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Everything posted by Booch

  1. I think the Esk's luck runs out...they are kind of a smoke an mirrors team in my opinion. Not as good as their record and beneficiaries of a softer schedule
  2. I will only post things like that from facts I know as being accurate..rarely speculate, and what Credentials are you requiring...and define credentials. I a while back stated some street cred in a diffident thread, or could have been on the other site...don't remember. Also I won't divulge what I know or have been graced with inside knowledge of whom told me. Too many character assasinations on boards like this and people a lot of times tend to let things get too personal.
  3. i would sign him none the less...if he is a problem, you can easily cut him...guy can ball and would surely help us if he can be disciplined
  4. yeah but if they practice there most of week, I highly doubt that they wouldn't be playing there...makes no sense and would be a stupid coaching decision to do that
  5. yeah..i could see that as as roster sits now they couldnt 46 man him, so perhaps did it this way to get him game cheque cash
  6. the player can refuse too...Spooner likes it here and where the team is headed so most likely said no Plus the cost to live here probably factors in too
  7. See that Clarke and Minter have been 6 gamed...Clarke is gonna be affecting ratio issues for them. Both sucked anyway, but if they are starting because it was the best they had, things may get even uglier there. Sounds like they are tinkering with 3 import O-lineman as well and moving their all world super free agent signing left tackle to guard...man what a mess there...totally shaking up our roster in multiple positions to address injury issues and lack of depth
  8. Because from whom I talked to in the apparent know told me so. I respect and trust them so pretty much believe it was a Western team
  9. Curious, also gives some insight into which teams may be in more injury issues with Nationals then being led to believe in the media.
  10. looking very well like it could have been them When you look at it we could probably field a very serviceable oline with Neufeld, Foketi, Couture and Spooner all playing....quite the departure from where we used to be
  11. possibly eh? I was thinking either them or possibly Edm. Then again there is the Rider's who have no depth, are weak on the oline and that is something Jones would do as they can't recruit anything to save their lives It's good we averted it though as I would think Bond most likely gets NFL interest next year and we may make that LG spot a National position as we have the resources to do so And from what I hear Spooner loves it here, so makes sense he would decline
  12. that's what I hear, so was wondering if anything has been mentioned about it anywhere,
  13. The pick was a bust yup, but he was a greta team guy, came back and battled and gave it all to try and help the team, his body just wouldn't let him. Not the only player this has happened with, won't be the last...too bad
  14. Tho you can never forcast injury issues with a draft pick that 11th overall pick can now be considered a total bust. Accomplished absolutely nothing, and gave no return. Wish him well in his future endevours. He's still young so maybe after a couple years he will get the itch and try again
  15. kind of wasted as it was an obvious call that I don't know how the ref missed. That challenge could have been used on the PI in the endzone when the redblack guy tripped on his own feet..no way was that PI
  16. Has it even been proven he was "told" to sit Willy and start Nichols as opposed to making that decision himself?
  17. just like it was in the good old days...lol...at least you get one to use..so use it wisely. I played for 20 years of my life without it and it was all good..You ***** and moan, and move on...
  18. it just goes back to th way it was in football...some calls get missed...you move on...for every bad miss against a team they will get a bad miss for them
  19. Scoring and turnovers are reviewed automatically, so I like this change There aren't multiple blatant missed PI calls during a game, and if there is one you feel may effect the outcome of a game, then challenge it. The ones that are fishing expeditions with no bearing on a play I am glad will no longer be challenged. Same with the border line RTP calls which were getting ridiculous too...if it's not blatantly obvious in live action, then let it go....each team used to benefit from these stupid challenges, now each team won't get to which is fair to all, better for the game and allows more flow. Games were played for decades with no challenges and it still worked and a missed call now can be part of folklore and history for fans to bemoan and discuss for years and years It will really show now who the good coaches are and who can make best advantage of their challenge.
  20. Finally...an end to the madness and the fishing for stuff that has no bearing on the play
  21. Making a statement like that is for lack of better description just selfish and all about him...not the team. Trying to do something stupid like that for the sake of boosting how people view you and risking not making a score or a positive play for your team is pretty sad....more so pathetic When I played and guys were off on their own tangents caring more about themselves and stats/accomplishments they would be pulled aside and in house disciplined by teamates, if not benched by the coach. And yeah he does quit, sulk and act like a spoiled kid when things don't go his way, or "he" feels he isn't being the focus of the offence...it has been seen in his history, and he has caused issues before, and I highly doubt he has grown up yet. Just watch his demeanor on the sidelines and when moping around the bench this year and last when things aren't going good, compared to his one moment in the sun this year so far..night and day.....he's not a good teamate regardless of what he can bring to the filed and it has been publically stated may times...Pretty sad when even a JUCO player calls him out for being trash and worst teamate ever
  22. He just needs to hit a seam or whole and hit it hard...at times he dances around too much and lets the coverage swallow him up. Don't think..just exploit
  23. Maybe we figured we are fine with a mixture of Lankford, Fogg and Thorpe who was a renowned kick return specialist in college...I'm not too concerned over this non signing...we have other areas where I would hope if a chance for an upgrade comes up we jump at
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