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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Would have liked to keep him but we can find similar and possibly better for less. Possibly already on our roster.
  2. smith...neufeld...see ya later. Denmark for smith i think is an upgrade. Smith with Dressler here is redundant and much rather have Dressler. By time Denmark and Dressler be winding down scouting and or free agency should restock the position and hopefully leaning toward more size. Couture is developing nicely and can replace what Neufeld can do now (and is cheaper) without the injury bs and will get better. Neufeld is what he is and if we stick with 3 imports we have backup imports already in the fold Releasing Randle would be just plain dumb
  3. yeah I work in land development..civil infrastructure...and correct it is thriving
  4. For all intents and purposes we are developing a quarterback....Davis. Yeah Calgary brought him up here first but no developing occurred there. It all has here over past 2 years. Sure he has had limited reps that joe fan has seen, but really does that mean anything?. I trust in the coaches opinions, as well have been there and done that and know how things work. Game reps sure are great and yes needed, and I can see this year him going in for a series or two here and there mid game like other quarterbacks have done to change things up for a series and to let the starter see whats going on and from a different view on sidelines and on the headset with LAPO... How this offence is set up and with the weapons we have he just has to manage the game and not be stupid and try to run it like a maverick. Also he is mobile as well so if things are not progressing in his reads or he is confused he can take off and run. I'm not worried and I thind SMS money can be spent elsewhere to help the team win more than in a back up QB where if Nicholls stays healthy would never see the field. Much like Glenn last year
  5. I'd like to see Micah Johnson...he's a monster...him..westerman, TO and a canuck stud...possibly a westerman, maybe a draft pick who can step in rotated with Tenant, Butcher, Thomas, as well as Corney and we would have a high revving dline causing all kinds of havoc
  6. no knock on Jake but that would be a serious step backwards. He works well in rotation but even then we can do better. As a fulltime starter he would wear down fast, also if yiu watch game film he is the slowest guy to react and get out of his stance at the snap...very slow as guys are already up and moving while he still in 3 or 4 point...go watch some pvr'd game if you have it. Also as a game goes on he gets washed out on plays a lot..great motor..i sure great guy but not starter material
  7. Football is a team game and you need all three areas clicking to be a consistent winner, and not having to rely on an aspect of a team "trying" to do too much to make up for an area that is weak. Right now are defence is playing great...teams are pretty much best in the league and the offence is doing what it needs to win and not taking unnecessary chances in doing so. Whats the problem with that. The offence can get better and more explosive, and I sure it will. Especially if we can find a bigger bodied receiver with speed and hands, have an inkling too we will be landing one soon which will really open up things for the run game, Dressler and others. I would much rather have this stretch of wins coming they way they have with strong defence and special teams and adequate offence as opposed to high scoring shoot outs, especially when the season gets into the late fall and the defences really dig in due to the weather...that's when we will really see the impact this defence can win in generating wins. This is the type of team that can win championships...lights out on special teams and vicious ball hawking defence and offence that rarely makes mistakes and does whats needed to win...which is exactly what is going on right now.
  8. I'd do a Drew and 2nd rounder to T.O for Gurley, and a Canadian who you could roster with either a 2nd or 1st round pick and then flip the pick to Montreal with a player where we are deep for either Glenn or Cato. If we cant do the three way I'd be happy with solely the T.O deal and go with Nichols with Davis as backup. Davis could manage this offence more than capably and actually would probably have to allow defences to respect his ability with his legs and open things up even more
  9. depending on how Calgary and Edmonton game goes Winnipeg may after week 11 be the team that has given up the fewest points in the league. definitely an indicator that this team is for real and only going to get better when the offence starts to pick it up.
  10. not a matter of him declining....he was totally misused in MB's system.
  11. i believe Jace Daniels can slide in at center too
  12. would have loved to have Laing here...regardless of passport. He's exactly the type of "not nice guy" which Leggatt alluded to we need
  13. Denmark and Dressler will thrive with Adams if he can be consistent, or another player of his skill set and one more bigger target to upgrade the corp...be pretty dynamic offense actually. Doesn't necessarily have to be a burner type either...A Chris Mathews type would do the job if we cant get the real thing..I bigger bodied go up anf fight to get it type guy
  14. o.k...who is the best choice and why?
