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Everything posted by Booch

  1. yeah agreed, if he can be signed to a reasonable contract as a swing guy/6th olineman he would be a valuable and versatile piece, that is if we can replace him with better, and Canadian. I sure as well he would be a good mentor for the younger lineman as well.
  2. truley...I don't think so...both have their merits. My thoughts is we can't go wrong with either..too bad this didnt occur last year and we would be in our second season with the staff...building onto what we created.
  3. I like him...coming into his fifth year as a convert at 28 now I think he should be establishing himself as a very solid guy. Has the physical tools, agility, and smarts to be a well above average guard, and he should have the inherent instincts down now where he doesn't have to think as much rather than just react now. He didn't have the 10 years or so prior to being drafted to aquire this, so I think he is coming into his own just about right on schedule and what you would expect. Injuries hampered him a bit last year, as well as trying to do too much to compensate for lack luster play elsewhere on the line. But surrounded by even just decent linemates, he can focus on his own role and not be noticed, which is what you want. He has great run blocking instincts though and gets into the second level very well to make blocks, and even just get in the way of a defender trying to track down a ball carrier which I like as well, whereas a lot of linemen u see make their designed initial play, then just kind of stand there dumbfounded...Greaves seeks out guys
  4. I actually think Holmes has more upside and more to offer...If we had a choice I would take him, and he would prob save us about 30k in cap space...initially anyway
  5. O-Line men actually in most cases are in their primes between 28-and 34...some cases even longer especially at center so I like this pick up. If you truly wanted to nit pick and dissect a player you could find fault in all of them and signs to the un-trained eye that may lead you think that they are on the decline. 32 going on 33 for a center is not an issue in the CFL unless they were a marginal guy all through their careers, which Picard was not. I would bet he has 3 good years at least left and the new environment and the desire to nip the "on the decline" generalization in the bud will motivate him for sure. Regardless, the front office and most people who know anything know Goose isn't ready for prime time yet so I would much rather have even a slightly declining Picard at center than him to teach and groom with. In all honesty with what we have now, we are already well on way to establishing depth and talent on the line. If Daniels continues to impress like most think he will, Neufeld stays outta the tub, we find one other "dominant nasty" import to challenge or win a job and can draft one stud, and lure one above average younger free agent we just may be sitting pretty, and if Wiley is the perceived magic man he has shown and reputation dictates our one main area of weakness last year could be one of our strengths this year...
  6. rather be vice....less responsibilty hahaha
  7. Never got around to this before but was bored at work semi-regular poster on other boards, was on the original OB site wayy back when Former NCAA player, bumbled around a couple camps north and south of border but 2 knee reconstructions and and 5 other surgeries derailed that life Coached and did clinics north and south of the 49th, am a trainer and post mainly from personal experiences, first hand knowledge and the occasional tidbit i fel like tossing from people in the "know"
  8. actually no, the defensive system was flawed, the game is slowly migrating back the other way in terms of defences and how they need to play so this was the right move. Agreed what Osh said about continuity and development of Drew, I think the sputtering mid season on with the offence was more a result of mismanaging the tailback situ until too late, compounded with injuries (moore, watson, oline guys) as well as Willy only being capable physically at a fraction of what he was from beginning of year due to injuries, and mentally from playing behind that sad sack line, which in the end limited what we could do offensively. Contrary to public opinion that MB got figured out, or didn't know how to in game adjust...thats plain dumb as if that were the case all teams offences would be figured out and everyone would suck...we just got stuck in perfect storm to flounder..injuries, shitty oline play, in essence rookie QB who had defences (and the pain he was gonna get) creep into his head and rookie coaching mistakes, and some lack of depth in skilled offensive positions. That being said, if things still seem to be stagnating mid season, or sooner...you may see MB punted. As for the d...injuries aside....scheme sucked, no play book was dumb, personnel use questionable (and a lot had to do with Etch and don't let media sessions and Osh falling on sword fool you)
  9. Yea I was thinking the same thing, if he can nail down a couple more of them, then we can focus and budget SMS wise for who we truly want to score in free agency and put together a pretty much top offer. If we miss out on our projected #1 wants in free agency we surely will land a very good option #2. Then can worry about our fringe guys in free agency and can actually be a bit choosy as opposed to desperate to sign them...a big difference in building a winner, and just trying to filed a team. The perception now around the league and with the players is that Winnipeg has now developed the First Class Management and Professional team culture to match the First Class Stadium and all it's amenities, not to mention fan base and is allowing Winnipeg to become a very attractive destination to play. For all the worrying and panic about KW hopefully the fan base can see he does know what he is doing, the ship is going in the right direction and that this off season, combined with the past year and partial off season where we started wayyy behind everyone else due to the turn over and change in management will be the true indicator of where we are at, and the competency of the group leading this team
