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    Calgary, AB
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    God, my family, Heavy Metal, Football, Bass, Writing, Video Games, Cycling, Hiking, Skiing

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  1. I go by what I see and what I saw was my kids recovered very quickly, in two days, from covid, while it lasted about two weeks for me. And our subsequent infections we re far less than that, barely a ripple. The virus gets weaker with each mutation, but people are free to keep injecting themselves with a vaccine for already extinct variants and read about the growing data showing adverse effects. Even Health Canada acknowledges the risk of myocarditis and bell's palsy. But each to his own. If you want it, go ahead, and if you don't want it, go ahead. I don't know why people get so angry (not you personally but many others) about people having personal choices for their health. I read about it, weighed the risk and decided to let my immune system handle it.
  2. Partially true. I do smirk at some responses because much of it is quick reflex attacks and angry spitting. What is not true is that I am troll, I honestly believe what I post but the vast majority on here throw insults and make childish replies, or simply misrepresent what I try to say. What is also true is that I only pop in every couple months, but not to 'gaslight', I am not on nearly enough for that to work haha. MBB is an echo chamber where other side thoughts are outlawed. (I don't mean by the mods, they're pretty good at what they do, I refer to the general layman's responses)
  3. I love you too brother.
  4. Yeah no thanks on the bolded and as for the last comment, who cares what they are, I care who they are. The colour of your skin doesn't make you more or less suited for a position.
  5. For you all making fun of Alberta for standing up to Ottawa, maybe you forgot that your own government in Manitoba is inline with AB and Sask on this, in that they pledged to not have RCMP resources diverted to enforcing Trudeau's new and arbitrary gun laws. So maybe look to your own before bad-mouthing a Province who protects it's law abiding citizens. This is in regard to the nonsense handgun freeze but if you think the government of Manitoba is going to sit back and do nothing about the newest nonsense in Bill C-21, you've obviously lived your whole sheltered life in Winnipeg and suffer from perimiteritis, never having known someone who hunts. Province of Manitoba | News Releases | Provinces Oppose Federal Use of Police Resources to Confiscate Legally Acquired Firearms (gov.mb.ca) "Provinces joined together this week at the 2022 meeting of federal, provincial and territorial ministers responsible for justice and public safety to discuss the federal government’s plan to use police resources to confiscate legally acquired firearms. “Manitoba has consistently stated that many aspects of the federal approach to gun crimes unnecessarily target lawful gun owners while having little impact on criminals, who are unlikely to follow gun regulations in any event. In Manitoba’s view, any buy-back program cannot further erode our scarce provincial police resources, already suffering from large vacancy rates, and away from focusing on investigation of violent crimes,” said Manitoba Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen. Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and New Brunswick called on the federal government to halt plans to use scarce RCMP and municipal police resources to confiscate over 100,000 legally acquired firearms from Canadians. The Prairie provinces had already written to their RCMP divisions indicating that provincial funding should not be used for that purpose." You have to ask yourself, is it rational to possibly condemn someone to death for refusing a vaccine (that sort-of works, you still get sick) for a virus with a survival rate for most people over 99%? I've had covid at least twice, time to stop living in fear my friend, stop the dividing and tribalism that is eating away at our society.
  6. Who's trolling? I'm just chatting.
  7. Lots of things are contagious, but we don't destroy our economy, freedom and stunt children's growth/development over them.
  8. Haha, the alt-right, that's funny. Do you still think the boogeyman lives under your bed? PP (who I'm not a big fan of) is pretty moderate fiscally, and very socially moderate. Oh no! They supported a leader you don't like? Who cares. Alberta also has (had) MLAs who support communism and failed socialist dictators. So what's your point about Alberta?
  9. Fair enough. I do see some benefits of being one's own country, apart from Ottawa. Disadvantages as well for sure. To live here in Alberta, you see first hand the damage done by destroying the main economy-driving industry. The anger is at least understandable, if sometimes delivered less-than-politely.
  10. Love that movie. Surely we can all agree on that. lol.
  11. And, being from Manitoba, I have known way too many people who have never left the province, for any reason. Hard to have an accurate take on a large population you have never been immersed in.
  12. 1...........2.................3........................4..............................5...............................6....................................7.............................................8..........................................9.....................................................10. There now, feel better? Have a snickers.
  13. Time to live with it or cower in fear every time someone gets the sniffles. The sick die all the time, I'm not being callous, it's just truth. If you're at-risk of anything, you protect yourself when you can. I have a type-1 diabetic friend, he's a higher risk than your average person, plus he has lung issues, doesn't stop him from living and doesn't live behind a mask. "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  14. Both my brother and I were saying "go for the Rouge to tie for now, he won't make the kick." Proof as to why none of us are qualified to coach a professional ball club hahaha. That go-ahead LDC kick was amazing.
  15. It was great to see that Marino got cut. He doesn't deserve to play pro ball.
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