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Everything posted by Booch

  1. same can be said for Hamilton..Collaros was brought in, and prior too so was Burris. Who have they really developed into a bonafide star lately. Montreal...Calvillo was brought in as well, and since?...noting but garbage really, Sask, same as us really. Durant was good, but prior to that basically free-agents and cast-offs from other teams. Nothing developed there in recent memory. Toronto has brought in a lot of talent, but all playing elsewhere now, but that was from previous regime, so we shall see if history repeats and Popp struggles to bring in any talent that sticks and becomes a true starter. Seems like recently only Calgary and BC has really developed a recruit to become a bonafide starter. Edmonton brought in Reilly, and jury is out on Franklin still...though showing signs So most teams can say same thing about developing their own QB in house. I don't see it as a big deal to be honest...now if you were constantly having to bring in players everywhere to fill in your roster from other teams rejects, or free agency then I'd be concerned
  2. I'm thinking they will keep Roberson around in some capacity, and even could see Flanders as the surprise cut and Roberson on roster due to his return ability
  3. I like how they questioned us over there for letting Bennett go, and that we settled for Nichols...and that resulted in numerous "lol's" from the gang there. If anyone had to settle it was them as Glenn was the only guy left who had any glimmer of hope for winning a few games there. I have no problem settling for a qb who just came off a 10-3 record as our starter, did more than enough for us to win the West semi last year (defence dropped ball on that one) and has over 3 years worth of starter experience and has won games then too
  4. Hoping Bennett fares well as it's good for the league to get new exciting blood especially at the QB position. That being said tho, training camp success going through scripted plays, against the same looks, and schemes under no real duress or urgency is not uncommon. Throw the lights on, game speed, new schemes to try and solve under fire and when your first option isn't there and you have to think fast and run through a progression is a different game all together. There was a reason he was 4th spot here and pretty sure that playing no ball all winter and getting no experience at game speed hasn't made him progress to 2nd string status and nipping at the heals of Glenn. I truly think Sask is going to be in a world of trouble if KG struggles or gets hurt, and probably even if he plays at his best. The ridernation gushing over Heaps too is laughable as he is even further behind developmentally than anyone they currently have. Jones should have shelved his ego...come to an agreement with Durant to lead/groom Bennett and another youngster and continued to look for prospects, rather than paying a 3 years older Glenn, and a washed up waste of time in an experiment in Young, who even if he was somewhat serviceable was a one..maybe two year guy anyway.
  5. they should give nichols 2 series, then split rest with Davis and Apo
  6. but this is what pre-season is for...get a feel for the guys who are new and you are not sure about...the knowns are just that known...they can knock of the rust in game 2, and show they are better than un upstart that showed well in game 1 and may get a second chance in game 2 to cement it... and really...sask will be filled with a lot of nobodies as well, and as foe established quality veterans, they prob only have about 12 tops anyway
  7. yeah me too. Hoping that isn't an indication that he is the projected starter at the moment. But on the flip side, if that Johnson is the real deal at DT, or another impact import we could actually have Hurl out there with not a lot of issues I think with our D-line with Wety, Nevis and Oko and another strong dominant tackle they could cause so much havoc and eliminate a lot of the untouched runs until the second level that a guy like Hurl wouldn't get washed out and actually be in his gap as they claimed and become support more than the center of the attack. Rotate in a Corney, Ekakite, Butcher, Thomas to spell off an import and u could sub out Hurl as well in those packages and still maintain the ratio. Still would prefer an Amerk Thumper up the gut, but this could be adequate initially
  8. In Saskatchewan you have to figure into things that the Riders are really the only thing of significance sports wise professionally or minor league worthy of covering, hence the coverage they get.
  9. I think the Argo's will surpise this year. They have some interesting pieces and you can't discount what Trestman brings to the mix either.
