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Everything posted by Booch

  1. I have said all along I have liked this signing...He is a complete back and can do all 3 major things required...and he runs hard...not sure what's not to like about him. To be honest having him as a depth guy/ST player who can come in and contribute on offence makes more sense than a John Rush really
  2. which means SFA....Whats your point?? Edm won 6 games under that criteria..and CGY won 4...and also had a tie...guess they were all smoke and mirrors too Face it...you had a lucky run when sitting at 2-4 when you looked like absolute garbage after a weak BC hammered u and teams took you lightly...and paid for it...and after that were basically a .500 team The one win...or some clammer one play away from the Cup too is a joke...you were lucky to even have that chance to even be in play-offs if not for Ham and Montreal sucking so bad..
  3. Riders........paper...mirrors...local media hype.. and lack of depth...last year had a lucky run to get record they did...this year the real team will emerge and depth will kill them...as will hanging hat on a damaged QB. I bet they will be battling for a playoff cross over spot again with BC
  4. to get game reps...and actually play... We could conceivably have Demski and Simonese or Woli starting with the other as a back-up as well as possibly Augustint/Lafrance/Pierre all on roster as Canadian depth..If push came to shove you could always push Harris out to a receiever role if one of starters get hrt and have Augustine or Lafrance in backfield as an in game adjustment. Also I really liked what i seen of Pierre...has nice hands..strong and fast and would play a similar role as what Watson did...and Pierre too would excell on ST's
  5. Penison must have lost his mind with that prediction
  6. Yeah dont quite understand their bringing in all the ex NFL washouts..especially when it doesnt meet what they are trying to do ratiowise. Not even sure they know how to deal with their ratio...and they had a guy to backup messsm and they turned him. Just more fuel to add to the fire of Jones being a lousy GM
  7. The first year Nichols had won the job over Reilly and then got hurt...And Reilly did well.. Bennett shouldn't look like a deer in the headlights...this will be his 3rd camp and 3rd round of preseason games so he is not stepping on the filed as green as green can be
  8. Yeah sounds like same path I was/am on...right knee is worn down to the grey matter now..well past the initial layer of bone that was below where the cartridge was. I even was part of a trial program done in Atlanta where small dowels where removed out of the knee joint and cartridge was grown on them from your cells..then place back in to try and create new layer of cartridge.. had microfracturing to try and mimic growth too..good times Dr Longstaff here and later Dr McDonald have been my surgeons and eventually I will stop delaying and get my knee replaced as like you said..getting hip issues on opposite side from favouring it so much over last 10-15 years...so maybe it's time.. originally you couldn't replace a replacement and it only had about a 20yr lifespan.. but now u can so I feel better about it now
  9. Yup gotta show it against the actual lineup of the teams we play...that being said our "other" guys before we tried to develop 9 looked like crap generally against the same type of lineups in previous years..so a bit of optimism is warranted. Strev looked confident and aware out there as well..a good sign regardless of his opponent. And like I said in a different post that competition he just faced is better than any he has ever played against and bnbhe fared well..so another positive thing especially as that was his intro into Canadian ball
  10. Gotta say tho that if our 3 rotational ends keep up that play and Nevis can continue his work with Poop..our defense is gonna give teams fits with bighill and JSK being able to just flow to the ball...damn
  11. Nah..his 2 playoff appearances with us if we had any semblance of a defense he would have won...should have won really no fault of his..The 2 playoff games have been statistically 2 of his better games of his career.. he's legit
  12. Strevler and Augustine's success isn't just attributed to being against scrubs..and means nothing. Sure signs of this has gotta be shown against all first stringers for sure..but you need to lose the notion that there is no real thing as fodder at this level and that all the competition guys face now is greater than anything they faced in college..so if they showed well then they are doing things right. Also if Strevler was throwing to first stringers behind the starting oline and Augustine was running behind them..then they may have had more time to throw..bigger holes to run thru..etc..etc..u can slice it anyway you like but they both showed promise. Now lets see if they build on it next game and then make some determinations..all in all a lot of positives and our rookies fared better than sask rookies against same competition so that says something
  13. legit and elite are 2 different things...and a jittery QB who lacked pocket awareness and skill wouldn't have got the ball to the masking agents. Call the percentage what you want but at the end of the day a QB's winning percentage is still his....but football being a team game your only as good as your 3 facets for sure, but most experts will tell you a team goes as does it's QB, and with Nichols at the helm, this team has won at a .700 winning percentage. ALSO.....if we had guys masking his skills...would we not have won basically as well when Davis and Lefevour took over when he was hurt???
