scoring plays are reviewed is odd....take that TD away and it's 1-3 Sask got the benefit tho of watching us last week and how not to defend against that offense, and scheme for it as Hamilton didn't change anything on their end..The rematch I bet is a Hamilton easy win tho.
  3. Way to ruin your QB mr Jones..hooked after 2 series?? What a joke
  4. To be honest I was shocked both were even let go in the first place. I would think thou we may see Conteh back shortly
  5. and Manziel drives for 2 scores and Rider Nation cries for Ol Jonsie to trade for him...can see it now
  6. Yeah have a gut feeling this is going to be an ugly game ...again for Sask and will look very out classed. I think this is the game too where we see Carter really implode on filed..and or on the sidelines and it will make for great T.V It's very realistic and probable that they will be a 1-7 team after 8 games...at best 2-6....In the CFL with no QB...no O-line = No Chance
  7. and I don't think we are in any cap related crisis that would require that.
  8. Willy just needs to be behind a beast of an oline and get a few games in succession under his belt where he is relatively clean, and has time to think with out the fear in the back of his mind of being plastered affecting everything he does...a 3-4 game stretch where he isn't mangled and has some success would do wonders for him
  9. read this article..I will give you 3 guesses as to who is bringing this fella in for a look...and first 2 don't count On another note...this team has glaring needs...does this signing address any of them?? http://www.sportingnews.com/nfl/news/denard-robinson-jaguars-crash-dui-drunk-lake-asleep/1iyoxq59diyhq194d7f4qpjylb
  10. Yeah in the draft next year we will have 2 picks in the first round where there will only be 8 picks in the round..so for us that's a pretty sweet deal. Over last 3 years..and with next year we will have built some nice depth and talent via the draft and not had to overpay for free agents.
  11. Yeah once the reigns were off and Strev played with a sense of urgency and quicker tempo..things changed and we were successful. You can say it was against a soft garbage time defense...but it wasn't.. why we game planned the way we did is odd..u hate the "play to not make mistakes," mantra..you lose 90 percent of time. Strevler plays much better all fired up with mixing in his legs
  12. You freaking serious? Man Chris Jones is just not all there...
  13. So Riders sign a DB..again another former NFL washout..who has been out of football a while..and has a rap sheet as long as my leg..gf assaults.. drugs..like wtf?!?! How does Jones scout and find guys? What a sad state of affairs there and you wonder why that team shows no semblance of a team?? Bringing in questionable character and head cases...its almost not even funny anymore
  14. Funny thing is post game Carter said he didn't struggle or have a bad game..like wtf...and that Twitter stuff is hilarious..what a moron
  15. I'd argue to say that Carter isnt there best offensive threat either. Too inconsistent.. make a the odd great play but disappears for stretches..gets the droppsies and as shown last night..takes dumb penalties at bad times...he does it on offense just like on defense. That..and the fact you can get your left nut guys are tired of his BS there and Jones' insistance to coddle him..fracturing that club house I bet..and his constant yapping and boasts of being so great has to have most of his teammates sick of hearing him on a daily basis..most people just get it once a week but those poor riders get it daily..yikes
  16. Well based on things after this game it appears T.O are bad...but with Franklin they should be decent....Sask beat them.. but barely..and if Trestman challenges that pic six they most likely win...Montreal until today looked wretched and a right tire fire..and hopeless...then meet Sask...and well shows were the Riders are at due to Jones questionable coaching and GM skill...absolute garbage..no QB..no oline..poor coaching and zero depth...equally the leagues number one dumpster fire that is burning at a circus... nothing but laughable now...and that is why many here questioned the pre season predictions that they would challenge for first...everything brought up here has been exposed.. wonder where the power rankings will have them now.. anything above 7 would be a joke and seeing as Montreal just beat em they should be last...and look good there. Best player in the league sure looked the part...beat over and over..dumb penalties...and post game interview icing on the cake...a Grade A tool
  17. If you look back at our big comeback against the Als last year..on Nichols long scramble to set up Harris at the 2 Hebert tried the exact same move..launched himself to make a head shot with his helmet at about the 5 yard line..but missed..allowing Nivhols the extra 3 yards or so that made the difference..but his intent was solely to di a head shot instead of wrapping him up and tackling
  18. Wow..just no luck for poor kid...that could be a career finisher for him if he doesnt have the drive to come back from it
  19. No..none whatsoever and to top it off u setting yourself up for bigger issues further into season...
  20. Yeah may have..I think for his career he has shown less than lafrance..possibly at best at par
  21. You can use Jordan Reaves of course..what u thinking MIKE!?!?! He has an athletes physique..that's all Jones seems to see That being said I have never seen a GM leave his team so lean in critical areas..especially a game day roster But yes..this is The Plan..dont question the genius that is Chris Jones
  22. I wouldn't be so concerned with Timmins...one game doesnt make a guy a concernabele threat.. yet...most likely caught edm off guard and they have a tendency to get gouged up the gut like that
  23. Wonder how pissed he is on deciding to re-sign in that circus
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