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Everything posted by Booch

  1. he was handed that team in Edmonton on a platter...had no hand in it at all in creating/building it...he just took over and reaped the rewards
  2. yeah him too...big mouth and spouting off about things in media...who would want to willingly go there and play in that environment is beyond me..what a crappy culture and team mindset. a good majority of that team do not act like pro's and are more concerned with showboating and and acting stupid when making the most basic of football plays...
  3. and you don't need a head shot to get one either...especially if you have had several before...and behind that line...he will get pounded repeatedly game in and game out and it will totally affect his pocket demeanor and have him ducking and diving when he doesn't even need to...he already is at that state now...guy is done...and the funny part the Riders are already 250k+ into him salary wise already and the season is 2 games old...
  4. yeah just read some of the exchanges....he is a me first guy..plain and simple and I can see slowly this year starting to cause rifts in Riderland..I would bet that if Jones got tired of him and cut him...he would be out of the league cause I can't see anyone wanting to deal with him...he ain't that good
  5. If anything Carter is going to get hurt "trying" to play DB and making tackles/hits...I bet tho Jones will keep him there tho to try and keep his pride intact and not look like he made a stupid decision.. Seriously he beaked off on twitter?...what a real pro...and his concern about fantasy points and his proclamation of the best in the league is the type of guy you don't want on a team...he's a real peice of work that one
  6. Taken out to the woodshed...and what about the vaunted defensive front and receiving Corp????... Few thoughts...actually Moncreif and Eggouven or however it's spelled are ballers and kept this game closer than it should have been..they are good. Not sure why they keep this Carter pandering..its pathetic. The try to dissect the INT ten diff ways how good he was but in actuality he grabbed a poorly thrown ball that hit him in numbers when Harris effed up and flubbed it inside instead of the out Spencer was running and he fell trying to contort back to the ball. Why not focus on his getting beat deep.. or his pathetic tackle attempts throughout the game when he basically dives at a ball carrier.. maybe review the Powel run where you know who came in off edge and totally Hurl'd it and missed. I was thinking does he ever shut up?? I guess he does when he gets schooled and his team gets stomped..takes the wind right out of their collective pandering for the cameras and showboating after even the most generic of plays.. is it just me or is that whole team just full of that crap after any play..where most other teams guys just go about business and act like they've done it before.. I guess that's the culture there of the me first mentality. That Oline is horrendous and those QB's are going to be Willy'd by game 5..no help in site either on PR or anywhere else they stash their guys...defensive line too..by 2nd quarter their guys were gassed and 2 of the 3 cdn tackles they rely on would be hard pressed to make a roster elsewhere...and again..no help anywhere on the PR. It's fun to go back and read Riderfans threads boasting of their QB depth..embarrassment of riches for receivers..dominant defensive line...yeah..right. We seen what Hurl offers...again and Judge is still outclassed there as a sub too..they are lucky T.O shat the bed last week or they would be 0-2 and all freaking right out...tho I sure they are already anyway. Fact of the matter that looks like a weak team..with no depth and now some serious QB question marks. Collaros will be so gunshy now in pocket to get pasted again and trying to avoid being concussed he's gonna look just like or worse than last year...and they are so screwed SMS wise right now..with lots of bonuses already paid out have no means to go out and fix anything
  7. Not sure Lafrance who hasn't practiced much at all and isn't in game shape in over Augustine is really the "smart" move I also think Augustine offers more than Lafrance too...but oh well I guess
  8. Don't get their mindset on roster configuration, or is it just a fact of the matter that they have zero depth all along the roster and is a result of Jones's poor SMS management and poor recruiting. Technically they don't even have 5 true starting DB's on that roster, and no back-up to cover the starters...The o-line depth is sad too and the back-up Bladek isn't ready for prime time. The d-line as well...sure they have 2 good ends...and a multitude of back-ups but at tackle are so weak...Evans is a good starter but not a world beater by any means and Steele and Henry would be good back-ups...not what you would want as starters if you could help it..and behind them they have zip...a couple injuries in game along the lines thee, or in db backfield and they are in a world of hurt...they may jump out of the gate fine, but come mid season and injuries crop up and they face a heavy West schedule I see their season going downward quickly
  9. as sad as it is to say it...I would not be surprised in the least if Jones "asks" Penison to report back on formations etc on a walk through...or if he offered it up and Jones accepted. A walk through isn't intensive stuff where you see plays ran at speed...BUY you will see pre snap formations..personnel and basically the primary target for these formations, so when game time comes...you recognize it and adjust to it. Based on that other article where it was mentioned that Sask seemed to be in the T.O playbook and knew where the ball was going well things make sense and where smoke...there usually fire and being it was a Sask home game that slime ball could have been anywhere in that stadium having a ganders.. That organization under Jones has already been caught as cheaters and dancing the boundaries of professionalism, so to think they have stopped is foolish at best
