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Everything posted by Booch

  1. With their injuries..short week..on road and Redblack's wanting/needing a win to try and get a home playoff date I see them winning. Their defense isn't chopped liver and I think Saskatchewan crested on their little streak and are now playing back to where they truly are at. If Hamilton hadn't played such a putrid game they would be riding into Ottawa on a 3 game skid right now, and pitch forks back out to can everything and anything over there on Riderfan's They got really lucky that they got Hamilton in transition when they did
  2. They played a bit of a different game. Hill as a pure cover guy was phenomenal.. just had a knack for being in a guys hip pocket and basically running the route for the receiver and stealing the ball. Bolden all around was dominant..big body..great cover skills and the definition of a shut down corner. He would play and line up all over almost with no set position and just shut down a teams number one..where hill was strictly on the corner. Bolden too could really play a physical game and stick a guy..hence why he was called "Stick" in some circles and it wsnt because his tall long body. Another beauty who was total shut down was Roy Bennett
  3. And it's nice to know that going into the off-season basically regardless how the season goes we are going into it set at QB...nor real worries and need to toss big bucks at any QB free agent like about 4 teams will be doing to drive up the price...
  4. I bet he lands in Montreal actually Either Franklin or Reilly are going to be in T.O unless Ray comes back...can't see it, but if he stays injury free the rest of the year he could come back next year even stronger, and he at this point now is the classic game manager style QB with the potential to rip a defense a new one. I bet BC jumps in the Franklin fray as well and if he moves it will be them scooping him from the Rider's and I have a feeling the Rider's are going to be going to camp with what they have now, and that just makes chuckle inside
  5. Actually I don't think they have a better defense at all Their line-backing corp to a man isn't better. They have actually given up 1 more point against which isn't an indication of being better, but statistically that makes them not as good. D-Line with Poop in is a wash if you ask me. We take the ball away more...more interceptions and forced fumbles. 3 less sacks, than Scmoes . Our O-line is better..we lead the league in least pressures allowed, and again stats wise isn't our Qb the top rated in the league??? Best kicker as well resides with Winnipeg and arguably the best cover team. Best all around RB as well as lead the league in rushing per game. The Schmoes have us in receivers i would concede that, but after that I think we are better all around. We are 9-3...They 7-5...we play our game, don't turn it over, ball control offence like we are totally capable of I see no reason for not getting a win..and by more than a TD
  6. Maybe it's a move to the way things are going. I do know many teams have already lately and in the past ran potential signings by the league prior to doing it to see if they would/should allow it, and have been re-buffed and they would have been significant names....and I am all for that exclusion because the CFL doesn't want to be perceived as a League which allows any degenerate into it's fold, no questions asked...and thats a good thing It's also not a convenience thing for Hamilton. They as an organization shouldn't have to lose rights to a guy while the League waits to determine if his head is right. As for the guys already in...I'm guessing that they are grandfathered now, but any recurrence and I'd bet they will be outta here immediately. As for that piece of crap Cox...just a shame he is still here at all
  7. he was there...played in pre-season. He ended up cut, but pretty sure he may have injured his knee as well. Other than that...not sure what he up to now
  8. so he signed for 75-80k for this and next...Foster and Knox signings must have had a bigger price tag than a rookie...gave 20k to Holley today as a bonus towards this years cap..have a few higher priced guys even tho Glenn makes chump change as a base...but is prob hitting a lot of his bonus...they must be tight on cap space...if not over...most teams generally try to keep 300-400 as a safety net once season started and rosters finalized for injuries...NFL cuts..etc...you would think they have used that up...christ they sign new guys daily...tho i guess when u dump a pile on 6 game it helps you a bit
  9. Well in defense of that...Sask was a pretty tough line-up to crack with their established top 3 imports, plus ratio issues...and being hurt there put him behind the other guys so was behind the 8 ball there. He would give us more offensive production as a receiver than Lankford would tho
  10. Actually when he started there he was pretty impressive...I was actually shocked when they mentioned that he was a National kid from U of M
  11. actually when i was typing it looked like part of the quote was added to my post.....maybe I'm just losing my mind from too many head to head shots lol nope...i not...the quote is in my post
  12. Air conditioning issues for visitors earlier this year, sewer issues now...apparently tho I hear it was the whole facility...lack of water fountains....no HDTV around in concourse to watch game while not in your seat....this grand palace best in the country has it's own warts emerging. Just wait too, as I guarantee there will be seats galore being replaced as they are cheap cheap cheap... not sure why that quote was added by the way
  13. No he's been on active roster last 2 games...so yes that's him
  14. regardless a pick for a guy that most likely would never have seen the field for us is a good return. Possibly making space for a new addition?? Add a Mulumba and and place a Banning or something on the PR?
  15. i'd rather get 2nd..get that home playoff game...fine tune our game and go into the finals without a 2 week break and in the zone truthfully
  16. can pay whatever you want...just has to be at least 750/week
  17. Jakes been invisible and a non factor since thevrotation with Nevis and Poop in lineup together ended
  18. I bet Thorpe is questioning his decision to leave now with Dressler down....
  19. yeah hasn't been amazing...but is an experienced vet who isn't gonna hurt you
  20. Hopefully with more of a heavy load with in game reps Corney can tweek his game and learn more of the nuances...he is leaps and bounds ahead of where he was last year and is actually becoming a real force..
  21. on a different note, isn't it a good thing that Management didn't dump Opo for whatever.....when many here figured that would be a smart move?
  22. Actually I think quite the opposite. Santos-Knox is really good sideline to sideline..very fast to react and is good at scraping down the line and picking the right angle to cut off the outside stuff. I'm actually looking forward to see if he can continue this and up his game with more starting reps, and getting used to different looks. I think he may just be our diamond in the rough on defense this year
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