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Everything posted by Booch

  1. shows how dumb Carter is as well to try and bring that into the country through the airport....just further confirming his lack of intelligence
  2. yeah thank god for that...and a lot of player referrals from former and current guys. Especially since Taman had no real football background whatsoever...never mind having an eye for talent and what to look for. I still laugh of how he claimed Blinks hands wee too small to hold the ball effectively and Walls was just not strong enough to be a successful DE so why waste tc roster spots...sheesh
  3. if it wasn't for Wickman's insistance that they give him a shot we would have had neither
  4. He didn't scout Blink...Blink was refferred to him and he actually didn't want to invite him to camp because he figured he couldn't cut it and it be a waste of TC spot...same with Gavin Walls
  5. I GUESS for the amount we used Normand we could sign Lafrance as his replacement...he can take rotational reps in game and not affect the ratio and saves us using a DI designation for whatever Import running back we choose to dress be it Flanders or Bauman If he fits into the SMS system as a national back-up/rotational piece he would be worth the look
  6. or we do a real big move and roster Randle..Heath..Gaitor and Alexander...or whomever wins the job...which wouldn't be too shabby a backfield...or we go Canadian at the one corner as a ratio fix...
  7. very solid pick-up...nice cover guy with "CFL" experience which is huge I can still see Fogg back...he versatile and can return and would be a nice 6th db option...he can play corner..half and sam if need be
  8. I think the D-line is/was fine and will only be better. I think we led the league in pressures last year?...or were top 2?? the last 3rd of season too the d-line really became a force...thats the least of our concerns I think moving forward. The MLB role/philosophy has to change this year....no question about it as the last 3 years has shown to be a failure in what that position has contributed
  9. that's the easy part...and for the most part athletes now are pretty much conditioned year round...the muscle memory will come back in no time, and aerobic conditioning as well...he was probably doing that type of stuff right away
  10. LIKE I say...he will be back by Training Camp...if you playing basketball then recovery has to be wayyy ahead of sched and going well...man is on a mission
  11. That article too is pushing 8 years old now....technology and recovery has changed...it's different now and different per guy. Like I mentioned before...Sherrit had the same injury/surgery at beginning of last year and by years end was a consideration to be on active roster, and if they made the Grey Cup I bet he would have dressed. From what I've seen and know, and based on my experience with injuries and re-hab Moe will be participating fully for training camp...and have a pretty good feeling it will be in Blue and Gold
  12. Bridge was not making league minimum last year...he was released from Allouttes for refusing a paycut so obviously was making well over the minimum there, and chose the Riders over the Redblacks when he signed in 2016...so I'm assuming there was a bit of competition salary wise. He is I bet making at least 150k as a base this year..seeing as at the time he was possibly their only real viable option...and he signed prior to free agency, so must of got something he was happy with...to think he is only making a max of 100k as his base is highly unlikely...
  13. Well....no....maybe I should have said they gonna have some serious depth on their 6 game "injury" list lol
  14. they are going to have to do some serious slashing...can't be adding all these bigger contracts without sacrificing elsewhere
  15. I think possibly now since not a lot of money to go around on offence in Sask now....Collaros' big deal...now Carter at just under 200k...I sure Roosevelt got a bump up..Bridge got an increase..If they want to keep their defense intact Jefferson...Steele...Mruabe..Knox Jr...Leonard all are going to be looking for more...and that doesn't even factor in if they want to make a big signing via free agency. Thats a lot of core players left that hasn't been resigned...and some money will have to be shaved elsewhere..so I see them going cheap in the Canadian receiver spot to try and compensate...They still have to sign Bailey too...so I can see them going with Bagg...Picton...and that Stanford and letting the more vet guys go. Christ they still need to sign Campbell...if he is wanting to sign there and deal with Dennis's albatross of a contract
  16. Do we even know if he is making bigger bucks? I highly doubt it and it prob has a clause in it for any starts he may get due to injury...nichols failing etc...good move to pick him up regardless. If it means Davis has to go..so be it..the trade off of Durant and rookie 3rd string would be less than we woulda payed for Davis and Lefevour. We now have a guy who is familiar with coordinator.. an important receiver in Dressler and a guy who is a proven qb who can win and has seen all the defensive looks a qb will see in a game and will give us best chance to win games. I going to like to see Durant on the short yardage plays stay in in cheetah like Lefevour..but actually make the next play and have ability to stay on field for several plays and run our offence against a jumbo set who cant get off the field..
  17. yeah methinks we see some issues there...discontentment...possible locker room division...should be interesting to say the least.
  18. Jevaris Jones...was here late in season...pretty sure he is going to be in TC...Club was pretty high on him...seems like an intriguing prospect
  19. yeah they talk of a great contract that fits nicely into the sms there...don't see it ...but i guess based on the intellect there that's what you'd expect to hear. 225K lopped off the cap right off the hop has to be a bit concerning..as well as 205k more of salary to cover...on a guy who may still not have it...or get re-injured...tho anyone can be injured but a quarter million tied into a player in a sms small cap league is just dumb. No what if Bridge plays lights out and beats out Zack...are they gonna still start Zack...and alienate him further as it seems he is a bit perturbed now based on some tweets Wonder what his deal is worth....I'd say has to be around 200k
  20. I'd say other than Bryant..the most important re-sign of the off season
  21. Yeah for whatever reason he seemed to have a different demeanor in the games last year....I was shocked actually. Not sure if he didn't want to make a mistake so he reigned things in or what...but to me he looked like a totally different QB He has the skill set...and should know the system...If he doesn't really light it up this camp I see him as being gone...which is too bad
  22. actually in game time Apodaca made Lefevours regular season work look like Montana...Apodaca couldn't make a pass if his life depended on it Davis moved ball quite well and looked very poised
  23. Benedict Ibisi was a very good lineman...but his passport worked against him...and the position he played (center)
  24. If Bryant was to go down in a game Hardrick I would think would shift over..and Neufeld to Right Tackle...any extended time off then in comes Foketti...and I'd be fine on that. To be honest..Foketti would start at a tackle position on any team in the league last year...and this year as well...he is a real luxury that we have been able to keep him satisfied for 3 years now and not have bolted on us
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