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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Yeah I wouldn't put Wilder in same class as Harris yet...he hasn't proved it consistently enough. He does have better break away speed....but isn''t the total package Harris is...and truthfully I don't think it even close But if I could would love him on the team tho
  2. exactly...Jones on the other hand had to do it now as they were severely over...and bet still are and he also is not a very good SMS manager and forcasting and looking forward as to where his money is...will be...and will be coming off...he seems almost blind in that regard
  3. Not unrealistic...Harris was less than 300 yards from that feat and that was even after he was playing beat up a bit for a few games, and teams basically focusing on him to minimize his effectiveness
  4. I think though he is going to have to change up his running style/technique a bit to carry himself through the full 18 games..he too upright and doesn't punish defenders enough....by week 12 he gonna be pretty beat up if he is being used as a 12-18 carry a game back
  5. Casher is a guy I have been looking forward to since we added him late last season...if he's got his life all in order he could be a real find Thing is..we don't have to release anyone to make room now anyway....salaries don't count till the season starts...let everyone battle in camp...then determine where or if a new young up and comer has pushed a vet out the door
  6. Yeah I think he is going to really look like a different player this year with his play...and his physical make up...seen him a few times over the winter and the dude is putting in the work....I think a pretty big reason too why Thomas wasn't pursued
  7. Hard to imagine he was going to make 290k in 2016...what a stupid contract that was. If we can slot him in for 200k this year..slight bump next year, with a signing bonus in the before free agency to show we are committed to get that 2-3 year deal then it's a must do, and wont' severely impact our SMS for a player who is vital I bet he could sign this year in the 180k range (seeing as he got a bonus) and we offer the double the bonus next winter/spring and pretty much the same base of 180k ..throw in a MOC/MODP carrot in thee to sweeten the pot. The ratio flex it gives us is key and offers us too much in options to ignore and if we truly plan to go 2 Canadian receivers as starters it limits us, and any injury issues on offence..especially to the skill guys will really hoop us as we don't have the depth...(well A1 quality depth) to cover it
  8. and those 2 db's...I cant see them outbidding if it comes to a mini bidding war
  9. yeah he wants to maximize his dollars for sure...and if he is actually going to places to see the organization..direction..philosophies..services etc..etc..then good on him...but if it just to in effect try and use it as a ploy to squeeze each team then no need for the guy. He has to remember this is the CFL and is a league more or less restricted to what they do...for the better of the league and a top shelf deal is pretty much on par across the board unless one team does something absurd...which will make them a weaker team most times with shaving elsewhere...so crap or get off the pot already He has been to all stadiums in the league..knows the facilities and any fool can see which way the organizations he is considering are trending..and how they are viewed in the league
  10. yet when he was here he was a liablity and sub standard and the Bombers were laughed at about it...too funny
  11. yeah pretty much seems that way...all started from a comment on their d-line best in the cfl thread...and i said for the money they paying they better be....then all the venom came out hahahah
  12. yeah that was it...and like you said..pretty tame compared to most insults thrown around there...actual comment was "are you mad because your mom made you take up your dirty dishes from the basement?" so yeah..obviously over sensitive there ..still entertaining tho
  13. Yeah...pretty much went there for intermittent value more than any ting...I truley think most there are pre-pubescent and pubescent teens posting there...and the rest of the majority un-educated life long saskatchewan residents..and 2 percent decent knowledgeable fans
  14. nah...that window is closed...he is cfl..or nothing now
  15. me too...and I would take Thorpe over Holley...
  16. wonder if he will pout and ask to be let off their practice roster too..
  17. Yup.. if wasn't for the bonus I bet his ass would been released and nobody would have picked him up
  18. Well Hebert signing in Ott increases odds of a woods or Reed...possibly Muamba..most likely takes them out of the import linebacker position at least
  19. Ol Kavis claiming they didn't over pay for any player..and all players had market value Well considering Westerman signed for 40k more than the next closest...isn't that over paying?...should they not have just matched...or been "slightly" over
  20. OR a good indication that he isn't as good/valuable as a lot of poster here kept professing...I never thought he was and was here mainly because we didn't have anyone better
  21. oh my...another conspiracy against the Riders...Im sure Riderfan's is all up in arms
  22. I think this is going to be for a salary shift...and if we don't land Muamba..well then we have 3 import DE's to rotate who all have experience and are all very good
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