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Everything posted by Booch

  1. but he has played off the line before., so it's not a foreign thing to him. And did it lots in College as well. We use DE's in coverage at times anyway, so yeah...I bet Westerman would do fine there and probably better than Hurl too. Like I said...our MLB isn't a coverage guy generally and is responsible to control gaps...Hurl can't do it..gets washed out 9 times out of 10 and isn't a true thumper, so basically is just out there getting in the way of things
  2. Not too sure why you laugh at that notion...I as a player of the same size, and also played the same positions as him I totally think and believe he could . You have to let go of these perceived ideas as to what a LB is in the NFL and CFL...Body compositions...yadda...yadda yadda....it's crap His measurable are similar to what several middle linebacker's had if you want to compare that, and as well in Hall's scheme right now Hurl is more of a gap occupier and an extension of the d-line responsibility and coverage in the flats at times. Mulumba is quicker...and faster...yes these are two different things and is the better athlete. He would cover a RB out of the backfield no worse than whats going on now, but he would stuff runs, not be 2 seconds too late on plays and would be a better blitzer off the edge or right up the gut He also plays all special teams and if came up would be game shape ready right away. This "opinion" on here by people who have never played, or only played at a highschool level makes me laugh at times. If he came up here, I'd plug him in the middle pronto in a rotaion at first as he gets used to the cfl pace, then work him into the full time guy
  3. Yes but if Thorpe was in he could be utilized with Flanders, or certain sets Denmark could come off and Thorpe in...there are more ways to use this than just straight up roster position. Lankford is basically straight line speed, no ability to make guys miss or get yards out of nothing, or to break a first tackle. Our offence isn't designed to utilize what he brings and his type of role is a 50/50 chance of success generally, whereas Thorpe as he has shown in previous 5 games is reliable, a yardstick mover and can get the tough yards. On defense as well, Thomas is great in rotation, especially when Johnson is in there, but as a 80% snap guy will disappear and it has been evident last 2 games And sometimes you have to take what the coach mentions in the media with a grain of salt...
  4. Doesn't take much...sit Lankford....and a D-end and if they want both d-ends on the roster than Santos-Knox can sit..He isn't vital to our ST's effectiveness although he is good
  5. Yes and no...regardless we can still cover the 7 starters with who we have on the roster anyway, so I see no value in that, and never have unless you are weak on non-import depth, but we aren't so we have no need to do it. If a dback goes down we are using the DI guy we have regardless of how many nationals we declare as starters. Same with D-line...if someone goes down we have things covered on the game day roster. If it's Westerman we can use Corney or Thomas on every down and have no ratio issues, and that's what we would do anyway even if we started 8 nationals. It's just poor game roster management. You have to have Johnson and Nevis taking the bulk of the interior reps, with occasional spell off with Thomas or Ekakite and still can have Jeffcoat or Opo still on the field and not weakening what your d-line can do. How we have run it the last 2 weeks is just been a complete gaffe with our coaching and it has been very evident in the effectiveness of our dline pressure. Another thing I forgot to add, was the attempts to hold up and strip the ball...far too many times guys get away, or get big chinks of extra yards on our defence because they are too concerned with trying to get the strip. Just nail the guy and take him down...turn over will come and if they don't I'd rather our defence makes the stop and gets the ball back instead of extended drives on us due to this what has become a bad bad habit. It would be interesting to add up the yards given up and drives being extended doing this
  6. If anything it is roster management and scheme..... We are starting 8 Canadians but at this juncture but why? If you have an in game injury, we have the payers on the game day roster to cover it and it wouldn't be an issue so that notion is just garbage. You declare your 4 on offence (Harris/Feoili/Chung/Goose) and 3 on defense (Westerman/Loffler and sadly Hurl tho I would try a game with Miles to see what happens) and you roll with it. Thomas is not a capable full-time starter and it has shown since Poop has been out...he has done squat and the D-line has been a non factor. You keep Poop and Nevis in together for majority of reps as those two in the middle cause major issues for any o-line and do your rotation and different looks with Corney/Thomas/and one of Jeffcoat or OPo. This Poop being out experiment has been an utter fail and it should never have even been considered. If injuries happen to one of the starting Canadians, we have capable back-ups to fill in for the in game situation...leaves us far stronger than starting 8 Canadians in case of in jury and you have flexibility to put in the DI...just plain dumb. Lankford is giving us nothing on returns that any other import would..he looks tentative, has not shiftiness and can't read blocking or make a guy miss. He had one return to the house and I feel we are too enamored with that...time to change it up. Also gives nothing on offence and since Thorpe was replaced it has affected the offence and takes away a big part of what we did. Thorpes contributions in game far outweigh what Lankford brings with his minimum touches and weak returns...who cares if he can punt and kick...I sure there are guys on roster who can in a pinch too...actually I am certain there are. If we are going to use this 2 back system...the friggen use it and pound the ball on a 3 to 4 man front...it would open up the receiving lanes and expand or playbook...even if it didn't the running would wear a defense down regardless. We lost the game when we were first and goal and turned it over on downs...A TD there and the game takes on a whole different vibe...With our line and the two backs in the backfield we should have no problem pounding it in with 3 tries from within the ten...just poor play calling. Coates back there on returns??...like really...is there not anyone else that we could put back there? There are no ratio issues to contend with on ST's so throw back Flanders, Denmark..Fogg....whoever but Coates is not going to do anything back there of any game changing impact...one of those others may tho. I'm not too worried about a loss to Sask, and sitting at 7-3 is a good spot. We just need to take care of our business, get in the play=-offs and then it's anybodies chance. We have the pretty much the horses to get there but some questionable decisions with roster and how we utilize guys has to be corrected because some of it is just baffling.
