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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Yeah making 3 moves to accommodate one injury reeks of a lack of talent/depth or just no confidence in the back-up and the feeling that they need to win now and can't afford rookie mistakes If they go 2 National receivers I think that really handcuffs whoever your starter is...they need all the threats they can have to slow BC down. I truly think Jones needs to suck up his pride, and make moves to help his team more so in the future and set things up to avoid these issues, and trade some pieces of value that they have in excess (pretty much only a receiver tho is all they have excess) but sadly I think his ego is going to prevent that, and he's gonna flounder
  2. Is he actually injured, or Jones just not a fan of him? How is your ratio going to play out..2 National Receivers at all times?
  3. Thats different tho...The defense in T.O orchestrated those wins, and here Nichols has orchestrated a lot of these wins personally and many would say despite of the defense...big difference
  4. from 2013 to 2016 4 arrests in those 3 years...sounds like a god character guy for a team lacking it
  5. I think tomorrow is THE statement game for the season...not devastating if we lose, but if we go in..take care of business and win then it shows that this is a team that is ready to run and be grouped with the big dogs. Also it would already have playoff implications because if we go 5-2 and say Sask loses, then if we lay an egg and go 5-6 for rest of year (which I highly doubt getting us to 10-8) Sask has to go on a run of 9-2 to finish at 11-7 just to jump us in the standings, and thats only if they sweep us as well. We will easily get the cross over at the worst at 10-8 (probably as its going now better than any East teams record) So in my opinion this is a pivotal game.
  6. Like Nichols gets a tag that he just a game manager/average because he doesn't have the sexy stats, but he wins...leads by example and appears when chips are down you can tie your wagon to him and there a great chance he is going to get you the win, and not make a mental error Conversely Harris has all these stats, gets all kinds of accolades for them, but what has he won?..He tends to choke...is prone to errors and seems to fade and drop off a cliff each year as the season winds down Gimme Nichols 10 times out of 10 as my guy at QB. The guy has heart, guts and fire...has total respect from his team and will do whatever it takes for them, and they feed of it and would do anything for him. Now thats a true leader and a guy you wanna hitch your wagon to, sexy stats be damned...gimme wins and the respect his team shows him (which is all that matters in my books) and he will get his due across the league. Also...he is also just a likeable and decent guy to boot...no ego...no agenda....all things which are icing on top of the cake
  7. and today Sask signs a DT who from 2013 to 2016 was arrested 4 times in those 3 years for various offences...Keep em coming Jonsie...do they not look into character and accountability, or do they just not care..?
  8. kind of shocked about that...he'll get picked up pretty quickly...hopefully not in Sask tho..He would really help that defence
  9. He's a Scrub tho on Riderfans....lol They won't admit it, but they would love to have him right now, and his leadership, fire and attitude would probably have them sitting at 4-2 right now
  10. Not elite yet, but is very very good, and gives you a chance or the opportunity to win every game...can't ask for more than that. I also think he is one of the smarter quarterbacks in the league, who won't try to do too much and try to by the hero and force things when they aren't there....very important trait. He is only going to get better as I don't think he has hit his ceiling yet
  11. was training to, but at that point I couldn't be insured no more...couldn't pass a physical anymore
  12. Taman's biggest concern was the size of his hands, said he wouldn't be able to hang onto the ball at pro level
  13. yeah I kicked it...hahaha...jk.....and thanks....just a fan who likes to discuss thangs
  14. YES INDEED....He who said Gavin Walls was training camp fodder and Charles Roberts was a waste of training camp roster space...man what a judge of talent that man was...hahaha
  15. Actually my grand father named me that, as a 5 year old and it stuck and is what I have gone by ever since, and most people I have associations know me strictly as that...Many never actually knew my real name, many still don't, but when they find out it makes sense and then know exactly who I am. For all intents and purposes though my legal name is Robert, but I go as Mark...,always a mystery lol When I got married and the Rev said my name, all you could hear was murmers and whispering and I had to turn around and say ...btw...yes that is my actual name...haha...and thats just how I like things...
  16. Not biased at all...but have been heavily involved in the sport...in Canada and the U.S, and in the business side and recruitment methods, not to mention still have ties with higher ranking management people on many teams so I think that I do have a pretty intimate amount of info into these things, moreso than most people on here. As well as being involved in player recruitment and development in the U.S and whats involved in it, and who and where a lot of the deep thinkers are this is not an uncommon practice and it's actually promoted....but hey...opinions vary and people will say/post/vouch for what they believe in or think they know... Been kicking around the boards since original OB days Played both U.S and Canadian ball...NCAA and went to 3 camps but 8 surgeries on my right knee two of which were reconstructions, and 2 on my left didn't allow me to pass any physicals anymore to the point were i was un-insurable so I decided to join the real world Used to train with Quincy Williams, James West, Ty Jones and Davis Bovell, and was involved with player development, training and conditioning in San Jose, Oakland and San Fran area. Worked at regional combines and Pro Days at San Jose State, Sacramento State and a smaller junior college (Diablo Valley) Thus a bit of insider knowledge about Charlie Roberts and Taman's keen eye and not wanting to bring him here and saying he would never make it due to his size, small hands and no speed...He was recruited basically by Ryland Wickman insistence of him being brought in to camp. to save re-typing this is me
  17. I think the Esk's luck runs out...they are kind of a smoke an mirrors team in my opinion. Not as good as their record and beneficiaries of a softer schedule
  18. I will only post things like that from facts I know as being accurate..rarely speculate, and what Credentials are you requiring...and define credentials. I a while back stated some street cred in a diffident thread, or could have been on the other site...don't remember. Also I won't divulge what I know or have been graced with inside knowledge of whom told me. Too many character assasinations on boards like this and people a lot of times tend to let things get too personal.
  19. i would sign him none the less...if he is a problem, you can easily cut him...guy can ball and would surely help us if he can be disciplined
  20. yeah but if they practice there most of week, I highly doubt that they wouldn't be playing there...makes no sense and would be a stupid coaching decision to do that
  21. yeah..i could see that as as roster sits now they couldnt 46 man him, so perhaps did it this way to get him game cheque cash
  22. the player can refuse too...Spooner likes it here and where the team is headed so most likely said no Plus the cost to live here probably factors in too
  23. See that Clarke and Minter have been 6 gamed...Clarke is gonna be affecting ratio issues for them. Both sucked anyway, but if they are starting because it was the best they had, things may get even uglier there. Sounds like they are tinkering with 3 import O-lineman as well and moving their all world super free agent signing left tackle to guard...man what a mess there...totally shaking up our roster in multiple positions to address injury issues and lack of depth
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