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Everything posted by Booch

  1. this is true generally if the guy hops right back, but we have seen it called before too when ball isn't snapped, and it happened to Wpg in that fashion in the same game. Lost in it all tho was the fact the D-lineman was in the neutral zone...then stood there at first and made no apparent attempt to get back originally and hence why it should have been called..Probably why Gossen never snapped it cause the guys was just standing in there...Blown call if you ask me
  2. He'd be hardly too raw to be a rush end guy...thats nonesense. He's maybe 260 now and that is hardly too big to be an end, as he is a mid 4.7 forty guy. Don't be fooled by posted weights and stats as most DE's here are ranging from 240 to 265 pounds...theres a few lighter guys but not that many... Also if we are back with HALL and this apparent scheme Mulumba would be head and shoulders above what Hurl or anyone else gave us in that position. He's bigger, yet faster, has better explosion, a better blitzer and can get off blocks to make a tackle...so him in the middle isn't such a longshot or bad idea...also...have you ever heard of a player dropping weight or adding weight to adapt to a position?..happens all the time and if he dropped weight,,,he becomes faster too and he already can run a 4.7 forty at that weight...which matches many a MLB speed in the CFL...Many of the big hitters are in the high 4.6 to high 4.7's..
  3. that IS the stat that you should be concerning yourself with actually....You ever hear the term out kicking your coverage?...thats what happens with just long bombs as punts
  4. was there any actual determination of what his injury was other than upper body?...I'm hearing it is possible concussion issues... We need to roll on defense with just 2 Canadians next year and having 3 National lineman on offense does the least impact and won't really affect offensive production. We have Loffler as a given and as it sits now we roll any one of Corney/Ekakite/Westerman (who is a must resign) in the D-line rotation. Ideally if we could land Mulumba I would like to see modified 3-4 looks where in lots of looks you would have a Westerman/Jeffcoat and Mulumba lined up as "Linebacker" but one would be an edge rusher/blitzer and the other more involved in what Hurl was "supposed" to be doing . Would cause constant O-line confusion and create tons of pressure especially in blitz packages....we need an aggressive front 7 style to limit time for routes to develop and have QB's always feeling like they are rushed and the O-line always trying to determine where the pressure is coming from
  5. I'm thinking Spooner has a deal set for 2018...so that be the resson...Team is high on White so probably didn't want him to be scooped up
  6. We didn't seem to miss a lot with him down..Neuf did way better than I thought and we could roll with him next year as Spooner and Couture get more seasoned and or Gray ends up here . Let Bond test the waters in Nfl or hear and then see if and how he could fit in our SMS. If we plan on utilizing and expanding on the Harris and an Import back scenario I'd like us to stick with 3 Nationals on the line and use money Bond would require and go hard after Powell from Ottawa..Imagine a dilema with him and Harris in the backfield??..yikes Would save a ton of wear and tear on Harris
  7. I have played in many different schemes and systems, both sides of the border and as a Linebacker...never...EVER have I been in a system that had a linebacker in that role, or a scheme that took a second level guy out of the play making role...never happens and if this was some new funky defensive style to try and bring something new and fresh well then it can be now shelved as a bust/failure...whatever. Tho on the flip side this is the mantra and basis for a strong aggressive 3-4 style defense, and versions of a 4-4 where you have a big dominant nose tackle do this, or in the 4 man a nose tackle type Defensisive tackle and a more athletic guy..Like Poop who can do a similar job and be effective against the run, yet have a good 6 inch burst and can get in the backfield, or make plays along the line where the flow dictates. We actually had personnel to run a scheme such as this, but for whatever reason used the wrong people, or schemed it from the wrong position...and it befuddled me all year
  8. hopefully we have the sense to learn from that..review each game what worked and why and track how we scored...and then manage the games next year and not get cute and fancy...
  9. for sure, but we also don't know if he didn't lobby for someone else or a change to the bogus claim that his role is to fill a gap and occupy a lineman...watch some game film and that's not what he is doing...and even so...part of a defender job is to make a tackle while engaged and break off /disengage from the blocker...that he couldn't and didn't do. If this was the real intended scheme and role then it would have been better served to have Corney or Westerman fill this role, but I am siding on the reality that it was the team defending Hurl publically and not throwing him under the bus...plain and simple.
