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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Why they dont bring in Adam's is baffling..he has experience and he can run..in that mess right now that would be pretty beneficial
  2. And man if the riders lose wont that be fun...reading their fan site would be soooooo entertaining. U never know..that Mtl defense may come in really ticked off with something to prove..they have a lot of talent there and aren't nearly as bad as they showed against us...and Saskatchewan offense isn't close to being as good as ours. If they put heat on whoever the sask qb is ..and they will cause their oline is putrid it could be a long day there. Also think they will lean more on sutton..and he will have a heyday against the weak interior of the sask defence
  3. He's not a bum...c'mon man...he's a piece of **** and his carry over attitude and theatrics after a play from being on the riders and their me first mentality had no place here anyway. Wonder if him and Jamal sit there and muse to each other how much they effed up their decisions this winter
  4. He loves all his kids..watch to see who was first guy on field to congratulate Simoneses on his long gain...
  5. Have to laugh at some comments in Troy's tweet...especially the 1990 comment...seems to be the only bullet in rider fans guns in their arguments. If selling the farm/future to win a cup and then spend years after it as the laughing stock of league then I'd rather not win Also the cup they beat us if video reviews were a thing then their key interception would have been overturned not to mention we started a guy who never started before and still barely won...what a successful organization
  6. Agreed...its Nichols team this yr...I would say/hope open competition next yr if Strev keeps it going and gets better.. Could have issues with salary but we'd be payin the same for the 2 regardless where they slot and I'd be okay with Nichols as a pricey backup
  7. Thing too I like about Streveler is when he starts to run when pocket collapses or things break down watch him..he is still looking with eyes down field to make a throw if a guy opens up. There are going to be some huge plays coming from DB's leaving their guy early to try and compensate for his running and he will use that quick release and and hit his receiver wide open
  8. Was gonna say...I love chungh...Goose and Hardrick too..those guys take no **** and are pretty good enforcers within the boundaries of the rules...this team is tight as tight can be
  9. A pathetic thing about the game...watch Strevlers first run...Westerman that piece of **** was trying to twist Strev's knee/ankle on the ground ..Harris and Bryant had to pull him off and you can see Strev say something. Things like that which makes me glad he went to the Montreal circus...no need for losers like that and he was basically owned all night be Bryant and Hardrick...and got 20 yds in penalties..we wont miss his national status one bit..Wally has that more than covered and his 3 TD's and counting are proof of that
  10. Yeah that Bennet throws a nice ball too..has a rocket and looks to be able to scramble just as well as Strev's.
  11. Yeah like this teams fire..they got each others back and stand up for one another.. and it shows Also very apparent they love playing for each other and for the name on front of their jerseys..they are the very embodyment of a "team"
  12. Actually it's a good thing and sign of depth and overall offensive balance that he doesnt have to be a focal point and get beat up in the process..
  13. It will be easier in games to put him in tho now if Nichols is struggling...still small sample size but you can see he obviously has the stuff...he is for real
  14. I can see a offensive player of week possibly for the kid too..so far has me 37.6 fantasy points too lol
  15. Man u gotta love this Strevler..has moxie and fire..reminds so much of Dunnigan
  16. Yeah he is a dirty one..and a yapper too...when he's got nothing to yap about this game...soooooo glad he shunned us
  17. Looking forward to seeing what Bryant will do in the middle..he was one of the new guys brought in this TC that I was most excited about..I nb think a rotation of him..Nevis and Poop will give teams fits and wear em out..
  18. another observation from the game....seeing as the Rider's didn't have any "inside" information of the Ottawa offense as mentioned in an article previously that it was said they did with T.O is there any correlation in the 2 extremes in the deference's performance? Basically it seemed T.O couldn't get going and the Sask defense always had defenders in the right place and swarmed to the ball smothering them...but in Ottawa..Harris pretty much had a clean game...db's and linebackers were constantly in chase mode and Ottawa moved up and down the field easily and hung a 40 spot on them...maybe more truth to this than just speculation...and Penison's ejection from an area he wasn't supposed to be on walk thru day for further "intel" probably put a wrench in the Ottawa game planning....things that make you go..hmmmmmm
  19. Yeah..they are going to be having some in house squabbling in no time there..especially when things dont go well like it is now. Add in Jones' antics and freak outs on sidelines it will be monkey see monkey do. I'd say by game 5 it will be the inmates running the asylum there
  20. Andrew Harris...running back ..winnipeg blue bombers...
  21. I also don't get the high powered offense stigma...the T.O game if Trestman had challenged that pick six would have been reversed and they got one last night...take out those 7 points each game and they have offensively scored 20 points...and 10 points....super high powered
  22. Agreed...Carter has no tackling skill/ability/knowledge..whatsoever and his pick again was a gimme... How Mr Smart Jones thinks this is beneficial is beyond me...weakening your offense to plug in a player to weaken your defense???...funny thing is they have nobody on the 46 man...or PR as a back-up DB...like what kind of roster management is that.... Bond must just be loving this....the Rider's basically took a weak o-line from last year...and replaced 2 guys on it with arguably weaker guys...and no depth behind them...How a CFL team has zero National O-lineman on PR is baffling...let alone only one import who can't crack this roster...and don't even say JSJ is depth on the IR...He has done nothing and if Bladek is better than him...oh my This team is in shambles and based on pre-season and first 2 games where they have score 2 offensive TD's I would say has worst QB'ing in the league
  23. he was handed that team in Edmonton on a platter...had no hand in it at all in creating/building it...he just took over and reaped the rewards
  24. yeah him too...big mouth and spouting off about things in media...who would want to willingly go there and play in that environment is beyond me..what a crappy culture and team mindset. a good majority of that team do not act like pro's and are more concerned with showboating and and acting stupid when making the most basic of football plays...
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