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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Yeah having a national there could be the option..we have the bodies to try it and depth behind them. Jones I am sure could handle it and not hurt us..and Branning is going to be good..alreDy has the talent..just needs the experience and the dark horse is Conteh..once he gets his bearings he may be a long term answer there.. .he could be one of those intimidating hitters...a milder version of Bovell/Bennie Thompson....2 of my fav former d-backs outside of Stick
  2. Fogg is probably looked at as the DI..handle punt returns...come in as the nickle...in game depth...as he can fill in for half back and Sam..until someone else takes any of those roles away from him. He is familiar with the team..systems..culture and who's to say he won't improve in a re-jigged defensive scheme..these are the types of signings a deep team needs and you can't discount continuity and familiarity. If it turns out someone beats him out...well then we are a better squad but until then we could have way worse options
  3. I'm thinking we are going after White..Possibly Purifoy at DB...Dean or Reed at linebacker...most likely Dean and possibly a National D-lineman..and Demski
  4. yup...that early Bowman signing is looking real big now. I'm happy with what we have on offence now, and we need to focus on defense...I think it is setting up nicely for us to grab who we are targeting
  5. interesting that Jones in Riderland has come out and said that they are right at the cap now....and free agency hasn't even started. Plus they have 2 starters on their o-line unsigned...not Canadian depth on defence..especially on the d-line...and some other key pieces to their team that would hurt them to lose....so not sure how or if they can sign any big names..let alone some of their own guys from last year...there gonna have to be some purging there...or a very weak depth issue there and marginal Canadians...will be interesting for sure
  6. and with Durant pretty sure we are going to see it more and be very successful...to the point where we could see Durant in for 3..4..5..plays in a row or until a team takes a timeout...there is a stoppage in play or they pull a phantom injury ala the Riders
  7. Ekakite already made more money than Jake...and from what I seen of him this off-season he has put serious work into being better in the CFL game. and really....if we need to go that route and sign someone else, we could probably sign Steele or Gill...possibly Waud for similar cash to what Thomas would need...and be better for it
  8. 3rd contract now...6 year Canadian vet...he won't be huge bucks but will make significant dollars in a cap world...and money that could give better bang for the buck elsewhere....thats the hold-up there.... I can see him back maybe 1 week or so into the season if no one seems interested, and then only if he wants to accept a value deal...i bet he lands in Mtl...closer to home
  9. I actually think he is who we are targeting...he has the ability to be a shut down guy at corner or half back...the brother connection too may help us in his signing. We have no needs on offence via free-agency...anything would be a bonus but we can get Demski I sure on a very cap friendly deal. Wouldn't be surprised that if Westerman doesn't re-ip today, that he will sign shortly after free agency opens...I see him as a team guy and wanting to finish what they started here. If I was a betting man I figure we walk away with White..Demski..Dean and Gill...or possibly Waud as more Canadian DT depth
  10. I think that Walters should throw all his free agent marbles into defense and free agency. offensively...we basically have our starting O-line back that ended the season and all our back-ups....our QB...RB...we added Bowman...and I think we can be fine starting givens/white/ldw as the 5th and as the import back-up. Demski will be a bonus and should be very cap friendly so really we have consistency all across the board there....from coaches to starting line-up Defense....we need that killer MLB....for sure...d-line....is pretty good now and will be better as Jeffcoat and Poop are going to know more now than they did last year and will make them better. If it is the case that Westerman wants to move on...then we should go hard after Dean and Woods or Reed...Dean..Wood..Leggett patrolling our linebacking corps with JSK rotating in would be..well special The pressure and tenacity of that defense would more than off-set the loss of Heath and allow our 2nd year guys to firther develop if Gaitor or Clarke havn't got their mojo back
  11. Yeah I see a lot of flawed logic in that statement...some people do actually have a good idea of the inner workings..locker room dynamics..playing the game outside of being behind a keyboard..
