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Everything posted by Booch

  1. His role isn't to be a guy to run people over, it's to catch But his size and strength will allow him to box out defenders, make the tough grab and not go down at first contact...all pluses in my book to go along with his knack for moving the chains
  2. Yeah a lot of waiting for the ball and having to get it standing still. Liking this pick-up....traits of a dependable possession and yard stick moving National...with ability for a big play. Just what we need
  3. Yeah pretty much a scheme to overcompensate for a know flaw on their part...Which is going to be robbing Peter to pay Paul. Start off run heavy..short and underneath routes, and screens because it's going to open up for like Mike said especially with an inexperienced group the big plays. They are going to start to cheat and bite early and then they will get exploited...and odd as it sounds but I can see their one experienced vet on Jovon getting caught biting and trying to jump in and our tall bigger receivers having a lot of over the top plays and busted coverage's. Also too, they are set up for some big runs, especially with Harris, who is prob one of the best, if not the best in making misses in second level, or busting through the first initial contact. With the way Hardrick and Bond love getting into the second level with their blocks theres going to be a lot of room for some serious yards.
  4. Yeah I wouldn't base a defence off of last year stats...for any team truth be told. I also wouldn't base a team on what was viewed in pre-season either as nothing is as it was seen then...and now when the lights go on. I will stand by my statements earlier that we will be in top 2 teams for points allowed this year, and our offence is going to produce over 18 games more points than it did last year, and win TOP battle most games. So from my experience more points scored than given up, top 2-3 in points given up in league, winning the TOP during games, works out to double digit wins at worst. I could care less if we give up 300+ yards passing a game if we are winning. My only concern/want is a defense in later stages of a game controlling things and not giving up long back breaking drives in the 4th quarter making games closer than they should be, and I think this year we are going to be fresher going into 4th quarter on defense because our offence is going to be controlling the clock and staying on the field longer
  5. I don't think it will be a blow out, but it will be an easy win. Talent wise we should control both lines, and based on the scheme Sask ran, I don't see there D-line getting much pressure, maybe a bit sporadically off the edge, but that's about it. That's where Harris will come in handy as a check/release until Sask solves things and I am sure Lapo has game planned well for what Sask will do. I don't see their DB's handling our receiving crew well either...Too much vet savvy there and that's gonna be huge, and thats where I think our receiving core is better than theirs and it will be key. If Glenn is pressured, and pressured early and often it will limit what those receivers will be able to do for them, and they will be 2 and out a lot as our patient ball control offence eats up the clock and wears their defense out..You will see that Sask D-line gassed and sucking wind in second half with Harris ripping off big gains...bank on it and when sask's green secondary and linebackers adjust and fill the box, look out for Denmark and Dresslers vet route running exploit them on posts and deep outs. If our defense comes to play and schemes Glenn how I think they will, I bet he is around 50% passing with just over 200 yards barely and 2 picks while being sacked 5 times
  6. hahaha....my first version didn't account for it...forgot they tied
  7. WEST 12-5-1 CGY 12-6 WPG 12-6 BC 10-8 EDM 4-14 SSK EAST 10-7-1 OTT 10-8 TO 8-10 MTL 6-12 HAM
  8. JFG is a solid player...all around which is what we want in that spot and why management isn't too concerned about not getting some perceived marquee guy there. He's tough....gonna make those dirty catches and plays for you, and is a key downfield blocker allowing the marquee guys to do their thing.. and is dependable and has trust with his teammates...especially Nichols If he plays all 18 games realistically I see him getting between 350-450 yards...3 TD's and probably a 2 point convert or two. What more would you want from your 5th receiver option, especially when we run an offence where the RB is going to get around 50-60 receptions a year too
  9. yeah they have benefited from the division they play in for a while now. Man if the Argo's went jugs up we would be back there and hosting yearly east finals till we were blue in the face lol
  10. OH to have Joe Lo today...
  11. Back to that play in question if you slow it down frame by frame you can clearly see the ball is spun out of the definition of being secured that the player has the tip of the ball in grasp and controlled with arm/body....save for the carry it like a loaf of bread guys. Look at the play and the ball is out above Hawkins knee which is clearly 6 inches outside the goal line regardless whether or not the camera angle was perpendicular to the goal line. totally blown call
  12. Yeah that was botched too...he clearly had the ball secusred and was still in his hand carrying it at the tip how your are trained to do...once the back of his hand hit turf...thats when it popped out...the one endzone view showed it clearly...That green loving Suitor kept babbling about elbow hitting a Rider leg and blah blah blah was irrelevant...it was the hand hitting ground that caused it..
