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Everything posted by Booch

  1. i stand by what i said, just offering him insight and suggestion after his post...I sure he knows he needs time to work on things, and needs a lot of polishing, and from his post and attitude he knows it and has desire to do it...love the heart and the kahonnas he showed coming on here
  2. Good luck bro, Take it as constructive criticisms and observations, and some folk on here have knowledge and insight so if you are around enough you will discover who they are, and they will be helpful. As you move up the levels of football, and get access to superior coaching, and competition you will certainly grow as a player with technique and talent.
  3. I like Curran, and he's only 26 so he has some prime years ahead of him I actually think he is the better linebacker than Sherritt as well
  4. Long story short, he has to earn a spot next year and a lot can happen between then and now...be it free agency and the draft down there. He could be a front runner for the #3 spot, or could be even 2-3 pegs lower than when season ended with new signs, drafts....and politics...which in a lot of cases play a deciding role in NFL moreso than talent. He probably caught the pat's off guard a bit as really there was zero game film on him, and no history of play whatsoever this year, so he was an unknown, and quite possibly overlooked and under estimated. Happy for him though, well deserved and hope he parlays it into more success, but noting is gauranteed. Worst case scenario he knows he has a place here, with a chance at decent money and being a focal point and have star status in a rabid football community...
  5. yeah those two are a bonus for sure and if they arrive, the ratio flexability and the use of imports will be crazy! I have a sneaking suspicion that Bilukidi may be here sooner than many think. I truly believe as well we could go only with an import tackle if all pieces fall together and Neufeld isn't a wounded soul all year, allowing that extra import receiver, especially if we go with a hybrid 3-4 type defence where we use Buknor as he was, a Canadian be it Teague, Newman, Briggs, Hurl (if we land him) as one of the outside linebackers, very doable if you ask me. A line of Turner/Anderson/Fraser/ and Booker (as your kind of outside backer/rush end/Stand up along the line guy) with Vega as the rotational import (as I believe injuries hampered his play last year) would be a formidable front. I have faith that we will turn up some linebackers to make that work as we have the staff and brain trust to run and staff that type of defence. Now if the two mack draftees ( Mulumba and Bilukidi) get added to that mixture and some point down the road...wow
  6. If I was Walters my first and foremost priority is to take the serious run at Bryant and Sir Vinnie and whomever we land is a win win. Get that done right off the hop as soon as he can. Let them battle it out with Tyler and Daniels and the best two are a starter and the other on the 46. Kick Wojt's tires, see if he healthy and if he can come here for around 200 000 then I would maybe pull the trigger on that...I believe the O-line would become a strong point with the dominant American LT with Picard centering the best of Goosin/Greaves/Neufeld/Morley/Everett and our top OL pick from draft and Wojt if we land him as he is probably the best Canadian O-lineman who is more than serviceable left in free agency. That's a far cry from January/Greaves/Morley/and the mish mash of guys in and out last year in these spots. I would also run take a run at Jackson and if market allows us to get him in an incentive laden deal with a base in the 120-130 range then a corps of Moore/Denmark/Jackson/Kohlert and insert new import phenom is a strong cast for Willy to chuck to, and save for the one new guy he has chemistry with all of them. Heck if nobody leaps out of TC then A Kelly is a more than adequate 4th receiver option when he doesn't have to be the go to guy. As for Canadian depth and rotational guys I would seriously try to grab Hurl and that be it. I would trust in our scouting and use the draft to fill the Canadian foot soldier depth and then scour waiver wire once training camps end as there will more than likely be a few good Canadians dumped for various reasons. Ayear of seasoning for guys like Jones, Sherman, Briggs etc is only going to make them better for our depth and when you look at it Newman returning this year is almost like another solid Canadian free agent signing as he never played a down last year and will be very versatile, and very good in that versatility. Something I think a lot of people are over looking, as he is automatically going to be replacing a game day National from last year only making us stronger. If it fits into our SMS as well toss a nice offer to Reed out of Hamilton, He has the makings of a good one, and if he doesn't beat out a new comer can always be released, or 46 manned, or ratio allowing depth or a DI. If we can manage that, along with the already signed Picard, and a good draft from a full year of the new regime in place I would be more than happy
  7. Yeah very raw, no technique whatsoever to speak of...yet. Slow feet too and doesn't look like his strength is anywhere near his mass...but maturing and growing and getting stronger and good teaching...could be a beast
  8. He's not dominant yet, darn good but has his blemishes and money talks...especially when on average a football career isn't that long and can end in an instant. We also have an advantage that most other teams do as well, in that we are a short drive away from Saskatchewan and if he is hedging on not wanting to leave, but we offer something too good to pass up, well being 6 or so short hours from home isn't that big a deal
  9. if we get who we want in free agency, and with first 2 picks score nicely I could see, and personally I would take Varga with the 15th pick...If draft and free agency go how we want, we can actually afford to do that this year
  10. very good move by Walters, he is earning his stripes as a G.M. He has a good handle on the Salary cap management and has it set up to retain core guys longterm, creating stability. We just secured 4 picks in the top 20 of probably one of the stronger drafts in years where we could realistically see 3 draftees make the game day roster. He's created cap room for a big splash in free agency and if cards fall into place as they just may now, we may be in a position in one full swoop of an off-season solve O-Line issues, ratio and Canadian depth issues and allow us to more than likely play 4 import receivers, or possibly an all american d-line
