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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. as always, it's good that fans don't make roster decisions.
  2. forums don't represent the majority of fans.
  3. If we don't make the playoffs this year then he needs to go. 3 straight non-playoff years in the cfl is nowhere near acceptable.
  4. I doubt that we'll be going . my parents are in town and I don't see us even competing against the stamps.
  5. It wasn't their reliance on oil that was the problem but the wide-spread corruption and abuse of power and the all around cruminess that is socialism. Have money? Socialism will waste it and leave you poor and raiding grocery stores for food. Venezuela should be a warning of the dangers of socialism.....like the world needed ANOTHER one, but people just don't seem to learn. And to answer your question, I'm interested in seeing what destroys a country, any country and to see what we can learn from others' mistakes.
  6. Calming circle, sounds like an NDP feel-good-kindergarten term
  7. Yeah, imagine if 37th & Glenmore had traffic lights....yuck.
  8. Once a debate resorts to name calling you know you're losing. As for my 'pampers' remark, I'm not a fan when people resort to that level. Stooping? maybe. Difference is, I'm not losing my mind like 007 here. Shake................and Bake
  9. I know I know. I moved to AB just in time for the NDP to come in....so.....when in Rome.
  10. I hope Butcher is back.
  11. Haha, this from the guy who is calling posters 'idiots'. Can you spare some cash because that is rich.
  12. Yes, America was made great by the very people modern culture is out to vilify. Like it or not, America has been a beacon of freedom, liberty and progress the likes of which the world have never seen. They've lost their way now, but some are trying to stop the ship from sinking. They didn't start slavery but they sure ended it....at least in Western Civilization.
  13. And it will continue to do so, whether the government steals my money or not, because...feelings
  14. Yes, and accounts for 28,000 attacks of various means over the last 15 years. Never mind the 270million killed in the name if Islam over the last 1400 years, or the 20million+ slaves STILL owned in Muslim countries.
  15. Yup, all these media outlets (all pawns) are reporting FALSE information with no retractions. An AR15 was NOT used, nor is it an 'assault rifle'. I always laugh when all the gun-haters scream about things of which they have no understanding.
  16. Your pampers full?
  17. yes, but their problems didn't magically start after his death
  18. It's also true that domestic violence if higher in same-sex couples, and lesbian couples specifically. Go google it, lots of info will come up. And I believe it's for the reason as why Trans people have a grossly high suicide rate.....they're struggling with their life and their choices and what they perceive themselves to be.
  19. People just don't get what people are concerned about. The people who are Trans, (mentally ill I think, but that's irrelevant to this point) are not the danger, it's male predators abusing that idea and getting access to girls washrooms without question just because they 'feel' like a woman. That's the problem.
  20. That's an old and worn-out argument. 'You don't like gays and they ,make you uncomfortable so you MUST be gay yourself'
  21. 'Going green' will mean the death of thousands in the poor and developing world. They can't afford oil now, never mind alternative energy. The world will be bankrupt and full of revolutions before we make any difference. We are a rich country and even we're going bankrupt converting to this nonsense. And now Notley here in Alberta is jumping on board with Wynne in destroying what's left of real industry in this country. Alberta has an MLA who loves Hugo Chavez, and we can all see what great good his plans have done to Venezuela.
  22. Going to see this for the 2nd time tonight. I thought it was better than Age of Ultron. Actually the captain America movies are the best in the MCU......them and GotG. the addition of Spiderman was a bit rushed, but it worked because NO ONE wants another Spiderman origin movie.
  23. And the cesspool that is t.v. becomes more bogged down in garbage and refried beans
  24. 'free'? 'affordable'? No such thing as 'free healthcare' We pay through the wazoo in taxes, just to wait in line for hours for healthcare. And hopefully you don't one of these joke Dr.'s who say; 'You can only bring one issue to my attention per visit.' What a joke.
  25. Probably our nicest uniforms ever.
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