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Everything posted by Booch

  1. doesn't matter...total cups are total cups regardless...10 as opposed to 4 seems more successful as a franchise to me
  2. it's been ugly lately with him in actually...more so related to Lapo's odd game plans lately I think...and basically ignoring 3/4's of the offensive weapons and playbook
  3. Looking like it...I hope that was a smokescreen and they still aren't somewhat nicked...and it compounds tomorrow and they are lost for the play-offs
  4. yeah at minimum it will be 22 wins the past two seasons...can't say we fluked that out or were lucky over the course of 2 seasons...football doesn't work that way and usually everything evens out over a course of a year. I'd allow the team to switch philosophies somewhat and some key personnel and see if they can turn this into a dominant defense with the coordinator returning...that being said it should be a 5 game leash and if more of the same continues you cut ties and have ample time to reload with a new philosophy during the season...for most part the teams are all running the same basic packages and looks...it's more the coordinators mentality and the players following suit which makes a defense dominate...or be passive
  5. NAH...I would say wide side WR then Defensive end and or defensive Tackle be the easiest to step right in at. Running back not so much..especially with the extra guy coming on a rush to deal with and benchmarks on the field to orientate yourself....if you've never played both games you would be shocked how a player uses has-marks...sidelines etc to do things and effect how they react and a lot of times it's done without thinking, just body/mind conditioning. Puttting a really green RB in there is a good way to get your QB killed
  6. Drew W has kick return experience as does Walker
  7. Lost in all this is that it pretty sad that at this point in the season Jones and the Riders have no better option than putting him in the defensive backfield. Quite the slap in the face to guys there already all year getting bypassed and sure must ads to the lack of chemistry and cohesion there. Sure he's a decent receiver.. But he's no legit 2 athlete guy like Bo Jackson..Deion Sanders..Brian Jordan..hell even Gerry James. I don't wish ill will on anybody but I actually hope he gets hurt out there on defence..leaving them without him or Roosevelt on offence for final push...and if they field Roosevelt again that organization is pathetic..he should be down for season and playoffs now
  8. opportunity to start, and also chance to be closer to home..Cali....was sole reason
  9. no...the interview in the link is Carter....he's short some marbles
  10. I was referencing more the interview with Carter than the article
  11. Man this kid's not all there...I seriously think he has mental health issues http://leaderpost.com/sports/football/cfl/saskatchewan-roughriders/carter-reportedly-involved-in-incident-during-riders-practice
  12. Obviously there is more going on there..and obviously all people who have spoke so far..are more or less not telling the whole story, or just blatantly lying. Stuff like this does not come out of nowhere...none the less it looks good on those assclowns there for in game behaviors and chest thumping. That is a team totally lacking real professionals or any locker room leadership and being led by a smug,,,known cheater...so not totally a surpsise. Also listening to Pederson on 1290 a short while ago was laughable...he just makes that whole fanbase and organization look even dumber.
  13. Well we have 3 games now to integrate and go with the unknown's in Given's, White and Brown...no need to hamstring the offence with the Coates'.. and Lankfords who scare nobody and open up nothing for others on offence. Veteran NFL guys with significant reps can surely be coached up to be useful in our offence by now and have a lot more to offer than what others have...both are Givens and White are lightning quick and can bust things open in an instant...not too sure about Brown and could catch teams off guard with no film on them and what they can be successful at moving forward. If we have a Healthy Dressler , Denmark and JFG in their usual spots, we gotta at least try a game or two with Givens and either White or Brown filling in for Adams and Flanders and have Coates and Washington as the subs...at the very least it would eliminate teams focusing on Harris and taking him out of the gameplan
  14. has no bearing on signing free agents..or in this case a draft pick who is our property...there is a point tho when a guy is released off a team and can be signed by someone else...but isn't eligible to play for them...not sure when that cut-off is, or if it runs in conjuncture to trade deadline
  15. I'm hoping that Kyle and Co. seeing as Mulumba wants their offer increased or have rights traded step up and make him happy....Be prorated for this year if he comes and could be a significant help for final push. If deemed not worthy of it next year...which I would highly doubt he wouldn't be then can always move him at or after camp. We have saved money with Wild, Opo and Dressler on 6 game this year...now with Westerman and also dumped Johnson's salary all of which were never really re-used anywhere yet...so funds are there...time to step up and become a big player for a change and not let opportunities slide by
  16. Mulumba could if that's truly the scheme we are running....which I have doubts on. He has better measurables than Hurl...actually close or better at some than Bear Woods..Tank Reed and Soliman...so he could handle that spot...Or you use him like a Ty Jones or James Parker and line him up all over and let him be a beast
  17. Actually Knox has performed a lot better lately...comes in on certain packages now and has been disruptive and is a good blitzer when asked too...I see his role evolving a bit differently now and it has helped his game. Hurl...ya sure in this defense he is asked to do some un-glamorous stuff and not have a shot at the sexy stats....that being said though he has a hard time getting un-engaged or scraping down the line, and has really tight hips and it limits what he can do in space and when in coverage when asked...he is slow in game speed as well and it gets exploited..has a poor 6 inch pop and it's really noticeable and causes him to be just a bit late on everything. Even though he is used to fill a gap and control a lane, he also has to be able to react and make a play when doing so when that gap is being ran through, and most times he can't do that. I have played a lot of football American and Canadian and never have I been part of a scheme where a guy is asked to soley man a gap and not really be a factor in stopping a play, but occupying space and blockers for others to make the plays...thats silly and if that was the case a smart OC would exploit the hell out of that and draw everyone else out of the box or away from option #1 and you would have gobs and gobs of yards ate up on you on every play I think management dropped the ball in linebacker recruitment and over estimated the ability to have a National man the middle of the D-line in 2016 with Shologan, and this year with Thomas/ekakite and are protecting the players they have now publicly with this defensive scheme used, or leading people to believe is used.
  18. hell no you leave Randle...be Alexander or Fogg I'm sure
  19. Saving grace too is that he will miss a good chunk of next year..and evsn tho was a pending free agent i he is in our plans as we intended to lock him down. His significant money can be allocated to a possible free agent signing...and or toward say Mulumba.. byvthen time Moe is game ready he would be a prorated hit to cap in 2018 and a literal bargain if he comes back for last month or so and playoffs. Walters should be on the phone to Lokombo' s agent asap and offer big bucks for the balance of season and playoffs...with caveat that we would release him after season for a late season injury shot in NFL Would fill a big need and help with ratio..
  20. That whole team is a bunch of posturing clowns..act like a pro and as if you been there done that before. I'm sure glad our guys don't go to the extremes those clowns do when they make a play...sheesh!
  21. Jovon made that statement soley to have people respond and agree with him...his typical self gratification attempt to boost his ego...guys a putz and wouldn't start anywhere else in league but there..his time has come and gone...about in 2014
  22. As a rotaional Canadian...especially at that position we can, and should be better. Over the course of a season if you were to break it down he probably hinders the defense and is a major part of a play going against us, more than a consistent positive. If we are or need to do a rotation as such I think we could be better served doing it elsewhere...especially come cold weather football
  23. yeah true enough..but he got ate up and swallowed many times at the line and Green and couple times Masolli just breezed on into the second level untouched. Jake is an adequate rotation guy especially when he has limited reps, not a real force when asked to be out there as the de-facto starter and takes majority of the rotational reps, along with first team D-line (starter) reps Pretty much any guy on a defense can be said to have a significant play during a game.
  24. That's why I say if and when Mulumba gets here, put him in Hurl's role if we continue this scheme...he is more athletic anyway and is an experienced pass rusher, so would be head and shoulders better
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