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Everything posted by Booch

  1. I could see a Bennett..Cibasu..Simonese being there at 12...as well as the 2 o-lineman who signed free agent contracts..Cibasu intrigues me and could be a very useful guy in a Lapo offence. Regardless we are surely to get a guy at 12 who most likely will end up on the roster and at the least contributing on ST's and really the way our roster is at the moment and the guys returning that's really all we can ask for..ther's nobody in this draft class even with the first pick who would be a starter here in Winnipeg..
  2. Most likely wanting that extra money available for say...an NFL returnee or a surprise cut elsewhere...why pay 1st round money to a guy who will serve no purpose this year from this draft
  3. we moved up in the second to most likely be able to grab who we are targeting at a better possibility at 12 than 16...and someone who probably wouldn't have been taken in the first anyway..so why pay 1st round money when you don't have to 2 first rounders next year iin a draft is always a good thing too
  4. this is almost laughable...
  5. i think it's a good move too..most likely the player we are targeting is going to be there in the 12 spot anyway, and we get 2 first rounders next year in a draft class I like better with more top end talent. Realistically the only player in the draft to come in and push for a starters spot right off the bat in Winnipeg, or contribute with a lot of game reps is Chapman and he would have been long gone. Also tying up first round money on a player who would most likely sit on the bench if even make the roster seems senseless to me. A first round O-lineman has no spot on this team as he would be behind Couture and Spooner initially if not all year and where do you put him..He could get scooped off the PR and then you have nothing. The other bonafide impact maker I believe would have been Bennett and good chance he was gone by then too..so really giving up that first round pick to gain 2 more when we may need it more makes more sense
  6. when you look at our roster we have 6 canadian lineman in house..and a possible 7th in Gray in the waiting possibly...with really at best in the next 2 years 3 going to start and 2 to be game ready replacements..I would think Couture/Spooner/Spelling and (if Gray ever makes it this yr or next ) covering our needs at the moment...so going O-line with our first 2 oicks..even first 3 is somewhat a waste. I would go with the player most likely to make a roster impact this year with the 1st..regardless of position and then the best player available with 2nd pick
  7. hahaha....I don't think he is as much of a doucher as some one else we were considering...
  8. I hope we take a run at Bo Lokombo now that he's been released actually...could allow us some flexability on defense and possibility to go 4 import receivers
  9. possibly be back for a look when he is recovered
  10. Yeah.. at 21 and still lots of room to grow and learn I would hope to see him back competing..the guy was constantly in hustle mode and the screw ups he made were from being young and inexperienced and not from a lack of talent
  11. Well u would have rotated off an import end when corney was on..or a tackle when either of Thomas or ekakite was on. I actually seen may sets where we actually had 3 ends on the field at once..happened quite often
  12. it was more to just that..if we felt neuf was a big downgrade could have adjusted elsewhere or other ways
  13. I know for a fact the last 3 games last year Neuf played when Bond could have...so take that for what its wo
  14. some observations... LB's Gause ...thick..fast ..agile and looks to be front runner as the MLB..or at the least the DI spot. For a bigger guy very agile and capable of covering sideline to sideline as he showed in skelly...has a powerul jab/punch and would have no issue scrapping along line and shedding blocks to stuff the run...very impressed Wilson too..very similar but not as agile...but plays with confidence..as did Gause. Not as quick as Gause but would have no issue covering a back in the flats and playing sideline to sideline...I would say him and Gause are prime candidate for the MLB role and I think Gause is the better,,,he's just darn good Jones is not as quick and not as agile..but solidly built...practices like this are hard to judge a guys true worth, but he is behind the two I mentioned..though he looks to be a guy who could lay the lumber. Be interesting TC and if we roll all import at Linebacker i could truly see JSK/Gause and Legget/Fenner with Wilson or maybe Wild as the extra...if we able to roster wise have all those guys that be sweet but one of Wilson/wild i think will be PR'd or cut DB's Hate to Roc Carmichale a guy but Earl Wolff will start...smooth..savy pro who has extra greasy swivel to him and can just manouver and adjust at will to put himself in position to just make plays...and he is solid too...I actually wouldn't be surprised to see him at SAM too...he one way or another will be on the roster and a guy who can play..and excell at CB/HB/SAM...not sure why he isn't stlll in the NFL...BUt it's our gain..guy is legit...just knows where he is and where things were headed and has nose for the ball Bingham too also impressed...looked confident and has a real knack for arriving the ame time as the ball and busting things up...didn't give up much cushion and can really see him fitting in this defense as a ball hawk..With him..Wolff..Fenner..Leggett..Randle...i see it being a tough camp for one of..if not any of Fogg..Gaitor or Clarke sticking...gonna be a good battle...nobody else really stood out, but again...was watching multiple things going on so its tough. receivers...man if we could have this ratio thing cleared up to start 4 imports we have some talent to choose from with options to start4 and have 2 back-ups on roster not named Lankford Best of group is Stevens by far..silky smooth...fast and just has ability to seperate easily..and often....he