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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Dline yeah you will have and need some rotation...But Jeffcoat...Poop..Opo..Nevis and Westerman are all A-1 starter types so it's not really an issue but at times we had 3..4 guys coming in and out at a time...and it was constant...and generally in the linebacking/dback area and it I think can cause more issues than help with trying to match up a certain way. I don't know if it was just a gut instinct thing or a scouting determination that player X was better at this task or faired well against a certain player, or if certain guys played well in direct coverage and others were better in read and react zone play...who knows...Tho I don't think we employed much read/react zone coverage as we seemed to have our guys play safe in their zones and converge to ball once play was executed and it usually resulted in the receiver always appearing to be not covered and getting positive yardage, but kept drives alive and ate up the yardage. Now was it a trust thing in the players?...a belief by coaching they didn't have the talent to play this style?, or a defensive philosophy that was employed? I bet we as a team played the least man or press coverage in the league the last few years and well we seen the results of this. Which technically is somewhat encouraging because these are easy fixes and minor adjustments to a game plan can make this all disappear...now are we going to change the way we think defensively?...from sounds of what Oshea is saying and what Walter's alluded to today it sounds like we are
  2. If we get Bryant inked...re-up Dressler and find 1 dominant game breaking receiver, and 1 dominant game altering linebacker, and 1 complimentary DB....we will be just fine...small needs to focus, but vital ones for sure
  3. I never really liked the constant rotation to be honest...takes away too much for players getting in a groove and a feel for the game. Like Kyle said...have your best 12-13 guys and go with them...and I agree. Perhaps this message has been parlayed to Oshea/Hall (if he is back) that moving forward thats what we are going to do...that being said onus is on Walters and scouting staff to provide said 12-13 best players to do the playing as starters
  4. Yeah don't profess to be a know it all blow hard but have seen a lot..done a lot and worked with a lot so like to share my first hand experience/knowledge as well as some insider insight I am privvy to at times as well... The original poster is somewhat correct, that there is I guess you can call it a set list and play-calls predetermined based on looks and if flow goes a certain way...thats a given and thats basically part of the gameplan ...and some coaches a lack there of. I was just trying to argue the perception that I got that a first drive was a pre-determined sequence of plays that are ran in succession regardless of the fact of anything else. That being said I have been in games where we ran basically 3 plays until the other team showed they could counter, or stop it
  5. explosion is never a determination of 40 time at all..never said that. At combines we can judge and rank a players potential for explosion based on broad jump and vertical...never 40 time. Also, we use a thing we refer to as 6 inch burst and look for that aspect of a players skill set...Mulumba has played a rush end and the defensive end in the 3-4 set soley his last 3 years down south and translate very well to a stand up end here...he basically played (minimally) and practices at the same thing Westerman did. Jake Thomas would be a horrible linebacker
  6. pretty sure i have a pretty good direct knowledge as have played in 2 of the 3 leagues u mentioned.as well as been involved in creating playbooks and packages.maybe some teams run a series of pre-determined plays...called game planning but to say to run play A...B..C..D...E in a series is yes laughable and not a recipe for success. Now you may yes have a set of plays based on scouting to counter act a teams sets..schemes..personel etc..etc but game flow and situation dictates what you run..as well as what seems to be working outside your game prep too
  7. Agreed...I truly think he will do his one year of bouncing around and if year 2 looks to be more of the same with no real solid chance or commitment $$ wise pretty sure you will see him sign in time for TC here and most likely after the CFL draft when the NFL teams are done thee mini-camps and OTA workouts
  8. These early signings bode well for 2018 signings too...Undoubtedly 2017 cap money is left to use as the upfront bonus money paid this year, to offset as much being on 2018 budget...and I would think thee is still ore to use in this manner. Both good signings and I think Bryant announcement is just a mere formality to be honest...continuity on the O-line will go a long way, and Neufeld age and experience wise is just hitting O-lineman prime years. If he has put the injury issues behind him this is huge as he is better than most on this board actually think..or know..and is a huge ratio swing for the Bombers. Solid Canadian depth behind as well with Couture and Spooner, as well as Gray as he will be here at some point and my guess is sooner than later
  9. 3 years into a system and Nichols healthy all year (tho you cant count on that) alone will make for more TD's Now you add some receiver talent and I am sure that is the top thing on the off-season list with a linebacker and easily we score more. I don't think Nichols has reached his top potential yet, and he seems to be a student of the game as well and very focused on continual improvement so a better season I think is pretty much a guarantee out of him...or if anything a similar one
  10. Yeah we know and no disputing what the rules "say" but the fact is that it is, it is not always adhered to that way and an example was in the same game itself. As a former player I can tell you first time multiple times it's called dead regardless of contact and or a snap, and multiple times it is not. The fact tho that the guy just stood in the neutral zone and accepted the fact that he was caught and going to be penalized just makes it more bizarre and should have been whistled in my opinion.
  11. Also may explain his fumble too...with two good hands I am sure he would have been down before it popped out...he more or less was as it was...especially if the broken one was his dominant hand...
