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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Not sure what you are referring to or watching, but Adams was far from garbage. Assignment wise was spot on with blocking, and probably has lost about 5-6 receptions (clutch ones at that) for over 100 yards due to penalties. From watching TC and games this year I would say he is the smoothest route runner on the roster, and knows how to position himself to take ball in stride and in best way to produce yac yards. I would bet by end of season he will be in top 5...at worst top 10..pretty good for the 3rd option
  2. You want Wild covering slotbacks all game? Maybe not all game..I sure that in a scheme there would be variation and adjustments based on offensive schemes and sets but I would have no issue. He was a safety in college and isn't slow for a linebacker so he has cover abilities
  3. D Johnson as well has taken reps in the middle, has played it in the past as well. Bass, Johnson and Randle would do more than what we have going on now. If Wild comes back maybe put him in Randles spot and put him back on the corner. He is more valuable there than where he is now.
  4. Yes, but of the few carries he had till last game, a lot were from the 3 yard line and in either for short yardage td's or on a 2 point convert...inside the 5 this year he has been pretty much money
  5. since we run 8 Canadians anyway, I would like to see a lot more of the offence morph into the two import back set, and removing one of the Canadian receivers as really, they serve no real purpose out there other than filling a spot. Couldn't key on a back on running plays, can send one, or both out of the backfield for designed plays, as well as an outlet if need be. Marshall is great too coming out of the backfield as a receiver, and lining up ala Drurie kind of all over the field. Why we don't utilize both is beyond me, especially when we don't have to have two Canadian receivers on field at all times. Baffles me
  6. I like the possibility that at times in the game Sliding Bass in the middle with Randle and Burnett outside. See what that does with the defence especially with another game under Collins belt to be in better game shape. I know the coaching staff are saying all the right things with Hurl and the Blue aren't in the business of tossing guys under bus publicly but after watching him the first part of the year I am not sold, and not sure he will ever develop into a full-time starter. Just doesn't have it, and from what I see doesn't have the natural instincts, nor reacts well to whats developing, has to take time to process and think and it hinders him in making impact plays
  7. He was my surgeon and performed 3 procedures on me, and if him, as well as the others cleared Drew and determined that he didn't sustain any trauma whatsoever, then I am totally fine with that.
  8. Greg Clark wasn't too shabby either...
  9. very highly doubt either one would be cut and would be utterly stupid, and if they were they would be snapped up in an instant.
  10. Sounds like Zach will not be 100% this year, hopefully they they can use him in rotation and spare further agravation to his injury. Who else besides Jake Thomas can rotate inside? Collins I would think...I thinking he pushing for a starting spot in the rotation anyway. Theres also as mentioned Harland and Fraser could go inside for reps too.
  11. Im a sucker for family reunion. I hope KW trade for him. I'd want to have a really good idea of what shenanigans he's been up to before bringing him here. No need to introduce any bad apples into the barrel. Wally can be a real hardcase, so it might be a lot of fuss about very little. I sure big brother being here would help keep him in check...he can smack him around if need be
  12. Throw them a late round pick and one of our import O-lineman for him....they need it
  13. If Thad Gibson and Derrell Johnson are back I don't think that's necessarily the case... however having both those guys on "personal leave" does make me a little nervous... I don't see it as a fail..We gained Westerman with Ivan Brown rotating in as Canadian which is an up grade over having Thomas and Richardson as a constant rotation and on the field. Thadius Gibson is better than what we had last year, and I think is being under estimated and really being away for birth of a child is hardly concerning. Johnson will be back and is gonna be a stud and We also have Fraser who is a year older, wiser and better and come off the edge..I not too worried especially seeing as we are playing a normal defence and guys who seemed sub par or were looking to be in decline will bounce right back
  14. thanks for your perspective as well, but not basing things on youtube and general consensus. I seen all play live, albeit only seen Waggoner live in camp here. But it's easy enough to see from live play, comparison in camp through drills, ability to correct and adapt, and conversely not having the ability to do so is where i get my perspectives...not saying they are be all end all, but pretty confident in them. If Hurl is our starting "middle" linebacker then we failed in recruiting this year...and I thnk general consensus would agree with that. If he can grab a outside spot, and make us a better team and be a Canadian..great, but if he doesn't it's not a free agent pick up failure. He is good enough to rotate, be occasional starter and a dominant special teamer and makes our Canadian depth better.