  15. some of these posts are laughable. He was the most qualified and experienced guy available. The rest were/are unknowns and lacking experience. Heck..let's give Maas a few more consecutive years of success to say we say he is so great. He came out of know where and truth be told was reaping the rewards of all the guys on his squad having career years together and the fact had zero injuries all year long to affect his offence. And when it came down to it in the playoffs they got pretty much shut down and he had no answers. Lapo has had years now since he was a sole OC and you can be assured he has progressed and learned and knows what didn't work and what does. He has spent the better part of two years now dissecting and analyzing defenses and how offences should attack, and what offensives shouldn't do based on looks. He has come a long way and it is noticeable from what he is saying. He is going to build a very competent attacking offence and the naysayers will be put to rest. He is the best available option and we got aggressive and grabbed him. Well done if you ask me
  16. There were other options that could have been choosen from...ones that all we needed to do was offer some $$ and make it a non-lateral move from where they were and it could have happened. But they chose Hall, and he didn't come at a low ball salary either. He was a good and I think right hire to re-establish a sense of a usefull CFL defence. There was really nothing wrong with his schemes and his game adjustments, more a matter of a couple players shy of really having a good defence, and the fact that it was a new system and an obvious learning curve for all. Next year I bet people will be raving about or defence. Pretty sure Oshea knows MB was not the guy to bring us forward but when Willy went down we were handcuffed (especially before we got Nichols) and trying to install a new system amd philosophy with a stable of relative rookie or green to the CFL quarterbacks and not really being experienced with what to look for, how to attack and how to adjust to the Canadian game would have been an utter disaster of massive proportions and would have hurt us moving forward bigtime and made this place look like a looney bin organization. Sticking with MB was the only choice and Oshea used great judgement and a set of balls to take the heat and if it came to it fall on the sword for the organization and his players. One of the reasons that he is loved and respected by players, and not just on the Bombers and why guys never really quit on him. The players we want to keep never did and the few that looked like they were slacking off are probably already decided upon as not being back anyway. The fault of this team for years has been to keep throwing consistancy and dedicated time into things, bringing us to where we are the last decade.
  17. really a team soars or flops due to it's coordinators or it's talent and or lack there of and how it's utilized. Head coaches aren't necessarily the real factor unless they are a total idiot and just do blatantly stupid things...there a few in game instances and certain decisions that they solely have to answer to but put any body on a good well balanced team and they will succeed. Mike O isn't a total idiot and sure he made a few eyebrow raising decisions but the total team failures aren't because he is the wrong hire..not at all. When this regime first took over they were behind the 8 ball and limited and time challenged on putting a staff together so the pickings were slim. But Etch was pooched...as was the first OC and now his successor. ***** and moan all you want but Walters and Miller, as well as O'shea have created an environment and organization that is an attractive destination for players now, as well as coaches. If we don't do the norm...blow it all up and start again I think that next year is going to be the start of a run of very good consistent football. We were hampered severely by what was going on with the offence and the ripple effect of it hindered the defense. Hall as DC is solid and next year will be a continuation with key guys already in place and familiar with things as opposed to a restart and learn as we go situation like this year. So right there things are already better. Leggett, Westerman, Bass, Wild, Adams, Randle and Johnson would all start on any team right now, or be key rotational guys so we are looking god there. Anderson too will be way better next year. For a big guy it's tough to come back fully after one year from ACL surgery and generally you aren't back to where you were for 2 years. I've gone through it twice personally so trust me on that. With the pieces we had on offence as is, with a capable and creative OC we should have been an above .500 team. It was such a basic and designed to fail offensive scheme it almost seemed like Bellfiuelle was paid by someone else to screw us over. Routes all run at same depth, no misdirection..no pulling lineman, maybe one outside toss to a RB all year...I could go on and on...It was literally laughable. Just a new OC alone next year even if we change no personnel we are already better there too. Add a stud big play receiver, a back to compliment Marshall, and a big mean s.o.b D-lineman and we are a 10 win team next year....score one or two more studs anywhere else on roster...we're laughing
  18. I would have picked Bass ahead if McCoil as well..had a better all around season and a rookie to boot
  19. Truthfully I hope that's the only one to go. Others aren't an area of concern..we just need some roster tweeks now.
  20. Nice to see the regime isn't waiting till after grey cup or over winter to do this but doing it now. Perhaps rookie errors and inexperienced upper management are learning and progressing. Grey Cup week a perfect time to kick tires and talk..as well as have guys kick our tires.. Good news
  21. yeah we got screwed there...and good on him arguing....go long...get a PI call and you kick a field goal to close the half...smart on his part
  22. Not a 27 year old receiver next year who really hasn't done anything. He was in the dog house a bit at beginning of camp and questions about his mettle as a player were brought up Plus a 3rd year guy then economically wouldn't make sense for many teams due to bang for buck...he will be back in CFL sooner than later I find it funny too that people say Wild couldn't playMLB due to size..look at JC Sherritt...people rave about all 5'9" and 218 lbs of him Wild goes 6 feet...some places say 6'1" and 220...some places say 208 or so but no way he that light. I been next to him and I am 256 lbs and no way i have 50 pounds on him
  23. a non guaranteed contract. Lots of guys sign deals then get dumped. That contract means squat
  24. Hurl might be taller than Wild but he doesn't have the 'prototypical" MLB body either. Wild could do just fine in Hurl's spot....actually who I kidding he would do better...Has better instincts, way more closing speed and knows pursuit angles probably better than any linebacker in the league..not just here. He could have signed anywhere he wanted in this league and start...and star in their defence. Next year you will see a combo of him..Bass and another import in the line backing corp. This year went off rails but things coming together for next year. If all goes well we could be seeing a defence with only a need for 2 Canucks. Westerman and Bilukidi...if we can land Harris which I think we will toss in a receiver, 3 0-lineman and theres your seven. I can see a lot of 3-4 next year or variations of it and we have the horses in the stable as well to go Canuck at safety which gives us a lot of flexability on defence..with the ratio and with game day roster and DI's I agree this has taken longer than most wished, and rightfully so but it's coming. OSH is learning...will be smarter next year and issues that plagued us these two years will be things of the past. Also.....don't be surprised to see Matthews back here in camp next year...his window down there is closing on him and that would open things up for whoever else we throw out there next year at receiver
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