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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Pretty much..lol And if messam gets dinged or hurt in game..they need to bring in another national somewhere on offense...oh my
  2. He actually growing on me...the CFL mau actually be the perfect fit for him. He looks good today so far.
  3. Watching Willy...any sign of..or actual pressure from defense he panics..and tosses ball away with no real purpose..and most times at the receivers feet. If we apply any pressure at all on him the defense will have a field day
  4. Said all along that their O-line is brutal.. and it showed and they have zero depth/replacement options so not sure what they will do. Putting a shell shocked Collaros behind it is just asking for trouble..and his play showed that. Jones saying he was "rusty" man that's some funny stuff..
  5. Man he tossed him aside like a small child...too funny
  6. Yeah I think Bennett was more an issue of he just rushed things too much once he decided where to go... He made right reads. Didn't lock into a target pre snap..he just got too rushed for no reason other than rust and eagerness to look good and didn't let it develop...he went to the right spot with ball tho. He impressed with basically 2 days of practice. The dline as well was real good.. wore down a bit but in a pinch that whole group could play a regular season game and not hurt you. Sad that there is gonna need to be some cuts there. Montgomery and Bryant could start in my opinion but who do you replace..Casher too looked good ..so some tough decisions there but I would not be shocked if all 3 are kept here on PR..IR or somehow..and if we gotta cut ties with a OPO or Nevis..or even both we wont be hurting from it. Looks like Corney too has really stepped up his progression..I can see him this year making some impact plays.. Gaitor I think confirmed a halfback spot..Seisay too impressed and he just got back from injury so he will improve more..PR spot for him for sure. I see first game a DB group of Loffler..Randle..Gaitor..Alexander..Walker and Fogg in some capacity to start season and Jones..Conteh and Branning on roster as foot soldiers...with our linebacking crew and front 4..they should fare much better than last year. I think Spooner showed he can be a viable backup..along with Couture..I see no oline worries at all with starters and backups unless we get hit with a rash of injuries but then no team can withstand that too well. Also I can't see Augustine not making roster...he blocks really well..runs hard..can catch and play teams.. he may make it hard for Lafrance to get on roster if you ask me..and I'm just fine with that
  7. Nice hustle play by Corney..and man he comes off the edge fast
  8. Lankford just showed what I mentioned in a camp report..too much of a body catcher and any traffic or contact.. well u saw it..dropped..plus he plays weak when ball in hands
  9. Yeah like the tenacity of the defense this game..and with all backups..has the defensive philosophy here finally switched??
  10. Sounds like undisciplined play all over..and the Carter on defense stupidity has cost em 14 points..this humor just writes itself if u ask me
  11. And almost 4 pics...sounds like he still is what he was last 2 yrs.. crap
  12. Possibly Gray down road as well..watching Spooner ge has the body type and quick feet/athleticism to play it..though not sure he has ever played in college or is an option our staff is considering
  13. I think that this D-line tonight is gonna be very disruptive...
  14. On the Durant willing to unretire..that's funniest thing I heard in a while.. after what he said and then say he could come back if needed is pathetic As for injury...based on timeline it's what I figured..meniscus tear I bet..more specifically a crescent tear which when occurs can seem like your knee gave out on you and u did something major...I had one myself and when it folds over in the joint causes major pain...sometimes locks up..or as in his case causes u to collapse...easy surgery orthascropic..trim it..clean out any debris and rest up..I came back in 3 weeks on mine and just depends on your pain threshold..if u have minimal swelling from the surgery and what kind of mentality u have.. Technically u can play with it unfixed but it can be painful..cause swelling and tear worse...and if it folds and flips around you have results of what happened in practice.. or worse
  15. I'd take Drew before Bridge and Adam's..at least he has more substantial experience.. has been very successful before and knows this system..could pick it up fairly quickly. Who knows..a second chance here surrounded by actual talent this time he could most likely keep us competitive and win some games..and maybe surprise. Start him each game and use a short leash with Strevler coming in if Drew is just not cutting it. He would be an option tho only if Nichols is a shorter term absence..if gone for the yr I would just go with what we got in house unless we can pry Franklin away from T.O for nothing more than our extra first round pick at the most. Any other option out there is not worth it and actual downgrade as they would need several weeks to get up to speed with offense.
  16. Not drugs...just over counter regular supplements..
  17. Pre workout supplement...a protein supplement ...branch chain amino acids (bcaa) Basically just post and pre workout supplementation to maximize training..I use a couple of them Rivalus being the brand
  18. The most a team would get is a second rounder for a back up..maybe a neg list guy tossed in. Only one who might cost a 1st would possibly be Franklin
  19. YEAH LOSE the Adams talk..we have better already here
  20. a few of on this site are more of an insider than him to be honest
  21. Trainers and therapist can do a test on the filed to pretty much determine if its an ACL tear...Even a partial tear for the most part. And if it was either of those..especially a partial tear they would not have allowed him to walk off the field and risk more damage...
  22. Yeah but when Willy went down we had crap behind him...and a lot of crap around him. Makes no sense to trade or give up assets for a QB that really is only a prospect much like what we have...but I feel has less upside than our 3 currently...we have pieces and system here to be successful if you are smart. Only trade I would make is if we could pry Lulay out of B.C..if it didn't cost too much
  23. I wouldn't trade anything for anyone period...there's nobody out there with any upside greater than what we have in house....and really so what about no cfl game experience....I guess you will get it on the fly and rely on your coaches and talent around you and don't try and be a hero....season is far from lost if Nichols is down for significant time...or all year. We are strong everywhere else this year it appears, and we just need our QB to manage the game...worst case I see it...we battle for the crossover.... Also if a tear...and depending on the severity...you could still conceivably play with a brace..been done too many times to mention...
  24. Hell no to Bridge....he couldn't run an offence like we have...he's just a duck and chucker...I'd rather go with Strevler....let him learn rial by fire..sometimes thats the best way to do it
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