  15. I prefer Allen over Hurl too actually...and based from what I have scene is why I feel that way. Also pedigree plays into it, and with reps and learning the Canadian game he can be a Barrin Simpson type in the middle, but with more speed and better cover skillls. I paid a lot of attention to the linebackers when I was there and Hurl didn't particularly impress me. He is in the bottom tier of linebackers in regards to cover skills (not just Canadian but all LB's) Waggoner is much better, has the loose hips to be able to turn and run with a receiver easily from either side which is essential up here and is bigger and faster. Takes better angles and has much better closing and recovery speed. He's a rookie here yes, but he has pro experience and has played in pro style schemes, and is smart and will pick stuff up fast. Our best scenario would be a LB core of Allen or Bass in the middle (whoever wins it outright) with the other guy rotating in..I sure we can DI one as we have done that before. If Adams steps up and shows he can take over for Randall then you flank the MLB with him and a Waggoner/Hurl/Newman rotation. And truth fully i would like to see us start 7 Canadians, though with the ability if we wanted to go with 8. 3 O-lineman, Westerman, Bucknor/Jones and 2 receivers and an all import LB core. We would have a lot of in game flexibility this way. Can roster all the best Canadian LB's for teams and rotation and if offence is struggling can throw an additional import receiver or go with a two import RB set and change an Import LB with one of the Canadians who could essentially be starting
  16. Yea, The Greaves going somewhere rumor had no real substance whatsoever. If anyone was to be traded once all things shook out after camp and we could determine that we did have some roster and ratio flexibility with the O-linemen then truth be told it would probably have been Neufeld on the block...not Greaves. If we have learned anything over the last few years it's Greaves is dependable and not prone to missing time. Also been more than adequate and that's been playing alongside garbage that affected his performance. Need to remember he is a D-line convert and learning as he goes...apprenticing on the fly so to speak. So this year, with the dudes beside him his game should elevate and he will and should hit his potential, and next year if our two new recent pics continue to develop and push him out of starters role and we draft and develop another newbie, or acquire via free agency another younger cheaper canuck, well then he can be trade bait for a new need, as he would be a costly 6th or 7th olineman.
  17. me....rest in some cases is welcomed...and needed and common...no biggie
  18. Spent some time observing various groups today, and this is my take on things, RB's Would nit surprise me in the least that if we roster 2 imports on game day they may be Marshall and Randal...Cotton a close second to Randall Marshall is the most complete back..see's things well heading into the line and is really really good as a receiver coming out of the backfield. Much better than Grigsby was and takes in in stride, or positions himself to get it in most productive way to immediately accelerate and find seams. Grigsby couldn't do this and often stopped..stumbled or just plain ran into something...Marshall...great vision. Randall...explosive...fast, knows how to let things develop and has ability to hide behind blockers and rip off big gains consistently. Him and Cotton are similar, but Randal has better running style and is who I would go with as part of the one-two running back combo. Receiver, Denmark is just plain and simple a pro and good at everything. Moore if he stays on field which will make things happen and is key to the corps. Darvin Adams looks good, and seasoned with the Canadian nuancies. And Tuineie I can see as the first option as the other import. He is good..refined and big. He has been coached well in the past and it shows. No thers from the group of imports really has jumped out yet, though did see some glimpses from Childs and Gordon. They may be kept around. Didn't pay much attention to the db's so can't comment too much on that, though i did notice a lot of speed and athleticism from the group. i will comment on the lines and linebackers later as have things to do
  19. Was maybe an under the radar signing but Darvis Adams is smooth..smooth.. And very shifty...Tunie for a big dude is fluid and strong on the ball..I like these guys. And watching the import olineman if I was rating them I'd go Bryant Daniels Lewis File Tyler
  20. When is second half of practice today
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