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Everything posted by Booch

  1. same..watched him yesterday....showed a good burst and surprisingly good hands..had a few plays too where he showed some shiftiness once in the open field. I bet would be a good special teamer as well and has proven at combine and in University to be a good blocker out of the backfield so I'm thnking he is going to see a lot of reps in the game
  2. there is a lot of legal over the counter supplements you can take that has substances in it which is banned. When I played we had to look over the substances in things, and a lot of times the products with a "propitiatory blend" listed was reason enough to sometimes stay away as companies use that for different reasons...to hide actual dosage amounts of ingredients said in the product (mainly to snooker the consumer) and as well at times to not reveal some of the gray area stuff that is illegal...or not safe
  3. Fact of the matter...Simonese admitted it..and said was a bad choice..Thigpen has denied it and said not sure how that test showed up....good indicator of character and most likely previous and continued use Also have been informed that Simonese did not use an anabolic steriod..whereas Thigpen did...big difference
  4. thats what I think they started doing last year, but that is in my opinion dumb as say Carter gets hurt..then a DB gets hurt..or shaken up...you got nothing there to back-up other than the plugs they have as their Canadian safeties...but on the flipside...it;s the Riders and hope they do that and get burned by it..Will look good on Jones and his silly tendency to try and fit square pegs into round holes just because they are or look like "athletes"
  5. I wanna see: Simonese: see if he is used to his skill-set..and if he can make an impact Demski: his role in Lapolice offence Augustine: can he be a legit back-up? from camp he shows good hands and nice quickness in open field Spooner: has he progressed to be a viable back-up Randle/White/Washington/other I want 2 guiys to really step up and be playmakers Nevis/Bryant: want one to really step up and take the 2nd dline spot Wilson/gause: Lets see who can be a defensive hammer and like to see if Walker/Fogg and Alexander have stepped up their game and fended off the rooks...
  6. HIS reportedly low salary plays into his favor to keep him around, but not sure Wilson would want to sit on the PR again, or if he would be happy as on the 46 but not dressed for games. He did that for us last year so thats a gamble to ask him if you ask me...as a player if I know I can play somewhere I wasn't a fan of not dressing....though the culture here may make it more tempting to hang around and wait and not pull a TJ Thorpe..we shall see Wild too is hurt..again so I could see us putting him on the 6 game to start season and see how Wilson and or say Gause look...and if need pull him off early ans let the young guys marinate a bit more on PR/46 MAN
  7. i assume too he will see more snaps...he very quick off the edge and we used him in sets where he was inside too...he looked a bit bigger yesterday too...and just as fast and didn't seem rusty at all for missing most of camp so far
  8. yeah Bighill was huge..we were gonna be good this year...now we are gonna be reeaaal good. Watching him yesterday, he just brings so much to the unit and it rubs off and others step their game up to match his. He is like a Dressler on the Defense whereas he is like another coach who is on the field. Watching our rotation an crew with Biggie flanked by JSK and Fenner/Legget with a Wilson rotating in is going to be really good...and I would think we will have a Gause on the PR learning the system and ready to step in when needed with no drop in play...Not sure where I see Wild fitting in truth be told
  9. Carter played DB...sure....but isn't a superstar at it...or even great...and if he plays more this year it will be exposed....and he isn't the best reciever either....what year has he cracked the top 5...let alone top 10...once maybe??
