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Everything posted by Booch

  1. prob because they didn't want to risk him getting hurt behind their weak o-line..and to keep the negativity away and his confidence up longer in case he looked like Collaros of last 2 years and sucked. Protecting him on may different fronts lol
  2. and hardly a tackle at that..the ball carrier drilled him and Carter flopped to the ground stunned and everyone else cleaned up the tackle...basically he just got in the way
  3. We were right in the middle last year..4 teams gave up less...4 teams gave up more I thinks we have improved enough to move up at least 2 spots, and we have improved more than Ottawa who was ahead of us, and I think SASK too...Cgy has regressed and T.O prob is about the same...so yup...I think we will be in the top 2..top 3 at worst The addition of Bighill and our ability to play our Safety as they should be played can't be overstated enough...and I think we grabbed the best defensive free agent available in Fenner (as Bighill wasn't available) so technically we grabbed the 2 best available.
  4. I'm not too worried about it either....Why fret over something that hasn't happened...or maybe never will...deal with it when it comes. And really, if Ross has to step in it's not like he has never faced live bullets before, so he would have a bit of an understanding as what he is looking at scheme wise..and if he or whomever just plays within the system, doesn't try to do too much I think our offensive diversity we are going to have this year will serve the back-up well and all they have to do is what detractors of Nichols around the league claimed...and just be a game manager...dink and dunk and use the run until something opens up Plus I think this year with our defense we are not gonna have to consistently score 20+ points to win a game, and I am going to go out on a limb here and I bet we are in the top 2 teams in points allowed this year
  5. Other than not having Huhges..Jefferson and Evan's they played at some point all their prospective starters... They dont have much depth to speak of defensively. And their online is going to be a weak spot..even Bond looked look less than what he was here. Edmonton had 2nd and 3rd stringers who looked impressive but didn't notice much on Sask side of it..not sure who their backup guys are going to be but they are thin
  6. Yeah having a guy go both ways serves no purpose. Doesnt help a team at all and if Duron gets hurt in a game..then a db does too..then what? Also he isn't any better than any average db..but the hype they give him is sickening. They say he stepped up and got physical is funny if u actually watched it. 3 plays previous he missed trying to make tackle same way and the one time he actually made contact the ball carrier actually trucked him and ear holed him good..and taken down in the wash of we everyone else there.. not due to Duron Also not sure why they didn't highlight on the Edmonton where they ran at him and he got boxed out with ease and rb ran in easily..why not showcase that? Lots of guys in league could go both ways but dont..why..because smart teams dont waste a talent by doing that
  7. and he's locked up for 3 years...and by the time that contract ends he will be pushing 26...and his NFL chances are pretty much done
  8. I tell you...once he is in the game flow and back to where he was, he is going to seem like an Import receiver. I hear that if not for his PED screw up when in Cincy he would have probably stuck on their PR
  9. I'm sure all 7-8 writers in Regina/Saskatoon gave their warped votes which skewed things..so really these polls are dumb The ones that are the most realistic and hold weight are the ones voted on by the players themselves..(which we took home most spots) and the G.M and Coach opinions around the league. Plus when a city has a putz like Friesen who could vote..and most likely would vote against Winnipeg due to his personal agenda's...well it tells you all you need to know about media polls
  10. Yeah it's tough to listen to that idoit....not sure why they even bring him in for his thoughts....he is so biased and pro everything Sask....How he isn't sold on Nichols over past 2.5 years, but figures they are set with Collaros after past 2-3 years is embarrassing...And when he brings up a guy like Steele as part of a reason why their defense will be so dominant....guiy has no clue He also raved that they are just dominant on defense because they shut down their offence totally in practice..hmm...maybe thats more a matter of their QB's being pretty pathetic?...maybe he should spin it that way
  11. If Nichols goes down with a significant injury..if I was Walter's I use one of next yrs first rounders and a prospect of needed and trade for Ray...he is vet enough and savvy that he could come in and pick up our offence pretty quick..
  12. Maybe they intended to bring him in for camp but he was waiting on another opportunity first..or just wasn't able to commit right away but now is..could be anything and wouldn't read to much into it in regards to not being happy with other qbs
  13. got hurt...too bad as he looked good
  14. The reason there was no interest in Thomas...was because he isn't that good and held a roster spot here basically because we recruited nobody, nor signed anyone of any significance with a Canadian passport who was a DT...until we drafted Faith last year. He is here because we need a canuck DT for our roster intentions..and well..when you wait this late in the year you are scrapping bottom of barrel talent thats left
  15. Ridefans was just in love with Nick James too...figured he was just this monster presence...they must be up in arms now
  16. shows the culture and environment here is a positive thing and a nice leverage piece for getting sought after guys..
  17. Agreed....from what I observed Bryant seemed to have what it takes to make Nevis expendable....He may start out on PR but I bet by game 4 or 5 he will be on the roster
  18. yeah...hate to lose some of guys brought up...so hopefully we pull a Sask and use the 1 game and 6 game as an extended roster and evaluation pool ...