  10. Yeah I think he confirmed his worth and silenced his critics...also the fact he stood thee and didn't use injuries as an excuse...he will get better..we will get better...Give him a legit scary number one threat along with what we have now...he will have bigger numbers net year and more wins...and I bet a Western Nomination MOP nod
  11. Another thing we need to stress with whomever is in place as a coordinator, as well as personnel is lose the mindset/tactic of always trying to to the lawnmower strip that has burned us over and over again in "hopes" of getting a turnover. Be a stout strong defense and smack em in the face and put them on their arses...the turn overs will come and in my experience most turn overs occur from a guy getting whalloped..stopped in his tracks, or just actually hit hard and hit often..Not this hold him up and try in most times in ernest pulling a ball out as the ball carrier keeps moving for 3..4..5...and as you seen on the Gable touchdown 15 yards ...Tho Hurl totally whiffed at LOS the most part of that was this stupid strip it out mentality. If one thing drove me nuts this year as a former defensive guy it was this...such a stupid tactic and based on the unpredictable reffing as it is..just plain stupid..some plays they whistle it dead before the play is done...others early so it's just not worth it
  12. Defensive co-ordinator first and foremost...though if Hall would change his philosophy on defence, and utilize the tools in the tool box this wouldn't be an issue, but as it goes in footbal co-ordinators/schemes/philosophies come and go and Hall's has sailed...teams are onto it now and he needs to re-invent much like Lapo did. I'd dump cash at Steinauer and the Asst/HC title on him to pull him outta Fresno State...and as an incentive have a private convo with him/Miller and Walters that if the team goes one and done again in the play-offs they will have the onions and pull the pin on Oshea and hand over the reins to him. The culture and environment is here and re-established now, so canning the HC won't negatively impact that now. I think on offense we are a bigger receiver away who plays angry/mean to compliment what we have right now. Hello Arcenaeux and or Mathews...do what you need to get it done...if that means sacrificing Medlock money so be it..it would be money better spent elsewhere truthfully as we shouldn't have to rely on a kicker to constantly get the wins...it just lends to the attitude and comfort in not doing what it takes to have a lethal offence if you ask me. You add a big bodied aforementioned receiver to Adams, Harris, and yes I would resign Dressler to add to that mix as he would thrive in a system with a group like this and we should be fine with some of the existing complimentary pieces, or some new find or other free agent pick-up. Our line is sound and tho some free agent's are expected I hear that some are already a given to be back. At worst we are going to have art the least Couture/Goose/Chung/Spooner/Foketti and I'll go out there and say Bryant and Hardrick as well....only wild card is Bond, Also, i bet that if Gray gets dumped this off-season he will sign here to get some game film...so o-line wise we are very set...as well as QB (starter) Our weakness is linebacker without a doubt and that is where we need to address things. Santos-Knox appears to be a keeper and so is Moe injury aside, and we should be bringing him back, but if initially...or reality wise the nickle position is too much to come back to...he goes to safety and you test out Loffler in the position of Santos Knox and move him into the middle or use in sets with a more traditional 3-4 look. If we can Land Muamba I would like to see a defense predicatec with 3 down lineman and a Mulumba/Corney playing a Tyrone Jones/james Parker role and lining up all over..on the line...in the linebacking corp...causing mismatches and confusion all over the place...A rotation up front with Jeffcoat/Johnson/Opo/Ekakite /Westerman (if he resigns) and maybe another new run stuffing stud can be the makings of an exciting and aggressive defense....also a productive one. We play/played too passive the past 3 years....time for change
  13. right after Christmas you part ways. And most likely do some networking and initial "discussions" at Grey Cup Week. If I was Miller/Walter's I would be in Steinauers's ear now...offer him DC/Asst HC and make him the highest paid assistant in the game up here..Lure him away from Fresno State., or at least make an offer that he has to consider..I not sold on Thorpe moreso as how he relates/co-habitats with players and staff so Steinauer would be my A1 target.
