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Everything posted by Booch

  1. good as anyone pretty much implies the best?...no? and yeah suspect..Dyakowski is not good anymore..Best?...meh..and who knows if Labatte still has it...has he not been on field lately even? Pretty sure I follow just fine and other than Sask tell me a team where Best and Dyakowski would start?
  2. Yeah but Reaves at D-End..Francis at DB and now Linebacker?..seems to be a trend...Jones deserves all the bashing he gets. He walked into a situation in Edm where they won and in no way architected any of that.
  3. Not sure about that..definitely not top teir with Canada pass catchers, sure a couple guys started out strong last year, but tapered off, and lets see if they are not just flash in the pan one hit wonders before we start anointing them best in league and elite. For every great year Roosevalt/Collins/Holley there has been Carr's/Jeffers Harris..etc..etc... And even then if your defense can't stop jack, your QB is aging and in decline, a who knows running game and at this point a very suspect O-line teams are gonna just pin ears back and assault your QB and it won't matter who your receivers are.
  4. I think BC, Edm, Wpg and T.O could fare okay..They all have guys who have started and have had some success..Possibly even Ott with Tate there Also from what I have observed I think Davis in Wpg would mamage their offence more than capably..
  5. I don't think he will get the time behind that line...initially....and he has zero escapability now so will take a pounding...and we all know how he plays when that is happening. If he gets hurt early...you're hooped And who is he going to be mentoring?? Young? Riders should have worked with Durant, brought in 2 more up and comers and went that route. Basically they are setting themselves back 2 years again now, cause if none of the back-ups develop and take the reigns...what you have..Glenn again next year...and new recruits?
  6. I have my doubts about the defence in Riderville..total turnover really with linebackers and the DB's really...not a lot of carry over from last year,and last year they were nothing to brag about. It's going to take time to come together with the new guys...but you never know And this much talked about receipting core depth is a bit inflated. Let's see if the Roosevelt's and Holley's can continue with things now teams know them. Carter...sure he has the tools but no toolbox...and almost thinking not even a tool belt. He may just cause problems and issues and encourage behavior you don't want...Owens and Grant...like really?? And that O-line has some depth sure...but prospect depth at the most. Some of the returning vets are big question marks yet due to injury concern. Sure they are deemed healthy at moment, but I have seen first hand how healthy quickly becomes damaged goods.. Also Jones makes dumb decisions in games with gambles at poor times based on I think his ego and him thinking he smarter and better than others, and he will cost you I bet a game or two just on that alone. I see 6 wins there this year and that is if all pieces come together...and quickly
  7. No offense but I think you guys are more than a little further away than us
  8. why cant denmark, adams, dressler and stafford all be on the field at once..with another import on roster as well...totally doable
  9. and their linebackers are all new starters save for Henoc, but I don't think he is waht he was anymore. Two new starting corners this year as well...there's going to be some learning curves and bumps over first 8 games and I think seeing them go 2-6 is being generous...1-6 most likely and wouldn't sunrise me to see an 0-8 start That Defence I think is gonna get lit up a lot..and often early on
  10. He varies his break, speed, when he makes his move. He is a super smart receiver and tends to not give away common tendencies. He's also very fast, not sure if people realize it and his cuts are fluid and smooth and he loses no speed when making his moves so he tends to break free easily
  11. When I've been eating this way or have people I train doing it I actually eat more. Starving oneself isn't the way to lose weight. Actually you should never diet..it should just become your lifestyle change and it becomes how you eat/live..tweak it accordingly
  12. Not sure what they are talking about with only allowed coffee. You can eat whatever..eggs..bacon..any good protein source and coffee with cream is fine. You just want to eliminate the carbs. I have eaten fish..beef..even stuff like cottage cheese for breakfast or morning meals when doing this.
  13. Yeah public been misinformed on the low fat stuff. Look into putting your body into ketosis. Basically eliminating carbs for the most part and eating mostly protein and fats ..no sugars especially refined ones and just good clean green veggies or legumes. Your body will after a week or so go into ketosis and burn away fat stores at an incredible rate. Look up info on Ketabolic diets for more info. It's the best way to to burn fat in my opinion and not lose any lean weight.
