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Everything posted by Booch

  1. yeah I would re-up Westerman for 2 more after this year...be foolish not too..Him, Corney, and Mulumba would be a nice rotation keeping them all fresh. We could realistically go with 2 import tackles and 2 National ends as a starting line with Ekakitie as nice National rotational depth allowing us to have either an OPO or a Jeffcoat on roster too...thats if he (Mulumba) gets here. Now imagine what could have been done if Bilukiki didn't decide to quit and panned out as a dominant National Tackle...
  2. Probably wanting to keep one side of the field locked down perhaps and dictate where teams might attack...dunno the reasoning to be honest but thats what i think
  3. Actually I agree...he looked good and seemed to get in backfield and me more disruptive too. With his dad here in town maybe he will really light it up as extra incentive
  4. Mulumba's NFL opportunities are done...If he wants to play this year, it will be up here Having his bro in the league now and playing this year may just be that extra push to make him decide now is the time
  5. Actually the defense hasn't been that bad. We rank 1st in yds/game allowed rushing (an area we needed to shore up) 1st in interceptions and have played 1 less game and middle of road in sacks (again in one less game) We last in yds/game allowed passing though, and in points allowed, though that is a bit scewed as we only played 2 games and if we have a decent outing tomorrow it will bring us somewhere in the middle. Some of the passing yards allowed and points against would most likely be better if Johnson was in, or as it seems anybody but Roc as well as 7 points were on a pic 6 too, so not the fault of the defense. So after 2 games people shouldn't be alarmed on where things are at defensively until 5-6 games are played, then revisit. The run defense is only going to get better I think once they get rolling, with Loffler/Randle/Heath you can't do any better than that in the league and Alexander has been a real nice addition and Moe is probably the best SAM in the league...top 2 at worst . Fix up that other HB spot and this defense will be dominant. It's just a matter of how our other 2 linebacker's pan out, and if we have a dominant d-line and a group of ball hawking DB's our linebackers don't need to be all-world...assignment sound, tough and smart will do just fine
  6. Yeah just roster shuffling. I see Posy and Fuller out for Argo's so hopefully we mix some zones in to help in coverage with Roc and focus on eliminating Green as it leaves the Argo's a little thin receiver wise and we should be able to stiffle Ray and limit a lot of the over the top throws
  7. that's all he played in pre-season so slotting in there would not be as foreign as him dropped in the HB spot. That being said you don't move anyone else anywhere and disrupt several areas of a defense. Start him there if you have to, but first sign of same ol same ol he gets pulled for whomever the extra DB is on game day roster, or I would flip Randle in there and and allow Jones to play boundary corner...that would give us the best in game backfield tweek
  8. Me too...the things he does, his technique, brute power...once he figures this game out and gets his game legs totally under him look out!
  9. i would be quizzing Heath on him get his take as they played together and be bringing in for a look...vet guy couldn't hurt
  10. Should see no drop-off really with Jeffcoat, as Opo I don't think has got his CFL groove back. Knox too I like in that spot..let's see if he will step up...Will miss Wild's leadership tho
  11. yeah they need to change that challenge...Only plays that are challenging a called PI or a wanting of a PI on the play where the ball went. The incidental stuff away from the play if not called should not be allowed to be challenged
  12. Burnett tho is used to the looks...waggle...motions...Roc isn't yet. i think too he is gun shy and intimidated by it now from being burned by it and is now playing way off leaving the mid range zone way too open.