  10. yeah never been a fan of Murphy and truthfully...he is just your run of the mill personell guy...nothing special and highly doubt he looks too much into a players past and character checks...as history has shown There's a reason no team in the NFL has given him another shot...yet here comes Jones in Sask again...par for the course
  11. yeah that alone is troubling that they would even let him suit up...that and the issues he displayed just don't go away...as more time goes on Chris Jones and his recruiting abilities and his lack of how to build a good locker room and team environment has shown to be pretty sad... Although the clowns on Riderfans are trumpeting this as a huge awesome signing....all i can say is wow Sure glad with who we have as the architects and Management of the Bombers
  12. Typical Chris Jone's signing today, now did they not know this and do enough background checking...or are they aware and took him on anyway...if so that is just laughable After Mason led police on a high-speed ATV chase,Mason's mother stated that Mason had the "mindset of a 10-year-old" due to head injuries sustained during his career. She noticed her son’s behavior was different after the 2015 season: “Clearly, we could see the change. Like, completely... As much as he’s accomplished, as hard as he’s worked, as much as he’s built his character, in record-breaking time it’s going downhill because of what’s going on." In November, Mason pleaded no contest to charges related to the ATV chase. Mason was arrested in January 2017 for the incident and charged with a third degree felony of fleeing and eluding without regard for others' safety or property. To recap: In March 2016, Mason was pulled over for driving 75 mph in a 35 mph zone and Tased when he refused to exit his vehicle. In July 2016, he was caught doing wheelies and driving recklessly in an ATV before then fleeing the cops. His mother, , subsequently told authorities her son was “22 in a 10-year-old’s mindset” due to concussions, adding, “Tre is not himself at all.” Cops were called to his home five times in four months, once for what Mom described as “irrational statements.” That police report indicated that when Mason saw the cops he threatened to call the White House and have them all fired before then saying police were responsible for teaching al-Qaida how to fly planes. In July of that year, Mason was admitted to a South Florida hospital for a mental health evaluation, according to a Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office report. Then, in August, Mason was cited for blocking a lane of traffic with his Maserati. He never showed up for Los Angeles Rams training camp
  13. I havn't been to TC since Bighill arrived...so not sure...athletically he can do both tho I would think...
  14. Looks better in my opinion due to his yr of being here and knowing the Canadian game better...whereas Gause is learning on the fly...Gause tho has more talent if you ask me tho and I highly expect him to be put on the PR at end of camp
  15. I think Wild will be the DI actually
  16. That was a major issue...you guys seen right...Loffler was basically brought up to the box most of the time and we had no over the top coverage, or any coverage from a free safety reading the play and flowing to the ball to bust things up...and with 2 rookies on the field we got exploited as just from sheer inexperience they weren't able to recognize things. If you look at lots of game video it almost looks a lot like we were playing wit 2 corners and a free and strong safety...not a recipe for success up here, and hence all the big plays and times guys were wide open in the deep third up the middle. With Biggie here now...Loffler can return to what he was doing in year 0ne...thank christ
  17. http://3downnation.com/2018/05/28/duron-carter-tsns-derek-taylor-fired-wack-ass-stats/ What a ******....and if I was Roosevelt....I would be none too pleased with that reaction...what a team guy eh?...so sick of his schtick
  18. Bighill is very quick getting into backfield on a blitz....Hurl was painfully slow...never got there
  19. yeah pretty sure Opo can manage that as well...I too think this defense is going to give teams fits with the disguised looks and versatility..the fact too that bIghill can drop off and play safety is gonna be a huge plus when we bring 8 guys up in the box to show blitz...and the centre/guard have to try and decide who is coming up the gut..will be glorious to watch Dan Clarke flailing away like a idiot as Collaros gets crushed haha
  20. not to mention Jeffcoat is a guy you can drop off into coverage in a blitz disguise and he won't hurt you one bit...I believe he got a pick last year doing that...no?
  21. Most difficult position for defense in the CFL is the dime back position (sam) that Leggett and Fenner play. And depending in the league who you asked...some would say Fenner is the best...some would say Leggett is the best...now they are both on the same team. As well in case you were not aware..a guy who can excel at that position..can do equally as well, if not better at boundary half back becs=aue they can focus more on just coverage as opposed to when to break off a receiver and read the play to move up to support the run....just sayin
  22. HEATH...PFFT....Won't be missed and too one dimensional. Heath is highly over rated and isn't a team first guy...not just my opinion but that of peers Grymes...I'd say a draw...Westerman only for passport and even then too high priced for what he offers and is on the decline The other 3 are decent but not as versatile..all around Fenner was the best guy available
  23. Who was a better option on the defensive side of the ball that offered the versatility of Fenner as well as the ST's component?
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