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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Yeah I thought I had middle linebacker locked up, and I long snapped since grade 11...am I holding out or on 1 game injured list?
  2. and is Stephan Alli making an appearance in camp this year? Or have Bombers dropped him from any plans?
  3. Also agree if we don't get Demski I wouldn't be too concerned or bothered. Let him cut his teeth and develop for 2 years elsewhere, and if he looks like he is panning out and becoming a legit Canadian star, well pretty sure in free agency we can get him to come home and be the hometown star.
  4. If we don't trade down, what I would think be best course of action is Take Chung at # 2 (if Ottawa takes him which I doubt then Groulx) 11 - whoever is there of Durant or Demski (If neither then I would be looking at either SML or Akie) as either or would both be rostered and contributing this year with limited reps and certainly on teams. 15 - If Byron A is there grab him, Or Blair Smith, and if neither is there take a flyer on a Varga or Boyko If we can do that, the rest is just gravy Save for the signed in the NFL guys I would think the first three would make the active game day roster and contribute this year
  5. Could always go the route of 3 import linebacker if we choose to stick with 2 Canadian receivers, especially if we draft one who steps right up in TC, or one of the incumbents lights it up and takes the next step in being a bonafide Canadian starter. Gives us a lot of options certainly and a 4 import receiving core would be sweet,
  6. Neufeld won't be cut. When not injured he is well above average (and Canadian). If we can acquire the depth on the roster ratio wise he will play and hopefully not get hurt as we are a better o-line with him. He gets hurt then Goosen or another capable canuck steps in, or if ratio allows it an import. If he is to be gotten ridden of it will be via a trade and only a trade that helps the Bombers
  7. and sometimes some of these invites get "un-invited" before camp even takes place in lieu of a better supposed prospect
  8. Hurl will not be the MLB and pretty certain isn't even in any consideration as such. Not sure why people keep thinking and saying that
  9. man this guy's maturity..or lack there of it and "me first" attitude is quite the indicator that I would never want him on my team. Spouting off and making challenges like he is is laughable and I know as a veteran player on if he was on my team he would be sat down and talked to by some of us and put back in his place. He proved last year when going gets tough and adversity pops up he quits..and for being 5 foot nothing and 100 and next to noting he best be keeping his lil yapper closed and play ball....his head should be on a swivel now if he was wise.....friggin tool
  10. Running back would actually have more to learn technique wise, instinct wise and at the pro level...and even NCAA level there are a lot more things that need to just be second nature and don't require a lot of thinking as game is too fast and complex to not have been playing there consistently for a long period of time. He be best suited as the boundary wide out one on one and stretching a defence and or going down field and boxing out a DB (ala Basketball) and winning the jump ball battles. That or coming off the edge as a modified slot/TE where he doesn't need to be a polished route runner initially but a guy who can get the tough yards in traffic
  11. We are not expecting Hurl to be the middle linebacker...not sure why people are so fixated on that
  12. for concrete work in civil jobs there is a spec required for said concrete....when being placed they test for slump, air, temp, make cylinders for breaks (could be 3 sets for 7 day, 14 day 28 day for example) to test the mpa of the concrete. The spec for such a structure I can guarantee was not over looked, or was inadequate when plans went through qa/qc and review. The on-site work and inspection though is a different case all together and if the on-site engineer did not order the tests, review them to make sure they met the spec, or were just ignored and hoped would not lead to issues then yes all that work will be re-done by the contractor/Project Management tandem. We keep records of all this stuff when doing projects for our due diligence and in cases such as this where issues arise. If it comes to light that tests were not done, or the results of test show they didn't meet the specs at time of pour, and after the cylinders were broke, then the blame is soley on the Stuart Olson
  13. I work in the Engineering and Infrastructure Industry and from my take its not so much a design flaw moreso a lot of oversights on some things (due to inexperienced stadium design team) As well it seem's that the on-site Contract Admin/Project Management team and obviously the Site Inspectors and people involved with Quality Assurance and Quality Control really dropped the ball and didn't ensure specs were met and the job was not done for a lack of better words....right. Structurally and for the most part functionally it is fine, but the tight schedule for completion, the fiasco of unrealistic timelines (probably due to inexperience) caused a lot of the cosmetic blemishes and issues with drainage and proper HVAC and sewer/water and other odds and ends to not be properly inspected and deficiencies in meeting specs, grade...etc..etc were either not done, or the prime contractor and Project Management team hushed it to get it done and had fingers crossed that it would never become an issue (at least not within first couple years) For most projects as well there is a warranty period where the contractor is on the hoook to fix resolve problems and issues prior to the client taking over the costs associated with the project (ie..repairs/maintenace/issues) so thats an area as well where Stuart Olsen will be liable for. Regardless of it all it should not be considered a slight to the Blue Bomber organization as they were not to blame for construction issues, but the Board or the group or whoever it was who hired the Designer and Prime Contractors for this project. Was it a case of hiring a cheaper Designer...hiring a friend...whatever the case it's just too bad it happened and puts a bit of a black eye on what is still a great stadium (best in Canada most would say) but get it corrected and be done with it This is common in projects all the time, it's just this one is more of a public issue and a nice media story to cause discussions and finger point
  14. meh...not a big issue...he could still conceivably get released again before main camp even starts
  15. YEAH that Ellingson one is a real head scratcher!
  16. in all honesty Picard is not a big what if. He was released due to fiscal things...that and soley that U will see how he is missed this yr in Sask
  17. I guess you know more than what Walters said I can see "starting two canadian linebackers" quite nicely Never said I do, but in all honesty in some things yes..yes I do know more than him...a lot, and some things he knows a lot more than me. But we will not be starting 2 canadians at linebacker, good chance there may be none starting there. And KW never even alluded to 2 starting linebackers. In all reality if we do start a Canadian at Will it is gonna more than likely be Newman or Sherman
  18. Pretty sure Fraser and Booker are going to be in that rotation on the Dline. And if we recruit/sign someone better..well that's a plus but I think both these guys are gonna be huge this year
  19. and I sure according to rider fans no over paying at all was done! Knowing Taman there was a ridiculously structured deal done which will hand cuff them elsewherere
  20. we won't be starting two canadian linebackers...gauranteed!
  21. Curran would be the better fit..true stud in the middle and great run stuffer. A rotation of our canucks as one of the will positions (Hurl/Newman/Sherman/possibly Briggs or even Stephan), you have Bucknor at field corner with as it stands Jones (who will be a good one) as gameday back-up we can realistically field an all International D-line, which would really solidify our defence. These are your 2 National starter on defence, 3 as the interior of our o-line and two National receivers which I am sure will not be difficult to put on the field and we are looking pretty good ratio wise. I sure Thomas is a good guy, sure he has a motor they say doesn't stop, but in all honesty his motor doesn't have enough horse power to be a front line starter, and he was a big weakness on our defensive line last year. If it comes down to it and game day roster says its a pick between him and Ivan Brown, the smart staff would go with Brown as he will give you the same thing if not a bit more along the line, and offers wayyy more on special teams
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