  13. I didn't have high hopes for our d-line because Shologan was not an answer and we planned to use Thomas in heavy rotation..Basically negating our ends cause they could be double teamed
  14. Looking forward to Saskatchewan's schedule leading up to labor day they should be somewhat worried. They now go: WPG-HAM-CGY-TO-BC-BC-EDM-WPG Not to be a rider basher but they could very well be 0-8 leading up to Labor day if we don't crap the bed next week. I think our bed crapping days are behind us and really we have game film on them now and looking at what they have going there we should not be losing that game Toronto I think has a better defense than Montreal and Trestman will cook a better game so of all those games coming up that could be the one they win, but I'm doubting it.. 1-7 at best for them to start...2-6 would be shocking
  15. Montreal's scheme was useless. Most plays were 3 down lineman, and the splits were way wide. Almost at times directly over the tackles, and it's not like you need a lot of contain with Glenn at QB. Shologan as well is not a guy you want as your nose, tacking up the center and guards attention. He just not big, or good enough. If Saskatchewan was smart...which they showed they weren't they would have worked Marshall and Morris to death between the tackles. The back generally barely had a hand laid on him until they were in the second level...poor coaching and game management. Why they let Cash go is baffling...I would love to have him on our line, but that being said I think Poop will change that in short order. Man that guy is fast off the snap and in the linemans face before he is set, if he hasn't already shot the gap
  16. What's the point of having the C'mon Center if plays continually get reviewed and still they get it wrong? Now if that was a playoff game and that was a deciding score in it??....Imagine the backlash and embarrassment the CFL would be subjected too? I guarantee that would be shown all over the news north and south of the border making the CFL look pretty stupid
  17. They blew it..no other way to describe the result
  18. Christ Montreal half game had 3 guys on line..one of which was Shologan..ours will bury glen..plus our defensive backfield is much better. And again in typical fashion Glenn throws a pick in latter stages..shoukd have been 2 to seal it but the rookie db straight from CIS botched it
  19. Nobody deserved to win that...but Montreal eeked it out mainly due to poor reffing and total lack of creativity on both sides of call. Grant td was totally a fumble..Lewis was down by contact..u can see from the straight on camera angle that when back of his hand then elbow hit turf his hand was still around that ball..like etc video review looked at on both those is baffling And 1 game in Carter was causing riffs on sidelines and in house squabbling.. like really? U could see in his face on field he was pouting about game..his lack of throws..and this is exactly what u get from him. And also not sure if it's just me bout Jones just comes off as a tool..
  20. On a team that was set up the previous year, and Jones basically walked into. Not by any way shape or form due to him being the architect of it. Evidence is showing now that the Smoes won in spite of him
  21. Referring to your reference that he was NEVER A STARTER BEFORE...so just correcting your statement besed on a lack of not knowing what you are talking about. Who know's about what went on in Edmonton...Jones was running things so probably not a lot of sensibility and top tier HC'ing going on. Much like now actually...Jones would probably kill to have Nichols behind center there at moment compared to his 3 options he has now
  22. Better re-check stats again..Nichols won starting job originally in Edmonton then had a wicked awful injury. Also was starter again in Edmonton and led them to a 5-2 record but Mr Smarts Jonsie benched him for no real apparent reason other than he didn't like him, and later on we got him for nothing basically
  23. Maybe other teams cuts I guess or guys not wanted..Steele..Minter..Dykowski..Jovon
  24. Yeah Nichols was in there with starting Offence, and you guys came nowhere near to touching him consistantly..and all the guys he was throwing to are no longer on the team save for Denmark but he was in there more so as a decoy more than anything...Coaches know what he brings and he had nothing to prove, other than get some game reps
  25. Totally as important...some instances even moreso. Also it really helps with your line backing core and they work hand in hand. If they are all familiar with how the d-line stunts, timing...and they are familiar with their tendencies and strong/weak points it enables them to make more plays too. That's the beauty and precision of football because it takes a meshing of many moving parts to have success, and it's 9 times out of 10 the reason why joe fan dumps on a player thinking he messed up when usually it's a different player messing up an assignment, or the player trying to do too much and covering up other's errors. Good example was that pre-season play where everyone blamed Hurl for the 49 yard td run, or Hardrick being blamed for Chungh not finishing off his slide protection correctly
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