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Everything posted by Booch

  1. yeah he has taken snaps in games...minimal but has been in. Actually was in the goal line stand vs Calgary where we stuffed them 4 straight times....the next play where they scored he was subbed out..
  2. I just think Hamilton dropped the ball building THF....very low end looking and does nothing for creating a real professional look and feel...on the field or in the stands. Seen and been in JUCO and high school stadiums that seemed and looked nicer and more "pro" looking
  3. I could see a prorated deal for rest of year..play it out...look around in off-season and if nothing pans out then yup..sign a 2 year deal for top coin We realistically have pro-rate available money available this year for such a case with already budgeted money that will be saved with Oko..Johnson...and Dressler (if he stays on the 6) being six gamed this year. I would think too that Johnson's whole salary will, can, or has been available now too since he didn't play a down, but was factored into the SMS and to this point we havn't airlifted anybody of any significance that would garner more than league minimum you would think thats probably close to 100 to 120 k for the 6 game savings, and possibly more if balance of Johnson's salary is technically just sitting there. I'm thinking we are sitting pretty good in terms of available money for NFL cuts this year, and bet that we had also set aside some $$ prior to that for the possible return of a Gray/Mulumba or other guy looking to come back
  4. He's come in for short yardage, also in some max protect as a TE He also filled in last year in game situations when injuries happened and didn't look outmatched at all. Also has gained probably 15 pounds since we drafted him and has looked good in practice this year, and through camp. Really nice solid Canadian depth with minimal drop-off if pressed into game action if need be
  5. Yeah Rutley gives Durant a better check down option and is more versatile as a receiving threat for coming out of the back filed...tho Durant seems to have trouble making that short pass to a runningback for some reason
  6. I think Bryant wins that toss up...he's more versatile and I bet grades out better. I would even think Hardrick grades better on a consistent basis than FIG....I think he is a bit over rated...not as good as he was when he came onto the scene in Hamilton From where our line came from, to where it is now is nuts...you could probably plop Foketti, Neufeld and Couture on any line in the league as a starter somewhere...on some teams 2 if not all 3 could probably replace a starter and the line would be as good or better
  7. Totally agree on the team picks.. CFL wise I think Bryant could be in that consideration as well...At least in the WEST as nobody on a western team has really stood out.
  8. If Harris keeps up his pace, or even slips a bit moving forward he has to be the sure bet MOC this year, Can't really see who else is having the impact on a game and team moreso than him this year, regardless of nationality. Could also be in consideration for MOP too truthfully, but I would like to see Nichols get that nod on the Bombers if he continues to do what he has been doing. I've never been a fan of a guy on a team getting multiple nominations, unless it REALLY warrants it....generally that means the team kinda sucked and there was nobody really to pick, and that the team wasn't actually a solid complete team. As it looks we have a good, deep, solid team throughout and wouldn't be surprised if we have the most western all-star selections this year
  9. YEAH could see us realistically having 2 O-lineman as CFL all-stars...
  10. really how would they know unless they seen him popping pills..and even then could have been anything...seen lots of times guys popping 3 or 4 sudafeds before a game..at halftime..total over the counter meds but actually help as a performance boost
  11. Probably didn't want to have to face the music as to why he was taking it if not recovering from surgery or something. Also it is a controlled substance too, so having it without a prescription is against the law
  12. ACTUALLY I have been told by team surgeon that mouth/tooth pain is the most extreme and the hardest to alleviate.
  13. yeah it certainly is...hence why not given as much now. I don't see it as a performance enhancer tho...probably would be more of a decreased performance truthfully
  14. That's just pain medication.. it's normal for some things but not handed out as frequent as it used to be. That's what I was prescribed for my 2 knee reconstructions
  15. LAST 3 minutes of game now you have to receive kick...no longer the option
  16. we had budgeted for his whole salary for the year, so paying a portion of it only just puts us in a better position SMS wise
  17. Nah, he stays...no questions asked. People hardly got to see him play, but he is the better of the 2...such a nice ting to have 2 guys opposite Westerman who can really play. Also, 1/3rd of his salary won't be on the books, so when you look at it he will be paid for at most 12 games this season, so really a pretty good bargain
  18. yup...the bigger problem I think is when OKO comes back and where and how do you get him and Jeffcoat in the lineup?
  19. I'm thinking Lankford gets a seat first. Denmark brings too much to the offence even tho he doesn't have big flashy stats this year. But I think that a combination , or one of of Fogg, Flanders/Walker and Thorpe returning kick-offs wouldn't leave us hurting at all. Flanders can't come out now, and just the threat of him and Harris there together now has DC's I bet scrambling now to try and game plan on this and see if they can find keys now on who gets it and when I could almost see a Santos-Knox /Lankford swap for a game maybe too to see how that affects things.
  20. yeah the way we dominated the line and were getting yards on the ground the going away from it on those drives inside the 15 just gets my blood boiling...I don't know why Lapo does that, not sure if he is of the mindset that a passing td is sexier but man...we left a lot of points out there..could have easily hung well over 40 on them
  21. I dunno...what 5 straight games with 33 or more points scored, two games of over 40 this year and no INT's in what last 4 games?...I think we are being just fine with aggressive and game management...why risk when it's not needed. You have to remember too that football is about scheming, setting up plays and game film and when teams start to try and take things away, that's when the good team's and coordinators take it up a notch and are prepared for it and implement the other stuff that will open up due to adjustments...hopefully Lapo is scheming for this
  22. Agreed, and it's a good thing. The advanced training methods now, better supplements, more focus on healthy living and eating as a lifestyle and not just periodically has been a huge change in it. Also too now it is almost ridiculed now and looked down on when someone is found to be juicing....and thats a good thing
  23. A little insight into this...It is..or was very common in college ranks to use them to gain the edge, and under the right conditions, monitoring and proper cycling isn't as harmful as it is made out to be. I can attest to the fact that programs subtly "encouraged " the use, or hinted that in order to progress and play that it may be an option. Many programs, and I have seen it first hand almost go as far as to telling you where to get it, and actually have medical personnel and a lot of times med students help administer it to guys who were too scared to inject themselves, if they were not taking it orally. It was much safer to inject as to ingest as the toxin elements of some only have to pass through your liver once then, being less taxing on the organ. I will also say and admit that I dabbled in the use as well, it was do what was needed or be left behind. It is as advertised and is definitely a performance enhancer and helps in healing and recovery (the one initial reason why I went on a cycle) My bench press went up by about 180 pounds in a months time and , I grew from about 235-240 to a high of 282 pounds at my biggest and ran about a 4.65 forty at a playing weight of about 255-265 pounds. Never had any negative effects and wasn't a contributing factor in my injuries, but I wasn't an abuser and went for regular liver functions tests, blood tests and the likes to monitor things. also done wisely you keep most of the gains if you stop it properly and to this day I still weigh in around 260-265 The instances where you hear about deaths assumed to be caused by them are the chronic user/abusers who never go off, take extremely ridiculous amounts of many different types, both human and veterinarian types and they pay for it in the end...mainly bar starts, and the professional body builder types. It's just silly the douchers who use it strictly for vanity and ego type things...athletically tho...you will never be free of it and sadly..especially in the U.S it's way to prevalent in the High school ranks..this type of stuff should never be used until the body has already physically matured and I would say that is early to mid twenties
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