  14. Left highschool at 6'1" and 195..finished playing ball at 275 and now bounce around at 250-255 pounds...interestingly am now just a shade over 6' tall. Used to eat 5-6 times a day..with most of carbs consumed in first couple of meals of day and tapering off to pretty much minimal to none from 2-3 pm and on. Best way to gain/maintain mass and stay relatively lean. Hit gym 5 times a week or so and stuck strictly to the weights as got enough cardio on the field. Like NOeller said in the morning you your body is in carb deficiency so if your goal is to lean up it's the best time to do your cardio as your body will use stored fat energy as opposed to readily available carbs or bastardizing your proteins from lean muscle mass...especially if you eliminated slow released carbs the evening before. Pastas.. Rice's..potatoes are worst things for supper as it takes about 5-6 hours for body to access the carbs through digestion and at that point your body is winding down biologically so it stores that surplus in fat cells. Complex carbs in late afternoon/early evening should be avoided. Same with the fasting or eliminating of meals thinking less calories will help u lose weight..well u will..but it's lean muscle weight and you actually store more fat. The body is a smart system and when it realizes it is not getting consistent adeqaute calorie intake it will go into a survival mode and store most of the calories taken in as fat stores for use later and use muscle protiens as energy source. Another thing I chuckle about is watching people looking for low or no fat foods thinking it will help them lose weight..it's the carbs killing them and actually you need fat ingested to help lose weight and have body function effectively ..most people I train I have supplement with some type of fats . I have had people lose 10-20 pounds in a 1-2 month span just by eliminating juices and sodas and all those sugars in them
  15. I wouldn't see the mortgage payment as saying that the team was in the red based on revenue vs football operation expenses. Yeah sure a mortgage can be in some eyes/ways be considered an operating expense, but in the more telling way looking at it the team did make a profit based on the year, and the dipping in to cover part of the mortgage from their surplus funds (mainly accumulated from previous profits and revenue streams) is not a season of money hemorraging. Good on the team to cover this, as opposed to just saying "sorry...couldn't cover the whole amount this year" From the standpoint of not many events last year, poorer attendance from the previous years of poor on field product, and other expenses that should be less moving forward that still is impressive. Looking forward to whats planned this year event-wise, most likely better on field product and better gate and a possible home play-off date the 2017 financial report could be a profit of that again after paying the mortgage, and you could look at it almost as a profit of 2.8M plus 4.5M which again is a nice impressive number. Just think back to the years where we were losing up to a million or more a year, and ran things bare boned, with next to no revenue from the old stadium, next to nothing for rent and the players got nothing more than their uni's and equipment and a couple meals a day, which were nothing like they get now.
  16. Imagine what consistent winning and more butts in the seats as a result of will do for the bottom line
  17. Interesting, I would think now with his available salary that was fairly significant and already budgeted into the SMS for this year could be allocated for a fairly significant free agent signing or more inclination now to draft the BPA with our first 2 picks and roster them this year. Personally I would be on the horn with Laing giving him Smith's money and a bit more and going all Import receiver
  18. Wonder if they gonna neg list Romo now he being released...then go and dump Young as Romo more game ready...Would be a typical Jones maneuver and totally par for the course and excellent off season entertainment
  19. yes some of their actual talent is going to have to be PR'd as well and I see no G.M having any issues this yr of poaching Rider guys based on the b.s that Jones has pulled the last year and a half
  20. Now with Marshall in Rider Land....does that now make Lafrance a very highly paid back-up? Why sign all those Canadian backs, one at a fairly decent salary only to bring in an import who can be their feature back and lug the ball for 18 games ??...odd way about their signings if you ask me
  21. see when you act in good faith and release a guy mid season to take advantage of an NFL opportunity, good chance when they done with that they will come back to you, more than likely better too
  22. They will prob negotiate and upfront significant bonus..decent salary on top of it and eat up SMS and then when he basically sucks are stuck with him due to the bonus signed for...sound very Jonesesque to me hahaha
  23. I would sign Laing, using Neufeld money and Thomas money. Either out right release them or try and package them in some kind of draft day deals for mid round picks, or depth players. If not takers on draft day then show the door. Draft the UCLA DT and rotate him along with Butcher and Tennant in the DT spot with Laing and Nevis. Goes along well with having big bodied tackles to clog up the middle, cause some push and wear down an O-line over course of game.
  24. Or Jones is just a borderline idiot
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