  10. Liking how Walters is going about things....Locking down the guys we want to build with now before they even get to free agency, having the core "you" actually want and then doing inventory as to what you need to fill in the missing pieces with via free agency, scouting and the draft, and knowing what you have to work with cash wise with the cap. After the dust settles with the initial free agent frenzy, then you can re-visit some of your own second tier guys that were not first priority, and other teams guys who are still floating around to see if they fit in with what you are doing. Well done, and I can see this team has a plan and system in place to correct 10-15 years of wrongs and it is doing it in a way to sustain the organization long term
  11. What about Dave Easley as a special teams coach back here? I know he was still living in the Peg last summer and hasn't been coaching this year as far as I know. Last I remember he was actually I think working at Costco in the city here...be a big upgrade to what we have now as he has a lot of CFL coaching experience and is a great guy...always liked him
  12. go watch clips of the 1990 team and defence....also the grey cup that is what we need to get back to...linebackers who are line backers....talented skilled big men who can tackle...cover...rush...create havoc and traditional dline play be it 3 man..4 man fronts or combinations of
  13. Interesting to hear that the players (a lot of the young newer ones to the CFL) said that after hearing about the LDC and the atmosphere/crowd noise at Mosaic, and to be prepared for it actually said that IGF is much louder crowd....easily
  14. ha!...didn't know that...I still think tho we will give their line a bit of greif and cause KG to put on his pout face none the less. I shocked the experts on these boards weren't all over signing him lol
  15. One of the more lamer articles penned by him lately....which is a tough thing to do as he spits em out weekly it seems, or blabbers like a fool on radio too often then not
  16. Optimistic on this one. B.C has issues too and I think we can take advantage of it. The fronts and motion on defense is going to have Cave spinning like a top, chasing guys and having a ripple effect. I think we see us shut B.C down pretty well. And the offence can't get any worse, I sure they are going to improve somewhat and this team has character this year and a different mindset...bodes well in football and glad we lost, and lost way we did last week. We needed it and were never going undefeated, or even sustaining only 5-8 lossses so last week was the best time to be brought down a notch or two and have severe weaknesses exposed earlier rather than later.
  17. on the low hit Grigsby did his job..stepped up and sealed inside guy. I re-watched the game and and he maybe whiffed completely on one block. Another he was pretty much bull rushed into q.b for the sack/hit..I think with getting his game legs back this will get better. Mainly from what I see...and is a trait of MB's offence for most part is the r.b is to engage...slow up the rusher then release and become a option to check down or drop ball off to if the Q.B deems there is nothing to get ball to after his reads...or he is under pressure. It seems that he could engage just a we bit longer to help with pressure a bit more...only fault i see in his game so far
  18. he has worked with countless nfl qb's and draftees preparing to get into the nfl He is a guru no questions about it
  19. well i am devising a system so i know when to have a child on weekend so not to miss work
  20. well if he is a good back he will learn from it...and continue to get better I agree, I think he thought it was an attempted shovel...but still no excuse to not try and jump on it until whistle blows...you play through to the whistle. Learning curve and sure it won't happen again...well better not
  21. no no no...thats not an adjustment...thats a case of Ottawa db's and linebackers "just" missing interceptions and tackles for losses... and our defence didn't adjust....Ottawa dropped many many passes, and our ability to give up no points and minimal yards was cause Burris was just missing all our blown assignments....man we were lucky for 3 quarters
  22. source: Years playing in NCAA/CFL..CIS Years coaching in CIS/American/Canadian Highschools/NCAA Training camps for draft eligible players Football is a game of coulda..shoulda's...missed assignments...blown coverage's...coaching blunders...mental errors...and yes being lucky I sure there will be games we should have won..but didn't....and should have lost but didn't...as will any team in any league....thats football
  23. how is an overthrow an dropped ball.....the instant i am talking about later in game was clearly over thrown...he missed him...
  24. Play you mentioned Burris read the play...seen the safety blitz and tried to take advantage of it....that's football. If i re-watched the game film...yes game film and not t.v footage I am sure I can find many instances where if "this would have happened" or "that would have happened" then it could have been a blow out one way..or the other...that logic of yours makes no sense. Burris tried to take advantage of a scheme...missed....happens all the time. I guess we didnt deserve to win cause if Washington didn't return his kick we would have lost?...we took advantage of over pursuit of coverage due to fear of outside speed...returner read it...two blockers adjusted to what he did...took it to house...so we in this instance took advantage of a scheme and in-situ game moment...exploited it...and scored
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