  14. yeah a .700 winning percentage over 2 years is a pretty good indicator of if a guy is legit or not if you ask me
  15. yup...40's now...I am still indestructible...lol....I think...or would like to think
  16. Chungh...Goosen and Hardrick provide a good dose of nasty..Chungh probably was/is the nastiest even when Bond was here...pretty sure O-line is a non issue here And dependent when Spooner ever gets game reps..He probably will be the nastiness of the bunch...he plays with a real edge to him
  17. well Augustine does excell at pass protection...so he has that going for him..and seeing as Lafrance is hurt at moment, and most likely going to miss a bit more time a good chance at the least Augustine I bet gets on active roster for the first game as the back-up Canuck rb...and if fairs well...why take him out
  18. No problem...football has given me a lot and allowed me a lot of opportunities and if handled smartly and not falling into a lot of the negative trappings (higher level opportunities that a lot never get to achieve) then there is no real risks if you ask me if played smartly and monitored wisely like things are now. Back in the late 80's to 90's when I was balling it was all about results..competing and $$ with no regard for the negative impact that getting the aforementioned resulted in guys. My one bit of advice is if the injuries start to become too frequent, and are significant ones and start to compound then maybe sit down and revisit things..goals..priorities and realistic chances of getting to next level, or the ultimate level. My football paid for my school..and career and some brief stints trying to be famous, as well as some good lifelong contacts and opportunities, but it did come at a price. A combined 8 knee surgeries on one (2 reconstructions) 2 on the other, a broken hand twice, 4 known concussions, 2 busted noses...total shoulder dislocation, loss of two mollars (thsats a weird one eh?) and various bumps and bruises to go along with lugging anywhere from 245 to 280 pounds of bulk around and the wear and tear that takes on you for 15 years I have already seen now that I am paying back in my health and ailments now...did i enjoy it and would I if I had a chance to do a re-do do it again...I'd say that's a hell ya....was it worth it?...hmmm...I dunno because in the end it didn't make me wealthy and I didn't get famous hahahah
  19. then later on almost getting Harris killed...He could run a short yardage but that was about it...maybe this yr with Streveler running it..then staying in with tempo we can actually complete some passes and exploit the jumbo teams
  20. If Augustine shows really well in this game and I bet he gets a fair bit of reps it could make for a tough time for Lafrance making game day roster
  21. Yup..very hard and I pay for it now...I need a knee replacement...was told that in my mid 30's that I needed it and had the wear and condition of a guy in his 50's.. and also have hip pain from favoring it all those years...lack of range of motion in a shoulder causing sleep issues now...random headaches and general aches and pains and from constant trauma over the years...remember my dad telling me that I'm gonna pay for it later in life...but not heading the warning..lol...its tough to let it go and move on..I still would get out there now if someone would let and if had a chance to do it over again..I would..bizarre as that sounds! The NCAA doesnt truly care for its players.. trust me on that
  22. Mr Flex I know exactly what you mean as I can say been there done that in terms of what I seen/saw/experienced in the PAC 12 The NCAA is a corrupt i will say organization and ran as on old boys club. It's also about money and exploiting amateur athletes for school profit at any cost of you ask me. Also like u mentioned some of the banning of medication is ridiculous as the elements in some are so insignificant in amount it gives you no edge whatsoever but since on the list they are very rigid and dont compromise. Also on the flip I seen and experienced first hand schools encouraging and assisting in the use of PED's for the betterment of the program but if you are caught left on your own to deal with it and effectively screwed...just a victim of the meat grinder that is college football and money
  23. hahah...yeah a big lug...but he looked like he added some lean mass
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