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Everything posted by Booch

  1. I know Augustine does fairly well and that's good enough. Miller in on offence is pointless..no threat there to get ball..or do much with it if he did get it..so what's the point With Augustine in there u have an actual threat to deal with along with Harris..and Demski or Dressleer coming out of backfield
  2. also a rookie kicker...A first yr left tackle and left guard...and no o-lineman of any nationality on their practice roster...how is that team considered to be fighting for top spot?
  3. there are other options to do returns on the 46 man other than Lankford
  4. Demski and Fogg would both be back together...Usually you have 2 guys there
  5. and we may still do that....seeing as Fogg is listed as the Kick Returner I am thinking Lankford may sit....and really Demski and Augustine can return kicks too...as well as Dressler but he doesn't need to be taking any unnecessary shots outside of his receiver role
  6. Have Fenner and Bighill not already have played together in B.C...Gaitor too....I don't think cohesion on defense will be an issue to be honest
  7. yeah...see no logic in that...if anything defensive line...and rb/olineman familiarity is key...why Jones neglected this is baffling. I truly think he is riding on the success of winnig a Grey Cup in Edmonton where the team was basically assembled for him and he just took over The past 3 yrs has shown he has clearly no G.M skills...weird roster management which has bordered on poor and has had to resort to basically cheating and or straddling the line on the rules to try and compensate for his short comings...these things can't really be argued
  8. that I agree on...and from experience...a lot of times doing that leads to guys getting hurt..or knicked in that first game...
  9. I was talking on offense mainly...as we were discussing the QB situation..and them not being on the filed much at all in pre-season is somewhat questionable as well...not sure why they held them off
  10. doesn't look like it...we have 21 Canadians on the depth chart...and with deletion of Foketti and Bryant that leaves us our 20 imports...
  11. That last game against CGY was all your starters...or were to be the starters...so not sure how you say playing with your back-ups On the flip side all our back-ups...and pretty much 80 percent of the guys who were cut or PR'd were beating the BC starters into the 3rd quarter...so yeah...feel pretty good actually
  12. if you go by pre-season results...yeah...they appear to be
  13. we have 3 QB's just like everyone else...plain and simple...and all 3 of ours looked better i pre-season than your 3. And if you use the excuse it's just pre-season and thats why our rookies looked good then you should be really worried when your "2 starting calibre guys" looked like for a lack of a better word....crap
  14. That's what I think it looks like. That defense of EDM doesn't look impressive at all...even with a Rookie at QB i can see several areas we can exploit...Hoover at DB should get eaten up by our wideouts and I can see Harris/Augustine/Demski really casuing trouble in the middle/flats....much like Harris did last year If we can keep Reilly unsettled...I actually see a pretty easy win here
  15. Couldn't have described it any better myself. we also have the best kicker in league...and the riders now are going with a basically unproven rookie...certainly to cost a game or two when the pressure is on The most bizzarre thing there is they have no depth at all behind any o-lineman..Canadian or American and are looking to start 2 unproven new Americans for whatever reason and truthfully sounds like a cap hell reason...so they had to jettison their best "proven" American....If you are buying Chris Jones's B.S about Bond being not better than who replaced him so doesn't justify keeping him then you are just plain stupid. All the greeinie fans there were raving about him..saying how he was clearly the best...couldn't stop using the term "roadgrader" but all of sudden he was sub par...what a joke If they suffer any injury to any Canadian they are in a world of trouble...not to mention multiple ones...They are so weak on the defensive and offensive lines with Canadians that it's almost comical...
  16. Yeah I don't see a lot of holes in that lineup...Fogg as a punt and kick returner...does that mean no Lankford...and if so...why even have him on the 46?
  17. I actually like Sanchez on the panel..
  18. I think his ranking is a bit high regardless of what or where he plays...he is way overhyped for what he provides...and the threats of problems he can...and has caused
  19. so technically he is our tenth as this was based on previous play...hahaha
  20. How it works is you declare before the game that you will use X amount of National starters on offense...and X amount of National starters on defense, and this has to be maintained throughout the game. You don't have to declare "who" they are...you just need to maintain the number you declared. So if the offense is sucking you would have to remove an import o-lineman with your Canadian back-up to get in an extra import receiver And as said above...a DI can come in only for another American...unless you are staring more than the required Nationals...then he can come for whomever
  21. the o-line will get it done...no issues there...same unit as last 2 years now basically save for Bond and the loss of him isn't going to be hardly noticeable..Christ if he got cut from the sad sack O-line that is Sask then he must have really regressed...nobody on their current o-line could displace anyone on ours..I'd go as far to say that our back-ups (Fokketti/Couture/Spooner) are all guys who could slot in and start there and make that team better....man sure is nice to be where we are with O-line depth and talent then it is there eh?
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