can run his routes and cut like Denmark could without gearing down but is big and can win battles for the ball...how he isn't kept around would be troubling. Never seen him drop a thing and everything he does just looks polished Same can be said about C Washignton...big..knows how to use that body and he is very quick for a dude his size..real nice hands and with this feild size..already seems to know where to find the seams and get the ball in stride...he could cause all kinds of havoc in the middle third of the field... Can also see why Myles White was kept all yr..and brough back...lightning in a bottle and is so fast..out of his cuts..and once ball hits his hands..which are real good..best route runner out there..has a fifth gear he can jump into on the fly and tracks balls better than I have seen here in a long while..I hope he gets to show his return abilities becuse he has them too and can be a reason for us to be abe to roster hopefully 2 import receivers as a backup on game day... LDW as well still has to be in the conversation..he has gained some size and looks more comfortable and polished...and his route running is much improved..he runs with meaning and purpose now it seems...confidence a familiarity does that..I also noticed he did some work on technique and is now a hand catcher as opposed to using his body as much..good on him as it allows receivers to play with speed better (which he has ample amounts of )and catch balls in stride... I also noticed A.J Coney...he is quick and runs sharp routes and once ball is in his hands seems to be a threat to bust a big play...could be a camp dark horse...not sure if he is a returner..but that could be an ace in the hole for him Anyway thats my opinions and thiughts..feel free to comment or rip it apart hahahaha
  15. Really? Wow whoda think that.. I guess my 20+ years of playing and 10 coaching must have overlooked that
  16. Neufeld was more a victim of injuries that lingered and nagged because he was pressed into duty here because we had no depth..or options..none. And playing the last time before he was shelved was an injury brought on by playing not 100 percent. Healthy the last few years..but still stayed injury free in games he got in and started. Played what..last 5..6 games last year (including playoff) This notion he is going to get hurt as a given is just plain stupid..anyone can..and will get hurt. I have no issues with him starting and Couture as backup..he is ready and won't hurt us whatsoever.
  17. agreed...tired of hearing too how Neuf WONT last 18 games
  18. Is there a roster available somewhere online with names and numbers for the mini camp?
  19. Yeah that 0-line is going to be god awful...and no depth whatsoever...If they are pinning hopes on Bladek and St John as being full-time starters they are delusional. One injury on that O-line and they are screwed. I don't see the defense being dominant either as some like to think..Linebacking crew looks very iffy...and their D-backs are mid tier at best...The d-line is decent...but zero depth behind any of them, and i bet they get wore down in games...not to mention back half of the season....yup...just don't see the idea of them contending for 1st in the west
  20. Odd moves by the Riders...especially a weak team in regards to Canadian depth...but I guess thats what you get when you spend like a fool on free agents...you gotta purge elsewhere...so bye bye veteran Canadian salaries on guys who would/should have been your starters....and dumping Meridith as well just another example of Jone's poor drafting hurting them ...thats what you get when you pick a lineman who hadn't played football in a few years and dropped 60-70 pounds of his playing weight and tried coming back. Man their o-line is gonna be scary...and not scary in the good sense...Bond and Labatte...then what..Clarke..St John...Bladek..Coleman...and..????.....yikes!
  21. always wise to continually try and improve and a couple guys signed looking forward to seeing..if they push incumbents out..then even better. But as it is at moment...I don't see the defense as being that much of a question mark...Heaths loss won't even be noticed if you ask me...regardless of what some others think here
  22. Defense really isn't that unsettled if you ask me..the only question really is how we are going to use the parts at linebacker..possibly a db mini shuffle...the dline will be solid..the db's will be very good..just a matter of who is where...you know Randle..Fenner..Leggett..Loffler will be in the mix already...and at worse we run with Alexander/Walker again which isn't a bad thing..a year older and a year wiser...wouldn't kill us
  23. realistically O-line picks and Canadian stockpiling of such is generally the way to go, but this year we can..and should be going best player possible with all our picks...and don't really see a guy who is going to be an NFL flyer this year...so if all goes well our top 3 should be all in some regard on the roster or hanging out on the practice roster this year. We have 2 young...and damn good O-lineman in Chungh and Goosen and I would think will be more than willing and want to extend. Couture has developed and can start now if need be...but at moment is going to be our first guy up if injury occurs, we have Spooner developing and if you ask me is going to be better than Goosen and Chungh when all said and done and most likely in next 1-3 years we will have Gray here...so an early pick on an o-lineman when talented other players are still there is not smart drafting. If I was drafting I would target whoever is there between Bennet and laurent with first pick...and most likely Chapman would be gone with pick 2...so whoever is left between Simonese and Cibaso grab them as one...if not both will still be there..if surprisingly both gone by then, I would pick up Banner/Onyeka if still there...after that I would sift through the rubble and see who is left as back-up/role guys to our existing backup/role guys
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