  11. his system was more into just occupying a lineman's space to allow others to get to ball carrier, and not actually get after anybody, or search and destroy through the gaps. Also he always had his down lineman working at going in on angles and never squaring up, hence getting washed out by the oline. Once OC's seen the philosphy all they needed to do was have the o-line slide step and use the momentum and wash out any down lineman and linebackers and the ball carrier was immediately in second level, or meeting a db with a full head of steam allowing pretty much any time to get extra 3-4 yards push through the tackler...pure garbage system He also if you watched preached to rally around the ball carrier, but instead of planting him in the turf, keep em up and try for the strip...watch some game film...drove me nuts with that mindset. Nothing wrong with the size of our line man..Fraser is a beast...as is Turner and Anderson... Booker as well was used totally wrong U will see next year what a difference a sound system makes
  12. I have no issues with keeping Nelson Martin on here actually...proven...players like him, and db's were least of our concern
  13. yup...give him a full camp...integrate into the system and working with whoemever is the rest of the starting oline and then assess
  14. he wasn't that bad..I think more of a case of rusty, and trying to over compensate while being new to the schemes
  15. ahhh...gotcha....yes agreed in that sense he has been yes...as really for all intents and purposes Morley was just a stop gap there If Goosen was ready to step in Morely would have stayed at guard i believe...especially due to all the injuries
  16. replaced at center sure, but in a spat of injuries, and or piss poor play from others he has value as he can step in and play virtually any spot, and be more than adequate. Goosen, I can't say that with him yet, he not ready, heck he only what...gonna be 22...he just a baby still. Hinse...not as good as Morely, we have no other "game ready" Canadians in the pipe who could step in and not be a detriment, and you can't bank on a draft pick being your guy..the odd time yiou get a stud who steps in right away and performs but that is not generally the norm. After free agency and say we sign 1 or 2 bonafide starters...2 canucks, or a canuck and an import well maybe then bid him farewell, but at this point now it would be one of the more foolish things to do.. U don't just toss away canadians, especially o-lineman when you don't have an already sure fire replacement who is just as good and cheaper with upside, or one who is better in place.
  17. yeah agreed, if he can be signed to a reasonable contract as a swing guy/6th olineman he would be a valuable and versatile piece, that is if we can replace him with better, and Canadian. I sure as well he would be a good mentor for the younger lineman as well.
  18. truley...I don't think so...both have their merits. My thoughts is we can't go wrong with either..too bad this didnt occur last year and we would be in our second season with the staff...building onto what we created.
  19. I like him...coming into his fifth year as a convert at 28 now I think he should be establishing himself as a very solid guy. Has the physical tools, agility, and smarts to be a well above average guard, and he should have the inherent instincts down now where he doesn't have to think as much rather than just react now. He didn't have the 10 years or so prior to being drafted to aquire this, so I think he is coming into his own just about right on schedule and what you would expect. Injuries hampered him a bit last year, as well as trying to do too much to compensate for lack luster play elsewhere on the line. But surrounded by even just decent linemates, he can focus on his own role and not be noticed, which is what you want. He has great run blocking instincts though and gets into the second level very well to make blocks, and even just get in the way of a defender trying to track down a ball carrier which I like as well, whereas a lot of linemen u see make their designed initial play, then just kind of stand there dumbfounded...Greaves seeks out guys
  20. I actually think Holmes has more upside and more to offer...If we had a choice I would take him, and he would prob save us about 30k in cap space...initially anyway
  21. O-Line men actually in most cases are in their primes between 28-and 34...some cases even longer especially at center so I like this pick up. If you truly wanted to nit pick and dissect a player you could find fault in all of them and signs to the un-trained eye that may lead you think that they are on the decline. 32 going on 33 for a center is not an issue in the CFL unless they were a marginal guy all through their careers, which Picard was not. I would bet he has 3 good years at least left and the new environment and the desire to nip the "on the decline" generalization in the bud will motivate him for sure. Regardless, the front office and most people who know anything know Goose isn't ready for prime time yet so I would much rather have even a slightly declining Picard at center than him to teach and groom with. In all honesty with what we have now, we are already well on way to establishing depth and talent on the line. If Daniels continues to impress like most think he will, Neufeld stays outta the tub, we find one other "dominant nasty" import to challenge or win a job and can draft one stud, and lure one above average younger free agent we just may be sitting pretty, and if Wiley is the perceived magic man he has shown and reputation dictates our one main area of weakness last year could be one of our strengths this year...
  22. rather be vice....less responsibilty hahaha
  23. Never got around to this before but was bored at work semi-regular poster on other boards, was on the original OB site wayy back when Former NCAA player, bumbled around a couple camps north and south of border but 2 knee reconstructions and and 5 other surgeries derailed that life Coached and did clinics north and south of the 49th, am a trainer and post mainly from personal experiences, first hand knowledge and the occasional tidbit i fel like tossing from people in the "know"
  24. actually no, the defensive system was flawed, the game is slowly migrating back the other way in terms of defences and how they need to play so this was the right move. Agreed what Osh said about continuity and development of Drew, I think the sputtering mid season on with the offence was more a result of mismanaging the tailback situ until too late, compounded with injuries (moore, watson, oline guys) as well as Willy only being capable physically at a fraction of what he was from beginning of year due to injuries, and mentally from playing behind that sad sack line, which in the end limited what we could do offensively. Contrary to public opinion that MB got figured out, or didn't know how to in game adjust...thats plain dumb as if that were the case all teams offences would be figured out and everyone would suck...we just got stuck in perfect storm to flounder..injuries, shitty oline play, in essence rookie QB who had defences (and the pain he was gonna get) creep into his head and rookie coaching mistakes, and some lack of depth in skilled offensive positions. That being said, if things still seem to be stagnating mid season, or sooner...you may see MB punted. As for the d...injuries aside....scheme sucked, no play book was dumb, personnel use questionable (and a lot had to do with Etch and don't let media sessions and Osh falling on sword fool you)
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