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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Was fact we did a lot on offence and had the 2 big drives without arguably our best receiver and Nichols comfort/go-to guy in Dressler. Thorpe seemed to really step up in crunch and take some of the looks Dressler would have been getting in those drives...a good sign any way you look at it
  2. and thats why we have closed practices...to keep things like that and the fake field goal under wraps..fact of the matter...sound ingenious coaching decisions and game planning by a head coach
  3. Recovering an onside kick isn't getting help from anywhere or anyone..it's execution...and a bit of luck...But also it was a key coaching decision to use the hash mark option when everyone in the stadium was assuming it was going to where everyone else puts it...that was out coaching an opposing team...generally the only other option you see is a guy just squibbing it straight ahead and trying to recover it himself
  4. we average just over 27k a game so far...well above any league avaerage, and with Banjo Bowl a sell out and with some continued winning play on road obviously larger crowds and if we go on a nice run and are entertaining I see us averaging at least 28-29 k rest of the way Weicek is just a turd..no basis for anything on his article. I guess Huf in CGY too is just as guilty...whens the last time they actually sold out or came close to 95% capacity?
  5. my bad was a fun my bad...I was just too lazy to look up exact yardage and then didnt want a doucher to come back at me for making up stats hahahaha
  6. Yup agreed...can't make a true harassment until all the projected starters are back. I truly think we are hindered or not doing a lot of the things we planned on with scheme etc because we don't have the personnel in there we planned for, and it's not a case of poor scouting and not finding talent but Wild and Leggett got hurt during first few games and Johnson did at the last moment leading up to first game..so our depth guys and development players get tossed in early..which only helps us once the starters are back. Knox has been good and brings more good than bad to the defense..he wiffed on a couple plays last night but so did a lot of guys...up to this point he has been solid and hits hard. We need to change the scheme tho in whats expected of the MLB or get a guy in there who can do it better. I would start subbing Miles in to see what he brings and if it's more than what we are getting then continue it. He brings more grit and toughness than Hurl and doesn't affect the ratio. That or start rotating Corney in there to jam up the middle...he has more speed than Hurl and could cover sideline to sideline better and actually get to the QB from depth on blitzes...something Hurl just can't seem to do..always a half second too late....Corney would get there and not get lost in the wash at the line like Hurl does
  7. Pro kickers don't get iced...if they are gamer's and good and their craft they could care less...thats a myth
  8. So over last 18 games...which is in essence is a season Nichols is 13-5...and what...like 27 TD's to 13 picks ? well over 4000 yards passing...so how does he get pegged as average/sub-par or just a game manager?? If thats how you manage games then sign me more of guys like that. Sure he's not dynamic, electrifying or just gives you the wow factor but he's winning....and that is at times being handcuffed with questionable play calling given to him and some poor in game management by coaching
  9. YOu fail to remember tho the BS pass interference in the endzone that led to a Montreal TD...If that happened to the Rider's you would be livid. The RP penalty to on Jeffcoat was very weak so it goes both ways. Ackie led with helmet and nailed Nichols in the face...penalty everytime and again if it happened to a Rider QB...or any other teams they would be screaming for a RP penalty...heck Ackie had to get his helmet adjusted/fixed on the field by a teammate so it proves he had helmet contact. Harris being down...well you need undisputed proof and there was none...You can clearly see his legs still driving and from no angle can you tell when the ball actually broke the plain..it definitely did which was totally undisputed...so really you can't over rule...also Command has 2 different views we don't see...so until people see all the tape you can't make a true decision Question is if that game was reversed and Montreal made that last TD...would Bomber haters say that Montreal got the benefit of the good call?? Highly doubt it...
  10. 60 minutes in all 3 phases is a start, and if that happens I think our overall talent is better and that should allow for the win.....but We have to stop playing scared on offence and get into the mindset to continually attack and push the ball down field..enough of the safe plays hoping to make the first guy miss and rack up first downs, with minimal threat of a turn over. I'd rather we go vertical often and if the odd one gets picked 40 yards down field I'd rather have that then dink and dunk and punt anyway. We need to believe we can win the 50/50 balls deep. Defence is pressure from all over and mixing looks up as that always messes up Durant, especially if our crowd comes to play and brings the noise. Durant is horrible dealing with that and is very prone to mental errors and serving up ducks...he can't take the noise very well. And lastly no brain farts and dumb in game decisions...we are veteran enough and coaches are experienced enough to eliminate that...like they say there is a thin line between clever and stupid...
