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Everything posted by Booch

  1. That's kind of what I was thinking too...He could DI and fill two roles, and allow for Thorpe and Flanders to be in line-up...which makes us substantially stronger
  2. ah yes....Walker got hurt I think...weren't they really high on his cover skills at camp?...tho they said same with Roc but look how that developed lol
  3. was he the dude who got booted from the the first pre-season game as well...then subsequently cut?
  4. wonder why bringing Walker back?...Tho I think he is a return guy too tho no?.
  5. Roc Carmichael on suspended list....is this making room for some new blood?
  6. yeah not winning since 1990 kinda sucks, but organizational wise I'd rather have 10 cups than 4. and the most grey cup appearances
  7. OH...HAHAHA..Thought thats what you were doing....but then thought that maybe thee was a different Knox kicking around....
  8. good chance he probably only was looking to go back to Edm anyway unless someone dumped stupid money in front of him
  9. nothing wrong with that sportsmanship on the fake punt/kick. A well coached team and a prepared one should have a guy counting up players on the kick team and calling what type of coverage or block they are going to run. Every team I have been on has a designated guy for that, as well as a spotter in the box. BC failed to do that and got burned....well coached and very sportsman like I bet you that you won't see that happen again this year, because teams will be prepared now. Using or taking advantage of a seldom used, or even not known of rule is great coaching if you ask me. Taking advantage of a gray area thing, which technically isn't a rule is just low..dirty and reeks of desperation and a lack of confidence in being able to deal with something
  10. cramps tho aren't an injury...it's just lack of hydration and in my opinion poor conditioning
  11. during a game I have blown out a knee...twice...broke a hand...twice...lost a molar...a stinger and bruised ribs....each time I knew immediately and was down during the play...or at the whistle....not after whistled in
  12. it's not a point of disputing this...it's the determination that Hurl isn't capable of filling this role
  13. It's not like Neufeld is some grey beard..he is only 28..technically hitting his prime as an olineman and should have at least 6 serviceable years in him
  14. it's a simple fix, if it happens once play is whistled in you get a first time gimme...any subsequent time you get either a delay of game/unsportsmanlike penalty and a loss of your timeouts if you have any...that would nip things in the bud. I've played the game and you know immediately after a play if you are hurt, or something isn't right. It doesn't take the time it takes for teams to set up..chains to get moved or the time to have a ref whistle play in to figure that out...even with a team going no huddle. It's funny that these injuries never seem to happen when not in tempo...isn't it?...
  15. That's why a Mulumba would fill that role nicely. That system can work effectively if you have the horse to pull that carriage, but Hurl isn't that horse
  16. We are good with Canadian O-line I think...we are starting 2...we have Couture/Spooner and most likely Gray if not this year, next. If Bond goes, we are still sitting good with Bryant at left tackle and either Hardick or Foketti and right tackle..the other going to guard if we choose to go 3 imports..there is a reason that they are keeping Foketti around here..he is good. If we choose to go 3 nationals, and if Gray is here we have Gray/Spooner and Couture to choose from and thats if we don't draft anyone, so I'm thinking Neuf and his higher salary are something we can purge if we choose to this year
  17. thing is...I could see Carter either spitting first, or spitting right back...in all honesty
  18. they need Canadians...we should flip them a backup Olineman and LB for Lawrence..
  19. Man...Ticats sure are scrounging around for talent on the scrap heap
  20. It is a pretty unconventional method, and the fact it was discussed and orchestrated from withing the coaching staff was evident in a couple instances on the theatrics of the "injury"...totally bush and something I have never seen in the way they did it. Generally if you wanted to use this gray area a guy would take a knee pretty much after play was over, or before the play clock started, and with this I have no issue, but doing it after the team has come to the line, or the 20 second clock started was pretty pathetic. That fact that this is part of your gameplan/strategy just goes to show the type of character that Jones has, and that it most likely leads to a pretty good summation that he probably is still doing other things to circumvent the rules...history does repeat itself and and a leopard never changes his spots. But so be it...let them revel in their self assurance they have turned a corner...if anyone is smoke and mirrors right now it is them, and doubt they surpass us in standings, and pretty sure Wally will turn things around there and end up ahead of the Riders too...and they can tweet away on twitter about how the play-offs are going as spectators The funny thing about all this is that if the Bomber's and Oshea did this tactic...could you imagine the uproar about it, and I bet too that guys like Suitor and some others would condemn it too, unlike the attitude they have about it now
  21. Show me somewhere in the rule book that states that a team may use a fake injury to allow for a timeout to 1) stop no huddle, tempo offence, 2) obtain time out to adjust personnel,... It's a gray area they took advantage of, and sure how can you tell what is fake and what isn't...even tho this was blatantly obvious...but what Coach or team with any character and class has used it as part of their game plan?...I'd say none....just a low ball move by a sad sack organization, with a Hypocrite Coach who piped up to win with some class when Calgary wiped their asses with them. I would think the Winnipeg team of professionals will keep this in their memory banks and come out Saturday and and play like they know they are capable of. I'm sure that the Cheetah will be used and Sask will try it again, but this time we should snap the ball regardless and trample their injured guy and still go through with the play anyway and cause some real chaos with a screaming 34 000 people making it unbearable to think
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