  12. If finally healthy Evan Gill woukd be better than thomas andcsteele..and cheaper JSK came to camp late last year..so had no time to grab the MLB spot..but was good enough to stick around..then make his way into starting line-up He played all the positions in college and excelled at all..id have no issues with him in the middle.. has the skill set to play it..and body wise is similar to Singletons so for you people enamoured with position based on body type he should do just fine. Hopefully we can land Dean..ibthink he would make biggest impact for us and a unit with him..Santos Knox and Leggett with Wild rotating in would be a nice group. That being said I am looking forward to seeing J.Jones in camp..could be a real sleeper
  13. Hurl could be replaced roster wise by Gauthier..Renaud..Conteh..all guys still making sig. less
  14. Yeah good value for sure considering we payed Nick Moore way more than that and he has never produced like Bowman has. I can take the odd drop here and there if he opens up space for Adams and Harris and chips in with 80+ catches and 1100 to 1200 yards or so and 8 to 10 tds...all numbers I think he will eclipse btw in this offense and with his familiarity with Nichols ..plus you can bet he is gonna play possessed to prove doubters wrong and stick it to the Shmoes
  15. Maybe he isn't sold on his crew in Regina..Roosevalt is I bet one good smack away from more concussion issues...and is also 30 so not like he a young pup..Bakari Grant had an anomaly season...probably won't match that again....Carter...who knows whats going on there with that clown...I wouldn't put too much commitment in him being a guy you want to entrust as being there and consistant all the time..Bagg...pffft...and then what else they have...same type of middling imports as everyone else
  16. yeah...like their spin on that price drive thing..what a bunch of assbags. They have no cap room to sign anything significant now, and still have huge holes to fill...and slashes to be made...and if they do make a big signing...even more slashing
  17. Thing with him he really thrives with lots of balls...and is a huge yac guy and will draw lots of attention...especially if we establish going to him often and early. This is really going to help Harris...in production, and wear and tear as he will a lot of times only have to contend with 1 guy on him as opposed to usualy 2 and 3 converging on him immediately....same with Dress in the middle now, and just think the room and match-ups that Darvin will have to contend with. Sure he 32...soon to be 33 but he showed last part of season he is still a force...and the fact that 4-5 teams were after him shows that most teams believe he still has lots of upside.
  18. thats got to sting those clowns there (fanbase) that Sask isn't the be all end all place to be even when they offer most money hahaha They offered 160k..so if we got him under that then thats a sweet deal and allows us nice free agency flexabilty still
  19. well me too obviously...but with economics and needs...paying top dollar for a mlb and db which is more of a need puts us most likely in the value pick of available import receivers...unless we have more available funds than we think...then get the top in all 3 positions
  20. where did i reference a playoff performance? And Criner has way more a pedigree and skill/training than Lafrance...and btw I have never been a Lafrance booster...always said he was wayyyyy overpaid for a performance in a snow game
  21. nobody..they just knew/know it has happened before so were using media i think to try and make argos look bad and have their shot...if there actually even is one. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a ploy to get out of a contract...then turn around when the "opportunities" didn't pan out and shop services around to all CFL teams to get the best deal they could...which leads one to agree with not letting this occur as guys could start doing this more often then not...and bring back the option window so that if you do explore an "opportunity" and it doesn't turn out for you then you are tied to your CFL team that next year...and only play elsewhere if they deal you...or you sit out and pout
  22. darvin Adams was a huge meh by most...as well as a who??? we all know how that worked out...tho I think the same as I did when we grabbed Adams that was diamond in the rough...put him as a dedicated member of your top three and I bet he shines. He's the type of guy whom if you get involved and keep involved will produce...real good on jump balls and has a big catch radius...stuck on the Raidrs active roster for 12 games one year so must have some skill...he was just buried in Ottawa so didn't get a lot of reps
  23. That's kind of how I see it...I think we grab Dean...Demski...Gill and most likely Daniels or Criner..I say we opt out of Bowman just for the fact we know we need Westerman for multiple reasons and truthfully if we address linebacker and keep d-line intact we can live without Heath. Walker is young and showed some real flashes and his miscues were soley due to his age and being in a totally new environment and league...a big thing to absorb for a 21 yr old coming to the Canadian game at one of the toughest positions to translate from U.S ball. Gaitor and Clarke give us experienced depth and I actually thjink those were 2 very sneaky good moves. Now maybe we have more flexability and $$ available to really make a splash in free agency and land a lot more...we shall see but from what I hear we are sitting really good sms wise and a lot of our re-ups and extensions don't really reflect much on what 2018 SMS is available...That is why the decision to let Hurl//Thomas..JFG...Normand walk is key and benefits us more on a salary standpoint and a upgrade in skill
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