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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Signed Craig Roh...not understanding that move...good player and all but why? Possibly moving Opo....to make room for Muamba??
  2. Yeah saying an offensive guard was the sole reason we started to play well is way off base...Sure he was good and dominant...but last year he wasn't as good or dominant and when he went out...did you really notice?...nope The key..as was said above was the QB switch...which made the "whole" offense better...The line didn't have to block as long...receivers were able to get the ball sooner and when they were actually in the right place to make the play successful...and that allowed us to actually utilize Harris more effectively.....if anything the turn around was pretty much all on Nichols Bond was good...is good...but his loss won't make our offence all of a sudden ineffective..and if his absence allows us to play a Canadian there...and replace one of or both of Hurl..Thomas as starters on defense we are better for it...Even with Westermans departure because if you look at games..stats...the d-line grades and pressures...our D-line improved in all areas after he got hurt...food for thought
  3. as it sits they have lost so far 3 on dline (steele..Leanard..Mraubre) and added one...pricey Evans O-line added Bond...lost Dennis..looking like Campbell...hardly beefing up
  4. Neufeld would never be cut...traded but not cut. Also Foketti is more than ready and could start on any team in the CFL...Could have last year actually...how we have been able to keep him here this long is baffling..He must really like it and has to be a tip of the hat to the culture/locker room here And truthfully...we don't really have to cut any of the salary until the season starts...so sign him...let all the pieces battle it out for spots in TC...then decide what and where you can slash and either trade...offer a pr spot at a cap friendly amount....and if all else fails then release
  5. Walter's fault of course...all his press leaks and insider info brought the Great Jonsie down
  6. i agree....but those would be options
  7. I would think so...we have adequate national back-ups..Fenner..Leggett..Fogg have SAM covered...and I think Jones is really gonna impress and take Knox's spot...so odd man out be Wild...possibly Flanders and we use Baumen in his spot
  8. yeah...his agent's advice is not doing him any longterm favors...time to re-think their strategy
  9. I don't think it needs to be a pile...he never said that...He hinted that the current SMS would need to be adjusted...
  10. i agree....weird place but I got banned permanently there the other day for them not liking my posts based on facts i guess..hahaha saying that someone was "mad cause there mom made them bring up their dirt dishes from the basement" after i got attacked for a comment got me banned...what a bunch of turds
  11. yeah Jone's is totally sabotaging their future free agency chances....and guys there most likely won't be re-upping mid or end of season...because they may just get axed at an inopportune time if Jones has something else catch his eye...or just continues with his blind stupidity If I was a player signing there now..I'd be asking for bulk of salary as an upfront payment with a piddly base...that would really hamstring them and bite them in the butt if they continued these tactics...
  12. yeah...they always bring that up...like man let it go... that and #1990
  13. I think so far the Rider's have lost as they have had 3 Canadians off their game day roster bolt...and have replaced them with only one sure fire starter (Evans) at more money than they would have had to pay the others and Mraubre has more upside than Evans if you ask me...not sure of all their gushing that this D-Line is going to be so overly dominating and scary...who do they have to spell their 3 guys off thats close to average or above?...oh yeah nobody...those guys will be wore down midway through 3rd quarter...let alone mid season Had to cut their starting Canadian MLB...and could realistically be replacing him with..Hurl??....major regression there Bond is a great signing if they were able to use him where he is best...but looking like they won't be able to..so really he becomes just a high priced mediocre Tackle...plus they already cut Dennis and most likely losing Campbell to some one else...again...not a win there either...god forbid Labatte gets hurt there...again...they will be royally screwed! Messam at possibly 130k if he hits playing bonuses....thats a win?...good grief...only other things they did was resign some of their own..Spencer Moore..Dan Clarke...whoop-di-do...guys most teams wouldn't give a second thought to
  14. But on the rider board they said Bond costs just over league minimum..hahaha And Walter was the leak to the league about Henoc being shipped and asked to take a pay cut.. Just so he would be untradeable for the riders..and would get released..that was reason we weren't all over woods or reed...man those losers make me laugh
  15. was obviously the hold up...stuff like that can't sit well with players still on the Riders....show's no loyalty whatsoever and the treatment you can receive there....what a sad organization
  16. I doubt Montreal...they spent a lot of money already...
  17. yeah we could go 2 canadians on defence..with ample rotation of nationals if need be...and 5 on offence and still just start 1 canadian receiver...looks good to me
  18. actually yeah that right...he already into their 2018 SMS...even funnier and more pathetic that Jones didn't look at that before he spent like an idiot
  19. and obviously we had 200k set aside for a ratio altering Canadian...that would be a huge pick-up if it happened
  20. jones said that they were right up to the cap just before free agency..and had work to do..and they just took on some big salaries....if Duron didn't get that signing bonus I bet they would have cut him..I doubt Jones needs or wants the headache all yr Did Bond officially sign there?
  21. yeah they are shy on picks this year...give em the pick and rights to Mulumba
  22. and most teams are set there..or have used up cash...except us
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