  13. Other than the one bad overun Hurl played alright again and wasn't an issue. Our run defence has been pretty good. You'de be surprised how a weak link especially at a halfback position can really mess a defence up..that's our defence issue right now
  14. Well not the desired results we wanted but what I take away from the game being there and then re-watching PVR today is more positives then negatives. Firstly though I must say the reffing needs to tighten up. That horrible c'mon center reversal of Randle's perfectly legal jam within the 5 yard zone, and resulting drive from it cost us points as well as the injury to Wild which hurt us rest of game. Don't be surprised to see him in a cast with a broken arm or wrist..i suffered same thing myself on a similar play and that's my opinion on that. Saw some good things with Ekakite as well as Corney progressing to the point that rotation with them will not be a drop off in play and keep everyone fresh. A series of plays in the 2nd quarter Faith had nice push and collapsed pocket and was very key in knifing in and being a major contributor of the 5 goal line stuffs...as it was he got replaced on the 6th attempt and where his gap would have been I bet his penetration would have pushed that play deeper or slowed up the receiver and he may have been caught. Please get healthy Mr Johnson...after a few bad mistakes in first half costing us Roc was playing scared..overcompensating to not get beat over top and Calgary exploited it with guys just dropping off..sitting down and that's why it was so frustrating watching all those uncontested catches which basically did us in. Randle, Heath, Loffler and Alexander are real good and steady and we get that other halfback spot fixed and you will see a huuuuge difference. We got wore down that game and hey it happens...Offence had a off night and that's the result of it. Brain farts and missed chances...again on offence cost us early, and we couldn't recover. Nichols won't be lights out every night and let's just see if that was an anomaly and not and indicator of where he is at. Dropped balls didn't help him either so not too worried there. We know we prob have the best all round back in Harris, so that is not an issue and we are going to have games where he is just going to wear a defence down and open it up for our receivers who i think are underated but I like that. I think tho Lapo has to abandon the amount of short hooks and curls he uses as teams are sitting on that, unless he is game planning to have that seem to be the norm and setting things up to mix in vertical routes and catch teams jumping our receivers...we shall see. Not really worth getting up in arms yet or worrying until after the 4 game mark..thats when you know whats what. Pieces are here, it's just a matter of putting them in the right spots, and truthfully this team as it is now will win more than it loses.
  15. Jonsie...just continually solidify his place as a Grade a Dbag
  16. YEAH shaping up to be a big crowd and i'm sensing some actual Bomber domination today for some reason. Looking forward to soaking in the noise today and show CFL who has the loudest best fans
  17. exactly, and I sure there are others still there that sided or agreed with Newsome, and or what was said...if they loose this week look out
  18. yea, even if Newsome is truthful and didn't say that, someone did, or something very similar to it, and if stuff like that is going on among the locker room after only game 2 there is trouble brewing there for sure. Dare we say Jones has lost his room already? Or at the least there is dissension in the ranks? Also now it is known Assistant coaches are running off to Head Coach snitching or what have you...how is any trust going to be built there now for what they are trying to do....man this could get interesting...or funny...or is it sad? haha
  19. probably got forced to fall on the sword for Jonsie...told to do it no less Jones prob didn't want to look like even more of a dbag by saying the same thing...that team is a mess and looks to be headed to a dysfunctional locker room in short order
  20. yeah but I think the talent and poor coaching is going to stay as it is to start the year and not get better whereas the other teams will undoubtedly improve. Also they continue to have this revolving door, as seen today releasing and adding guys still...creating a lack of cohesion and pretty much guys afraid to ball out and just play for fear of messing up and being dumped...not a good recipe going on there. Realistically if Nichols was on in first half and didnt miss the two sure td's the game would have been a rout. Sask would have wilted and it would have been ugly. Thats not to even mention some of the crap calls going in sask favour
  21. how many games we play in 2017?? even so...with crowds in the 24-26k range it is generally known IGF is loudest in CFL and rivals many NFL stadiums and that is out of mouths of players ho have played in both just wait till it's 29k and up...deafening
  22. We aren't in a rebuild anymore. Last year at 11-7 was end of rebuild as we brought back pretty much all starters but maybe 6 and some of the new starters were already here
  23. Yea looked nice but didn't seem as loud. Players, management and media said as well that IGF facilities are NFL like and state of art so looks like both cities have top notch venues. Each one has features that are better than others but I think IGF looks better gamewise when being broadcast on TV and seating is closer and more over the field for a better viewing experience and makes it more intimate and louder. Also from what I have heard from players who played there Saturday that they feel IGF gets louder and is more a factor
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