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Everything posted by Booch

  1. was 408 yards....not sure where u got your number...and the Willy comment?..like really...do you take glee in being more or less a tool?
  2. and the constant pressure he put on Reilly too...I don't think Hurl ever got as close to a QB as many times in his career here as Biggie did in one game alone
  3. We don't flub that field goal and Lankford doesn't fumble...we win regardless of the defense in that game...I hope that the last we see of Lankford for a while..Fogg and others can do just fine on returns
  4. Yeah when have we may have landed a good one in Strev's Agreed too..there were not any real instances of receievers just roaming free and wide open, and the bigger plays we got beat on were just good plays..and if it were to play again we make the play...I don't think this showing is anything to be panicked about..but if Montreal and Hamilton eat us up on defense..then we have issues...too much talent here to not be successful. I think too...you add Leggett to the mix...we just became even better and have another vet who knows the inside and out stuff of a CFL defensive backfired and what and when to do things. I will say tho that the coaches need to get off the Lankford love train. What he offers on returns we can get elsewhere on roster...or PR and have a player who could contribute moe than just returns...and that brutal fumble too...he hangs on we most likey get points...keep Reilly off the field from scoring and win that game warts and all One thing I'd like to mention...That Bighill stuff at the goal line onn Reilly where he went over the top...can you ever see Hurl doing that???...hahaa
  5. Some thoughts...Firstly no sense to jump to judgement of doom and gloom due to loss as well as there wouldn't have been a reverse jump to judgment if we won...you have to give it a game or two, and ones where you don't stop and go with delays 2 times. Reilly will do what he did again to other teams as he has before to us and others..thats why he is League MVP. The defense wasn't that bad...on the first long TD Randle had great coverage and actually got toe tangled when he went to make a play on ball and fell..you couldn't ask for better coverage and it was a great all around play...as well as the 2 point convert...Gaitor had great position and was a phenominal play and one 9 times out of 10 that receiver wouldn't have made...luck sometimes goes against you. The defense will be good and when settled in...not an issue..Biggie although he Hurl'd it on one play made several plays that last years MLB could never dream of..and Reilly was his slimy greasy self and several of his escapes would have been sacks against anyone else. Streveler played good all things considered...first game...new to CFL..conditions and delays and put us in a spot to win...he will get better so future there is looking good. He's smart and guaranteed he will not make same mistakes again...and really the pick Sherritt got was a horshoe up the butt play too...not so much a QB error...Wolitowski too if more sesoned would have came back for the ball a bit more to attack it as opposed to let it come to him. Also I am not one of them "what if" type of guys but if Nichols was in there we win handily...he rips apart that secondary and the defense is off the field probably at least 5 mins less...if not more, as we would have controlled the game more and kept Reilly off the field...not to mention if Medlock didn't eff up that one FG the game is most likely tied or we possibly win...lots of positives and negatives to take out of the game. Lets reserve judgement until after the next 2 games where I would be shocked we aren't sitting at 2-1
  6. You have to remember as well that Chris Jones...HC who won a Grey Cup was basically handed the keys to that and in no way shape or form orchestrated that roster one bit..he inherited it. As for his duties in Sask he inherited a right steaming pile of crap and could not have made things worse..tho he almost did and tarnished his rep with his cheating ways. But it appears in yr 3 they are regressing..no top notch Canadians..and paltry depth behind what they have. He has neglected an O-line..your teams back bone and has drafted ..and recruited/negotiated contracts poorly to sustain success and any have to cut guys who could help them..because he is robbing Peter to pay Paul..and it is looking like Paul isn't that good anyway. So the dumping on they get is warranted I think..
  7. What you all think of this?...sooo weak up the middle on defense...and the back-ups even worse And on offense...that line looks horrendous...If I was Bridge or Collaros I'd be shaking in my cleats...Worst center in league...atguably worst Import Rt tackle in the league...2 raw rookie at LT and raw rookie at RG...and there back-up is a knicked Bladek who looked overmatched and dumbfounded last year, as well as this year...yikes I also don't see how that receiving corp is considered so vaunted... https://d3ham790trbkqy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2018/06/2018-Depth-Chart-Game-1-vs.-Toronto.pdf
  8. I know Augustine does fairly well and that's good enough. Miller in on offence is pointless..no threat there to get ball..or do much with it if he did get it..so what's the point With Augustine in there u have an actual threat to deal with along with Harris..and Demski or Dressleer coming out of backfield
  9. also a rookie kicker...A first yr left tackle and left guard...and no o-lineman of any nationality on their practice roster...how is that team considered to be fighting for top spot?
  10. there are other options to do returns on the 46 man other than Lankford
  11. Demski and Fogg would both be back together...Usually you have 2 guys there
  12. and we may still do that....seeing as Fogg is listed as the Kick Returner I am thinking Lankford may sit....and really Demski and Augustine can return kicks too...as well as Dressler but he doesn't need to be taking any unnecessary shots outside of his receiver role
  13. Have Fenner and Bighill not already have played together in B.C...Gaitor too....I don't think cohesion on defense will be an issue to be honest
  14. yeah...see no logic in that...if anything defensive line...and rb/olineman familiarity is key...why Jones neglected this is baffling. I truly think he is riding on the success of winnig a Grey Cup in Edmonton where the team was basically assembled for him and he just took over The past 3 yrs has shown he has clearly no G.M skills...weird roster management which has bordered on poor and has had to resort to basically cheating and or straddling the line on the rules to try and compensate for his short comings...these things can't really be argued
  15. that I agree on...and from experience...a lot of times doing that leads to guys getting hurt..or knicked in that first game...
  16. I was talking on offense mainly...as we were discussing the QB situation..and them not being on the filed much at all in pre-season is somewhat questionable as well...not sure why they held them off
  17. doesn't look like it...we have 21 Canadians on the depth chart...and with deletion of Foketti and Bryant that leaves us our 20 imports...
  18. That last game against CGY was all your starters...or were to be the starters...so not sure how you say playing with your back-ups On the flip side all our back-ups...and pretty much 80 percent of the guys who were cut or PR'd were beating the BC starters into the 3rd quarter...so yeah...feel pretty good actually
  19. if you go by pre-season results...yeah...they appear to be
  20. we have 3 QB's just like everyone else...plain and simple...and all 3 of ours looked better i pre-season than your 3. And if you use the excuse it's just pre-season and thats why our rookies looked good then you should be really worried when your "2 starting calibre guys" looked like for a lack of a better word....crap
  21. That's what I think it looks like. That defense of EDM doesn't look impressive at all...even with a Rookie at QB i can see several areas we can exploit...Hoover at DB should get eaten up by our wideouts and I can see Harris/Augustine/Demski really casuing trouble in the middle/flats....much like Harris did last year If we can keep Reilly unsettled...I actually see a pretty easy win here
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