  12. There is some good in what HALL'S defense does and Oshea is somewhat correct in what he is saying. YOu can have the best of both worlds (takeaways/pressure and yardage) We blamed Hall last year about why the d-line sucked butt, and said it was his scheme, but I would go so far as to say we had probably one of the top..top 3 at the least defensive lines this year and that was with one holdover true starter (Westerman)...so that tells me it was personnel and not scheme . This year Linebacker is the apparent issue and I thnk by default Hurl was thrust there and it wasn't the plan, and we suffered as we anticipated several holdovers to step in, and they didn't and we didn't really recruit adequately there and it bit us..Tho the Jones we have on the PR intrigues me a lot for next year and am certain he will be in camp. I'd go hard after the best established play maker available in free agency, and if Hall is back they should be brainstorming all winter in what they want to implement and fill the role with the right guys. We need to allow or d-backs to cover in man and not depend on the soft zones, and if they can't do the job find ones who can..We know Randle and Heath can play this style, Alexander looks like he could as well. Walker shows signs and will chalk up his age and learning on the fly to his busts. That being said it should be a short leash and if the same ol same ol keeps occuring we cut ties and bring in new blood
  13. I believe he won special teams player of year again out that way...almost certain I heard that
  14. that's what I am hoping..we can save $$...he's a better punter and the DI spot can be way better utilized in a more productive manner. I want an offence that doesn't have to rely on filed goals outside the 40 consistantly to score points..
  15. This should be our shopping list as I posted on other site: I'd include Bond but would prefer we go 3 nationals on the oline, but wouldn't be upset having the same o-line if it doesn't hinder us getting talent elsewhere Only ones we should concern ourselves with are Arceneaux from BC, Singleton from CGY (if he doesn't go south) Dean from Hamilton and William Powell from Ottawa.Sign any 3 of these 4 along with our own musts of Hardrick, Bryant, Randle, Heath, Leggett, Westerman, Jones, Dressler, Foketti and Neufeld and we will be looking really good and totally will all fit into the SMS with money to hopefully bring in a Mulumba and or Chris Mathews if he is still unsigned down south and wants to come back up to Canada.The rest of our own free agents can be determined if price and need is right after the dust settles from free agency/draft and what we find with scouting
  16. yeah it will work when a team totally stopped playing for their coaches like in Hamilton...and from 0-8 you have nowhere to go but up...different situation totally. it was very obvious that team stopped playing by the 5th or 6th game of season
  17. but all indicatins are he really loves it here, and most likely wants to win and be part of a good organization, and pretty sure he will get neither there next year
  18. And in the end it would Be Walter's decision if we would even allow him to listen to offers anyway...and I would bet he would say no anyway. It's imperative I think to keep most things intact and continuity to keep building...it's not like we would be building on failure playoff loss aside. And incorporating 2 new coordinators next season at same time would be taking steps back and no way would we match or better this years record
  19. I don't see Gray as a guy either wanting to bounce around for several years as a practice roster guy with no real definate opportunity. I bet he uses this year, and if the Jets dump him come winter, he does signs up here if all he is going to get is practice roster opportunity with no real legit chance to make a game day roster. It's in his best interest to play here 2 years..gets some film and experience and showcase what he has,,,if he has it and then try again down south...he doesn't eat up PR time down there and a few years down the road he may be the first called off the PR with an injury, as opposed to the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th option as he is now
  20. H e can have a contract already agreed to for 2018 but not registered until then...so technically a free agent but committed to being here...teams can and will inquire but he can just say not interested, or appease them and look at offer with no intention of signing. I am certain we have things in place not to lose him.
  21. Now is he a free agent this year...Mitchell that is...he would be a good pick-up, and I know they really like Myles...he can really burn...and I know he showed well in NFL camps...made active game rosters on 2 teams and it was kind of a shocker that he got released
  22. This is not necessarily accurate actually. The team may plan and scheme for certain plays to be used and established but the notion that that first drive is pre-scripted and ran as such is just nonesense...not sure where you get that from...It may be pre-planned on what they want to do and established based on looks and flow of the game but to say that a team is running a script of plays they mapped out all week is quite honestly laughable...sorry If anything the first play most likely is pre-determined to see what the defense is going to show coverage wise or get an idea of their base package or coverage's going into the game, but even then it doesn't sway the offence into running a pre-practiced offensive drive of plays
  23. That's why the Bombers were so hot...cause the guy stood in the neutral zone (cause even he thought it be blown dead) and it wasn't called...Ref's blundered it. Someone could or should of just reached out and touched him as that would be called (well we can do that in U.S ball)
  24. you have to remember too that the OC may radio in a couple plays to use, based on look and scheme being presented pre-snap and the QB has the choice to choose or audible from it. A run play may have been called but Nichols may have seen differently and changed the call based on what he saw, or how the defense set up...we will never know and it's pretty tough to point fingers one way or the other...
  25. have you ever seen Chris Williams..Brandon Banks..out of uniform....twirps.
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