  7. Actually Thorpe replaced Washington as a starter It started as Adams, Denmark, Dressler, Washington and Feoli...With Lankford as DI Lankford stayed in and took Dresslers starting position and Flanders took his DI spot. I myself would use Conteh and Banning as a rotation combo for Roc...and Take out Roc and one of Opo/Jfeffcoat and dress Poop and Thorpe....that would give us the best line-up Jones could come in and do just fine as the extra db in lieu of Roc
  8. Be a nail biter but i think our more experienced players, and all around better preparation by coaching will carry us to a win. Riders will be pumped, not used to our two back system and the quick tempo and will over commit and bite on a lot of stuff early on and we will eat up big chunks of yardage and get an early lead and Glenn will start to press and turnover city. All we need to do is start strong...a bad start and we are toast. I don't think their linebackers will have the answer to the 2 headed monster Also I think the fact that once we get to the 50 yard line that it's pretty much a given we are going to most likely get 3 points...so that will weigh on their defense and they make take some risks and get burned .
  9. I see Gray getting cut..and not certain about PR spot either...he got pushed around a lot tonight..and back into the pocket frequently.. .also took a dumb penalty. So not sure if they are going to invest in a couple years in him just to cut him in the end. Mulumba too hasn't done much..4th on depth chart..2 tackles all preseason and not much that has stood out. Definitely won't be rostered with his minimum salary way more than a just as good or slightly better younger guy. If he wants to play this year then I think this may be the late season addition finally. A plus is he plays on punt return and punt coverage teams as well as I think kickoffs so he could step right into special team duties and rotate in on defence..allowing us to use a di on Thorpe or Flanders and not have to sit one of them
  10. how many save the rider's telethons have you had compared to any other team in the league
  11. ]We would lose nothing in the return game having Flanders/Thorpe/Fogg returning kicks, but we do lose a lot on offence, and what we have been doing lately scheme wise with Thorpe out and Lankford as the extra reciever. Sure Dressler in effect replaces Thorpe roster/position wise, but he doesn't do what Thorpe does in our recent schemes, and Lankford isn't that reliable 2nd down conversion guy, or the guy that will get the tough yac yards which Thorpe is. We can use Adams, Denmark and Dressler to stretch field vertically and probably better than Lankford because those 3 are the better route runners. Looking like it is going to be Lankford over Thorpe, but I think that's the wrong decision...and who cares about the back-up kicker thing...we did fine without Lankford last year as that and there are sveral others on the roster who can in a pinch fill in if need be..
  12. what you just said totally exemplifies what goes on at Riderfans.com....except there is less name calling here and just out right pathetically baseless posts Passion for a person's allegiance to their team id great..and makes for good rivalries but some of whats said, and goes on there is just juvenile..I truly think most poster's there are teenager's or pre-teen because it's pretty ridiculous
  13. Totally forgot about this addition to neg list...possible roster spot as extra DB in lieu of the Roc and be able to have Dressler added to roster and not remove any of Thorpe/Flanders/Lankford/denmark
  14. That was an idea if they were wanting to keep Lankford on the gameday while adding Dressler...
  15. Randle gets screwed alot because he doesn't get the sexy stats because teams just stay away from him.
  16. Correct...but technically Flander's took Dresslers spot on the roster. I would for the LDC sit either Lankford and let Thorpe do his return role and see what we have there, or sit Santos-Knox for a game and see how that affects special teams. I think the addition of Dressler and his production far offsets Knox on the teams, tho he is good, but we have a lot of Canadian ST players who could fill in just fine. Also, Poop needs to be in as well...so either or of jeffcoat/Opo The other crazy idea maybe is to have Thorpe take on Flanders role and sit Flanders...Thorpe has running back experience and would garner same type of attention that Flanders would...possibly more because he is more of a threat catching coming from back field
  17. couple Rider's supporting this...just goes to show thew type of culture they are harvesting there, and the type of locker room they must have...sad
  18. your in last place in the west...won two games against 2 teams who shat their beds...You think that the nRider's have hit some kind of revelation or something but are basically the same team that sucked the previous 6=7 games You have games in hand against BC, but you have to win them and that only gives you a chance at the cross over..not sure why all the boasting and delusions of grandeur to be honest...plus you have Kevin Friggen Glenn..poster child for never getting it done..choking in big games and disappearing when it gets cold...good luck
  19. thats not a what if...that happened... regardless...riders have more wins than only the Ticats and Ottawa...nuff said...bottom of the barrell record wise, Canadian depth wise and right out of Riderfan poster's yaps...coach wise...and 2018 ain't looking no better with Glenn at the helm..because that's all that's going to be available to you guys...
  20. Mosaic is the newest...not the nicest. I have heard from players on several teams who still say IGF is louder, a nicer football stadium to play in and generally just better. Mosaic looks like a generic box style stadium with nothing unique or giving any type of home field advantage design wise. Also heard too, that stuff seems cheap in it..give it 3 years and major overhauls will be going on
  21. regina had Mcdonalds then?...I know high speed internet is relatively new
  22. your funny...you brought it up on who has beat who in the west...truth stings eh....ouch
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