  10. maybe most teams talked with scouts and their people in the know/connections and determined he wasn't worth it...time will tell
  11. I recall to in Charlie Roberts first camp I believe it was Taman commenting that Roberts prob will have issues and is in tough because of his size and particularly that his hands were too small and he would have fumble issues playing pro ball. Quite the opposite as he very rarely dropped the ball, and he ran hard and took a lot of contact
  12. Same thoughts I have, and no knock on Gainey but he would be hard pressed to make any secondary in the West as a starter. Any fresh new halfbacks they start and the lack of familiarity with each other, not to mention the CFL game is gonna hurt them big time early on. The motion, extra man, the reference points and angles on the feild, mixed in with seeing new wrinkles from opponents they have never faced happening at game speed and they are going to give up gobs of yards, and knowing how Jones operates he will interchange, remove, bring in new guys over and over with a good chance nothing gets fixed ...u gotta let em grow and gel Remember years back when BC had Marsh, Banks and that crew all new and fresh and they were getting lit up left right and center..well they grew together and gelled and became a great backfield
  13. I see the riders have traded national guard Vonk to Montreal for an import db...question asked is....why??? Not like Vonk was all world and all but he is decent depth on what is still a work in progress and an injury away from disaster there for their line, and ratio
  14. And yes it's a good thing that the Prairie teams have rabid fan bases...makes things fun and for good banter...discussion..bashing lol
  15. good as anyone pretty much implies the best?...no? and yeah suspect..Dyakowski is not good anymore..Best?...meh..and who knows if Labatte still has it...has he not been on field lately even? Pretty sure I follow just fine and other than Sask tell me a team where Best and Dyakowski would start?
  16. Yeah but Reaves at D-End..Francis at DB and now Linebacker?..seems to be a trend...Jones deserves all the bashing he gets. He walked into a situation in Edm where they won and in no way architected any of that.
  17. Not sure about that..definitely not top teir with Canada pass catchers, sure a couple guys started out strong last year, but tapered off, and lets see if they are not just flash in the pan one hit wonders before we start anointing them best in league and elite. For every great year Roosevalt/Collins/Holley there has been Carr's/Jeffers Harris..etc..etc... And even then if your defense can't stop jack, your QB is aging and in decline, a who knows running game and at this point a very suspect O-line teams are gonna just pin ears back and assault your QB and it won't matter who your receivers are.
  18. I think BC, Edm, Wpg and T.O could fare okay..They all have guys who have started and have had some success..Possibly even Ott with Tate there Also from what I have observed I think Davis in Wpg would mamage their offence more than capably..
  19. I don't think he will get the time behind that line...initially....and he has zero escapability now so will take a pounding...and we all know how he plays when that is happening. If he gets hurt early...you're hooped And who is he going to be mentoring?? Young? Riders should have worked with Durant, brought in 2 more up and comers and went that route. Basically they are setting themselves back 2 years again now, cause if none of the back-ups develop and take the reigns...what you have..Glenn again next year...and new recruits?
  20. I have my doubts about the defence in Riderville..total turnover really with linebackers and the DB's really...not a lot of carry over from last year,and last year they were nothing to brag about. It's going to take time to come together with the new guys...but you never know And this much talked about receipting core depth is a bit inflated. Let's see if the Roosevelt's and Holley's can continue with things now teams know them. Carter...sure he has the tools but no toolbox...and almost thinking not even a tool belt. He may just cause problems and issues and encourage behavior you don't want...Owens and Grant...like really?? And that O-line has some depth sure...but prospect depth at the most. Some of the returning vets are big question marks yet due to injury concern. Sure they are deemed healthy at moment, but I have seen first hand how healthy quickly becomes damaged goods.. Also Jones makes dumb decisions in games with gambles at poor times based on I think his ego and him thinking he smarter and better than others, and he will cost you I bet a game or two just on that alone. I see 6 wins there this year and that is if all pieces come together...and quickly
  21. No offense but I think you guys are more than a little further away than us
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