  10. Yeah he has a different way of throwing...he is truly an arm thrower and throws it like a dart...but with heat on it...Actually in a way is a good thing as it makes for a quick release and less chance of shoulder/throwing issues...also works well in close quarters and scrambling plays...his strength tho in my opinion is his mind..he's smart and actually can read, and adapt to what he see's...most rookies can't...especially ones who have been exposed to the 3 down game for basically just a month...and with only 2-3 weeks now with the starters
  11. amazing a Rider fan actually sees things in a sane manner. He is a weapon on offense when he has his head in a game and is pandered too...but when not...well...we all know what a first class doucher and team cancer he can be. The rider's lack of depth in key areas is astounding tho and is bizarre to say the least...are really playing a dangerous game that can see that season implode quickly and ugly I doubt they win though tomorrow...too many questions still and the win against the ARGOS was not impressive and a good team would have blown them clear outta the stadium
  12. comparing stats..players..games from different era's let alone different years is a waste of time. Analyze the now..and what was done in the moment and base a judgement. A Streveler playing the game in which Brock did in that era would most likely have run roughshod and won..but again...why even compare For as raw a rookie as a QB can be in any league I expected less...wanted more...and got a good indicator on what he is after a decent game. He didn't do anything dumb and try to force stuff that wasn't there...he actually was reading the defense and went to spots that his reads favored...He had the presence on the field that you want to see in a QB and shows that has ability to extend drives with his legs...and will get better with that aspect...and bet you see significant improvement in Mtl. Is he going to be a world beater this year in any games...most likely not...but then again, if his progression continues as it has since TC then he could possibly do that. is he going to make rookie errors..you bet....but he is going to do some things that will make people stand up and notice...most definitely...he already has Bottom line, with more experience he is going to give us a chance to win games when he is in, more than being just a placeholder where we are hanging on for dear life with no real legit reason to think otherwise. As well, once Nichols is back the team will have a very good "capable" QB who the team is confident and comfortable with. What more could you want...and I'd go as far to say that next year we will have the top QB tandem in the league
  13. What's idiotic is Jones's continued obsession with putting Carter at DB for whatever reason...if they don't have anyone in house thats as good or better then that's pretty pathetic...He's not that good...got a gimme interception that had nothing to do with his play or skill and most other times was beat but QB didn't get the ball there....being in chase position then stumbling to the ground with the receiever when the pass falls out of reach isn't stellar play. Also, his tackling is wretched and the apparent "n hits" he had in the last game he played were result of ball carrier running through him...nothing more..nothing less...Why you would weaken your offence by removing him when your questionable QB needs all help he can get to put in an offensive guy who is a marginal DB ...is ..well questionable. He will get exposed soon enough and most likely gets hurt as well....and that would be good riddance if we didn't have to see him for a while if you ask me. The funny part of the hype train of this stupidity is there are so many guys in the league who could go both ways, and probably do it a lot better, but they are on teams with coaching staffs who aren't idiots and bring in proper talent to do the job.
  14. Ha...I got banned basically for saying "your just mad because your monma made you bring up your dirty dishes from the basement" to a poster who was arguing a post I made ...one based on facts by the way. That sites a joke chalk full of hypocritical fans ...a good majority lacking a lot of even general knowledge...there's a few good ones but for the most part seems like a bunch of pre-adolescent punks who need to grow up a little and realize the world doesn't revolve around the Riders...They are the one I guess who only seen the sporadic success over the last 10-15 years or so, and didn't get to see the decades upon decades of futility...save the rider campaigns and being perennial doormats
  15. I bet Nichols is starting game 4 this year...just a hunch
  16. No problem...thats the best footage tho to view everything..schemes..busts..etc...In camp and practices teams will film it that way too so they can properly review everything. I know when I played we had a dedicated guy in each stadium filming it
  17. yeah the was a total B.S play....to be honest if I was a coach I would have laid into him good for that stupidity and the chance to come away with zero points...
  18. the general public doesn't have access to that....not sure for the reason but league won't release it to anyone, but if you have a person on the iside you could probably get some footage from the teams
  19. First start...first look at live "real" game speed....didn't panic...didn't do the usual dumb rookie mistakes...less than optimal conditions..first time with first team starters...he did pretty good...and next game will be better as things slow down, and he finds his way. What I liked is he didn't just lock onto his primary read/look and set himself up for being picked easily, or allow defense to limit gains..You can see him going through progressions and 2nd and 3rd looks...some QB's in this league who have been here a while still aren't doing that...so the future looks good with him...and you can't discount his wheels and running ability...he's also built different than most QB's as well...so he can take some hits...on his one run he rocked the one DB and he was partly stunned from the hit..
  20. pretty much every game there is a bust...or two...and huge impact plays that make a guy look inept and horrible...thats football. The two biggest plays in my opinion..The 2 point convert and the Walker Td were plays that if were to happen exactly again would or could go in our favor...and back and forth it goes...**** happens Hardly an indicator after one game...the first game with all the regulars that the scheme and personnel are suspect...give it 3-4 games first
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