  19. some thoughts... Firstly it appears a few guys have come to camp in better shape ..Harris looks leaner and faster..Poop as well looks more buff and a bit more lean...and still is so damn powerful. Faith too looks much better...Quicker and more agile...and in better game shape for CFL ball...he got knicked up in the one on ones but took turns in team session later so must be ok...3rd and 1.5...I dont see him as still a project...he has improved and is more expolive...i took time to study d-line a bit so more on that later... Receivers..not gonna focus on the projected starters too much...is what it is but Demski actually impressed me somewhat...he's better than what i recall and if injury free i see him doing good things this year in a Lapo offence White...cant see this guy not being on the gameday roster and taking significant first team reps...he is just plain good. He is what we use to call a QB enhancer as he can make any QB look good and has the ability to use his speed and fluidness and his uncanny ability to track a ball to make it look like the QB is always on the money..He is Dresslers replacement when that day comes...and if Dress gets hurt this year and misses significant games..he may have trouble getting his spot back...White is that good Coney and Dye as well impressed..shifty and fast and catch the ball in stride and hit upfield in 5th gear in an instant. Washington has the potential to be an Adarius 2.0 sans the drops...didnt wow in practice too much today, but if used how I think they plan to, may be one of the guys who when lights are on just produce. Lankford to me just looks too unatural as a receiver..too much of a body catcher and has limited route running skills..Seeing as Demski and White can do returns...don't see a need for him to e rostered as a DI and see him as a camp cut Canadian wise..Demski is solid and looks to be more north south this year and not the dance around side stepper he tended to be in Sask...if he keeps that up he will produce big...and avaoid injuries too...also him comin out of backfield with Harris on some sets is really going to cause trouble for defenses..speaking of Harris if they eventually do transition him to a slot role he will flourish...solid mitts on the guy Simonese u can see the rust flaking away..i noticed from combine..to mini..to main camp. He is deceptively fast and caught everything thrown at him..and seems to be very fast when ball is in his hands...he could cause some mismatches on the edge and today showed a nice ability to get separation from the db. Him and Drew I see taking equal reps in the offence until one or the other separates and shows they are more of a game breaker...then the split of reps will be more one sided..Peterson too impressed..fast..good hands...decent route runner...we are going to be ok with National receivers if u ask me..even with 2 rookies more or less in the lineup...should be noted Tyler Henry actually didnt look out of place but as did Pierre but they may be victims of numbers game..though [Pierre offers use on ST's Obviously Nichols is starter looked good...no suprise, Ross tho...impressed....throws a good ball...can move around and i dont think will get flustered...u can see he sees the field well and actually looks through his progressions and finds the right guy. I think if he has to come in to a game we are gonna be all right,,,and actually better off than if we had Durant here..and his broken down passing now...Strevler is behind Ross at moment but thats more from bein a raw rookie and learning as he goes...can tell though he is a Mike Reilly threat to gain gobs of yards on the ground if he had too... Dline guys on roster will be interesting to see who makes gameday. POOP looks to be primed for a big year..guys a beast...Jeffcoat has one end spoy I'm certain...Pretty sure Roh at the least is a DI..now it gets interesting...Nevis seemed to have more burst this year...but if Brandon Bryant shows well in pre-season..he (Nevis)may be in trouble and a TC casualty..Bryant is quick off the ball and has a lot of power to go with his quickness. Same with OPO...of nthe new comers Montgomery really stood out...had some clean wins in the one on ones and is so fast off the edge..and has great pursuit...lCasher as well...but of the 2...Montgomery is just better. Larry Webster is a bit more raw...but freakish athletic and can see him on PR as depth behind our 3 import starters...It wouldnt shock me if both OPO and Nevis get bumped off the roster...but gut says to start year only one will be cut..i hink it Nevis Faith i think looked a lot better...and a guy who didnt look out of place was Marouf..has some power and quickness and actually some pretty decent technique..he is way more athletic and versatile than Thomas and I can see why the team didnt ring him back...if Marouf is replacing Thomas on roster...we are better for it DB's are gonna be Randle..Loffler..for sure...Alexander looks good this spring...u can tell he understands the game much better and doesnt have to think now...just react..plus he has nice size...had a nice pick today too...Walker was steady and always involved...and looked more polished...and at only 22 this yr his upside is huge. a guy who stood out to me was Mohamad SEISAY...he got hurt mid practice and was missing for a while but i seen him at the end..not sure how bad, but he did some things that made me notice..as did Gaitor... I think a combo of Fenner..Leggett..Randle..Alexander..Gaitor..Loffler will be our game day guys in some capacity...and with addition of Bighill who is excellent in coverage too our defense is going to be pretty stingy. Linebacking is tough to gauge in camps like this
  20. Harris I can see being a slot receiver into his mid 30's once rb becomes too much to expect from him If a slob like Lewis can do it looking like he did for last 3 years.. Harris can...as Lewis was never ever in the shape and condition Harris is..plus his first 2-3 yes in league Harris had low miles as a feature back
  21. thankfully now that "apparent"scheme can be abolished never to be mentioned again!! That was the biggest load of crap I have ever heard, I have played in a lot of systems and a lot of schemes and that was basically Oshea falling on the sword for Hall and Hurl and covering up for his deficiencies as we had to end up startig him as things didn't pan out with other mlb candidates...and our ratio.
  22. great move...we just solidified the defense and allows a Gause or Wilson time to develop...also not too worried it just a one yr deal...that will be addressed this off-season. Thanks to Durant quiting prob wont need to axe a veteran...if we do be prob a Nevis..or a Fogg and we have the talent inhouse to compensate for that..my opinion is OPO is to valuable all round to get rid of If we press the issue with the cfl to et the 70k back for sms like i think we will then no ned to cut anyone for sms reasons...again..thanks Durant lol
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