  11. would take a whole lot of stupidity You only turf a guy when season is a lost cause, he has lost his players and they stop playing for him, and you have something better in-house or available
  12. I think if Roc is struggling again...Oshea has to put Fogg there to see what he can do. He has played it before, knows the cfl game already and even though he was probably our weakest db last year, he wasn't that bad
  13. Totally not dire, we beat 2 teams we should have, lost to a team (BC) where realistically it should have been a 50/50 toss up and it was, and save for a punt fake brain fart and a odd miss by Medlock should have been a Bombers win. Experts had us supposed to be losing to Calgary, but if we didn't get the Carmichael off-side the game may have been a totally different story, as well as the pick six didn't help. Good teams don't make those mistakes, but we weren't really outclassed or beaten mercilessly. I think doom and gloom and questions should be expected if over our remaining games up to labour day we have a losing record
  14. yEAH I like the direction and the team actually when totally healthy on defence will be the true indicator of where we are at. I as well not happy with the offensive in game decisions and adjustments. We have the player's as well as the plays to really be explosive and high scoring, but we don't utilize it and it falls on Lapo...plays scared, passive, conservative...I don't know what it is but he has to get into the mindset of not playing safe, and "hoping" that the short passes will result in bigger gains if all goes right, and thats what it is, if all goes right and the ball carrier makes the one guy miss, and all the other parts of the play draw opposition away it will work, but that will only be successful 30% of time, especially when teams know this and scheme to take it away. Which they are doing. In my mind I hope he is using a long term plan off setting up the defenses to continually bite on this and then burn them several games into the season much like an in game scheme using play action etc...but I am pretty much sure that is not the intention. Another thing I am a bit annoyed at is the tendency of us just taking the ball at the 35 after being scored on as opposed electing to return a kick and flip the field, or at the least have the opportunity to flip it. Can be a game momentum changer and we rarely try to do it. Not sure if it is a lack of faith in the return game or what but that needs to change. We know what Lankford is and can do, time to sit him for a few and DI Flanders and give Thorpe at least 2 games of returns and actually choose to return the ball and see what we got
  15. True indication of where Sask is at..bottom of league. They lucky they got Hamilton when they did
  16. Riley does take a lot of punishment..its going to accumulate on him and he will be out of lineup sooner than later
  17. Funny thing about the whole thing...that's totally something that I could see Jones have someone in his organization do, go out and do some spying, and if anything is an admission of guilt as he thinks someone else is doing it to them so now he is paranoid haha
  18. Walker subbed in for Heath at end of the first half and was brought in in dime packages a lot. Was on return and cover teams too and was very noticeable in a good way
  19. it's about games played really...and averages per catch..game..season...what have you He played the equivalent of 2+ yrs more than Milt and Almost 3 more than Pitts. Give those 2 guys those extra games/years worth of stats and Simon would be a distant 3rd, but still exceptional...just not the best
  20. Simon kinda got where he did due to longevity more than being just flat out exceptional. Looking at stats Simon played 237 games, Pitts 176 games and Milt played 199 Simon's yards were 16 352 for 15.9 average on 1029 receptions 103 TD'S Pitt's yards were 14891 for 15.4 average on 966 receptions 117 TD'S Stegall yards were 15154 for 17.7 average on 854 receptions 144 TD's Looking at that Stegall is undoubtedly the best of all time....did all his in less games, less catches and with so many different QB's a good majority of who were garbage. It's not even a debate. That doesn't even put into consideration his insane TD numbers which will never be matched. Pitt's is very comparable yardage wise but played in a time they used primarily 4 receivers so seen more balls come his way hence his higher number of receptions even though he played fewer games
  21. that BC oline may be in trouble with our Dline...they look real suspect
  22. He prob figured someone was grabbing it intentionally..and yeah it was gold..lol Really like the attitude that our boys Bond..Chungh and Hardrick bring to the offense.. and it rubs off on others a d they all play hard..Loved the on Darvin Adams catch and run..lookwd for more yack and ran right through the one DB to get prob 5 extra yards. Once the team sees how Harris goes hard and works his ass off and how the line is dictating and being assertive and tough other guys follow suit. Even Washington's one catch and run was the same. These guys are a team and wanting to go through walls for each other..this is a good sign and I like the direction we are headed
  23. Marcus Ball turning around and giving the finger toward the Bomber bench or a player early in the first quarter? In my experience have seen that called as an objectional conduct penalty and not sure how it was missed. If u pvr'd the game watch for it as there was a camera isolated on him. He seemed all game to be in a whiny baby mood..or online really got under his skin..
  24. It's a misleading million tho..payed out at 50k a year
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