  14. exactly...hence if Flanders is out you need that other import running threat...especially once the sun goes down at 430 and the team with the best ground game to control the clock is going to have nest chance to win. I actually think Bauman would offer us more in the run game than Flander's does and that dual threat, once they can (and should) establish it in the game would give the Esk's a lot of trouble. Also every year it seems in the play-offs some unsung here, or new unknown guy steps into a line-up and shines and becomes key...perhaps this year we can have that guy. He's been here now long enough, and most likely was brought in to play this same role, as he was never brought in to learn the feature tailback position, so he has to know at the least the basic packages to play it effectively..
  15. if he is out..best thing to do is dress Bauman in Flanders role and roll with that..we know he can obviously run, and I'm sure can catch some passes out of backfield..it's not a hard thing for a former feature back in an offence to do. Plus the unknown factor of him will cause mismatch issues initially, as well his running style matches up well for playoff football...to hell with dressing a Lankford who would not factor significantly with touches anyway
  16. i believe statement came out as of yesterday 26.5k have been sold so far..so a good bet we have 28k minimum
  17. of the 7 receivers on game day roster only 2 of them are under 6 feet...so that comment/assessment holds no real merit...and really it would have no effect on things any way
  18. thing is too tho...this mailing it in thing is a bit of a myth/farce...as a player I have played in many a game which held no real significance at certain points in a year, and believe me guys don't want to just show up and loose and go through the motion...any team I was on with a player with an attitude like that would be carved from the herd and that would be that. Athletes want to win regardless...especially professionals who lively-hood depend on it. So this notion that certain teams didnt come to play is laughable...especially at home. I think Winnipeg showed they were tougher and didn't let the conditions hinder their play..Sure BLM was out, but so was Nichols,..Adams..Leggett..Westerman..Bond..Briggs. Calgary had their starting offence and defensive lines in...running back...receivers save for Mcdaniel but he has been out a while , so it's not like it was a preseason game with nobodies and rookies...it was their A team and sure Singleton sat for better part of 3 quarters but he doesn't play on deference so not sure how that would made much of a difference on that side of the ball where we actually shut a team down defensively. Another thing too, Buckley is much more evasive and mobile than BLM and you never know..with BLM in there we may have had more sacks ... This isn't a blue koolaide rant, but take it for what it was in a November football game...some teams are not built for playing in this weather...see Calgary most years after their 15-3 seasons...they seem to fizzle out when the frost hits the pumpkins...Maybe this Bomber team is built to thrive in this less than adequate environment...and a ball hawking defence always seem to rise in this weather too...and it cant be denied the Bombers are a takeaway defense...Sunday will be interesting
  19. I think if Austin gets canned that will be the last you see of him in CFL for a long time...if ever
  20. Does anyone ever correlate one teams "bad" play which resulted in the other team winning may be a direct result of the play of the winning team making them look bad?
  21. The way Opo..The Coat and the big boys in the middle when all together played and are playing I don't think we need to tinker with that. If they can duplicate that over next couple games were gold..let Westerman heal.
  22. Hardrick is fine...was his usual self out there.. he would need to be minus a limb to not be playing
  23. On defense you just have to be more sure of self and not get caught biting on any moves...play off a bit more...The offensive guy knows where he is headed, so on defense you need to stay in control and you won't see many big hits...this is in extreme crap conditions by the way. In the trenches a lot of times you don't even notice it in the snow...u just are more wet. Ice fields tho..basically it's just do what you can, and hope for the best. Played with a lot of guys who had never seen snow...let alone played in it, and most enjoyed it...the only giys who really struggled or complained were the back-ups and specialty guys who were just standing around for the most part...when you are playing you dont really notice it until it's a windy sub -15-20 degree game...then it hurts like a mofo
  24. Yeah I have...tho thankfully this isn't astro turf as that stuff froze basically up as a sheet of hard pack, or ice...so cleats were basically useless. This field turf now is like real grass...probably better because it wont freeze rock hard like grass, so your usual cleat should be just fine. Back in the astro turf days broomball shoes...especially for line man was a preferred choice..or those old style astro turf rubber bottom cleats which had the whole bottom covered in small black nub like cleats...if you can recal those
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