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Everything posted by Booch

  1. true...we do have Simon now in the mix...bigger body and younger
  2. shocked about Wolff...possibly he has some NFL interest again..
  3. yeah if he is disgruntled...not sure why he takes it out on a team that had nothing to do with his wrong doings. The fact tho he is saying negative things about the team..fanbase...mocking the Grey Cup drought is just wayyyy off base and classless...
  4. lol...i think mine hung around as it was the first one of the day not butt kissing...he prob was caught off guard
  5. my comment on his website as well got turfed prob 10 mins after i posted it...I'm proud to say
  6. Yeah SMS can be a consideration now...But maybe we can Thank Durant for what's left of his salary and put it towards a player who will benefit us
  7. I'm thinking we can as we own it now...so it's a pick we can use
  8. But if nobody bids a First prior to us...I doubt Huffer will so we could get him...and still have BC's first rounder next year...most likely a top 4 pick
  9. I think one of our first should be...no? As it stands we have B.C's and would be based on where they placed last year at the moment
  10. well if he is as good as the scouting reports..then we have an extra 1st rounder next year...use it
  11. Pre bonus cutting is just the same as cutting pre-camp...it's just done before the money is due to save costs on a player not in teams plans....and most times it goes right to the day before the bonus is due as teams are trying to move the player elsewhere first....and at times look to them to restructure it prior to the trade, or agree to it as part of the trade...and player refuses...and in the end ends up with nothing...trust me...seen that scenario happen multiple times
  12. These are different circumstances tho...Teams punting a guy when a post season bonus is due is for the year coming up, so technically nothing has been earned by his play and if a team wants to go in a different direction and use costs elsewhee..then so be it..It is plainly laid out for you in your contract and the chance that you can be released prior to is no hidden trick. When players choose to structure things this way, then that's the risk they take. From experience in negotiations and knowing how this works, and based on guys I know...the smart guys set up their bonuses in season...post TC...game 6 and after the guarantee day for vets (for vets who meet this criteria) I have never heard of a team axing a guy due a in season bonus payment...and if your earning it...why would they?? Durant tho...got a bonus for signing a contract witht he intent to be at camp and part of the team....but opted to say screw it and not show...take the money and run and most likely had no intentions of probably even coming...and now is using the body not responding excuse,,,and I had a kid...blah..blah..blah...join the club putz...so totally different circumstance and just plain pathetic. If anything hopefully the CFL can rescind the cap hit...the 70k aint gonna hurt the team and if it makes him feel better at night...then good riddance
  13. he wouldn't have been able to execute it anyway...so now worries...no use to him lol
  14. the fact he couldn't let the team know personally after it was discussed...and if he choose to retire the money was to come back...and did it hif=ding behind his website...shows he knows it was wrong..classless...and he had no balls to say it face to face and defend his decision...
  15. Pretty sure thsat if this goes to the courts and his signing bonus for "playing" this year would be determined to be paid back as it is a breach of contract, and he has decided not to play... Sadly...my comment has been removed from his page haha
  16. Actually thier site is down...typical Tho I did post a comment on Durants site...wonder how long it will stay up???
  17. well just shows the character of that guy eh?..what a loser...I sure the Riderfans site is just loving this up haha
  18. Yeah...lost all respect for the guy now...what a tool Take the money and run...man o man
  19. yeah,...his timing is pretty odd, and sure he knew a inkling of this months ago...so kind of a greasy move...but typical of anything associated with a Rider hahaha Luckily Ross has some game experience..and truth be told..this allows Strveler to really showcase what he has...and may be the break both he..and the Bombers needed to develop a new young up and comer
  20. Carter both ways is soooooo stupid..he got a gimme pick last year..other times he was beat easily but Qb didn't get ball there.. I just dont get that thought process as if anything hurts them on both sides of ball more than benefits them. Online is gonna be awful there..and no Richardson..seen that coming..he doesnt want to be back in that crap hole
  21. Gause will start at MLB...defensive backfield will be Randle..Wolff..Loeffler.. Fenner and Alexander to start season..Gaitor as 6th...possibly Fogg of nobody steps up returning punts. Nevis I see getting cut..Wild the DI linebacker..and if Casher or Montogomery show too well in camp Opo possibly on injury list to start year. White I bet makes the roster as the backup receiver role that Lankford held..with One of or both of Steven's and Washington on PR Simone and Demski start as National receivers with Drew getting reps all over offence if he doesnt beat out simonese for starter position If we were smart as well QBs would be Nichols.. Durant and Strevler
  22. which I think Cibasu can be...with more athleticism....if his head is in the game and he wants to be a player
  23. yeah..we wanted him at our terms...based on all things considered..when he wanted more...we graciously said thanks but no thanks and in long run we will be a better team because of it
  24. If that's the 411 on him then yeah could see him slipping, but I think he will be hard pressed to land a FA contract in the NFL..to raw and for guy his size..skill-set doesn't really equate to where it should be NFL wise and there are an abundance of that type of guy kicking around down south. He could be a very good slot guy here tho...and good on teams...another guy who in my mind is a sleeper and could be around for our round 3 pick is Bo Banner...I would be happy with him and he would easily slide into a ST role immediately and could get some change of pace reps on defense a few times a game.
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