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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. There is precedent to banning certain people in times of war. And also there's nothing wrong with it. Look to when Germans, Italians and Japanese weren't allowed in because it was too difficult to separate the good from the bad.
  2. The first real sign that tyranny is on the way? A large push to de-weaponize the citizens. Don't believe me? Study history.
  3. The U.S. is built with checks and balances so power doesn't get out of control. You're absolutely right when you say the 2nd amendment is there to ensure the people have the means to fight tyranny.And tyranny appears to be approaching. 'Every now and then the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants.' No, tyranny is not approaching. And no, the "people" will not over-throw the government. Its moot. Anyone pushed far enough will revolt. I wonder if the French royalty thought as you do before their heads were chopped off.
  4. and when there are two sides arguing about what the data means and one side has 90% of the support then you simply write off the 10% as quacks. Science isn't opinion, if the 10% had valid interpretations they would be taken more seriously. This is how science works. For a hypothesis, test hypothesis and data either confirms or refutes hypothesis, other scientists try and replicate the data gathered and determine if your experiment was good or bad. Science is always questioning everything and it's always adapting. That's why the ice age stuff from the 70s disappeared. Not because science is wrong, but because science is always searching for the correct answer. Always. Your arguments really do sound a lot like the creationists, which is arguing from a point of not understanding the scientific process. Well I suppose we could employ the "he who yells loudest is right" or the "I say you suck so Im right" methods. But realistically, there is science on both sides. if you're saying you'd write off 10% of scientific study or result, I'd say you're simply being very closed minded.Scientists can certainly tie lay people up in knots. But there has been plenty of easy to understand opinion and information in this thread that makes it pretty silly to swallow the Global Warning stuff without a second thought. By that token, if we were able to have this discussion in the 70's you'd be telling dismissing me and others when we questioned if we really were entering an Ice Age. You'd say ofcourse we are, the "scientists" say so. The world warms and cools. What is very disingenuous is the information provided to the general public does not generally include this information. It doesnt say "at some point, the ice caps will melt no matter what humans do, at sea levels will rise, and coastal cities will be under water. It is inevitable that this will happen at some point in the life of the planet. So anyway...we sill think we can hold that off for awhile by doing this...." they dont frame it like that. They frame it like "we can stop this from happening." You cant stop it from happening. So at what point do you think there is a limit to the expense of trying? Especially versus (as others have pointed out) saving lives right now at a fraction of the cost? Do you really think all life on earth will end due to man-made global warming in the next 100 years? I dont. I hope I live for another 100 years and you do too...so I can say I told you so. Are you paying attention? I've already said my piece on the idea of doom and gloom and the politicizing of it, but you really come across like you have no concept of the scientific method and how people can claim to have science on their side but are doing it wrong. Here's an example, first year chemistry lab we were doing an experiment meant to show the conservation of matter, well my results came back and the thing lost some matter somewhere. Now I coulda tried to say "see the principle is bunk, I scienced the **** out of it and here's the results" Instead the prof gave me a poor mark for ******* something up. This is why I bring up the creationist comparison. There's people who think they have science on their side when they say evolution doesn't happen, but it's bad science. It's the same when people deny that global warming is happening. Hell let's not even call it global warming, that's an old term, the correct term is climate change because lots of things happen when the climate changes it's not just warming. We can argue about the impact CO2 has on it, we can argue about what should be done about it, but arguing that it's not happening is a fools argument that has no sound basis in science. Here's the thing, the climate could start to cool all on it's own despite the increased number of greenhouse gases, that doesn't make the science wrong, just means something else happened. Calm down son. You have a problem with opposing viewpoints? An ndp government or environmental group has a job for you somewhere.
  5. Except when they are predicting ice ages! If there's one thing humans have proven, it's that we constantly prove ourselves wrong.
  6. Whaaaaaahhhh! Soooo......we're NOT a joke? I guess getting a 'participant' trophy is good enough for you, because the team tried their best? Or maybe you can comment on the awesome handling of the new stadium was , or maybe how we have one winning season since 2008?
  7. Man, I wish the bombers were doing these screw ups on purpose. At least they'd be sly and coniving. .....instead of inept and idiotic. We truly have become the joke of the CFL. And there is not reason to be excited for next year.
  8. The U.S. is built with checks and balances so power doesn't get out of control. You're absolutely right when you say the 2nd amendment is there to ensure the people have the means to fight tyranny.And tyranny appears to be approaching. 'Every now and then the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants.'
  9. Are you suggesting no one should comment on any subjects of which they are not certified experts? That would eliminate pretty much every thread and certainly eliminate all discussion. In that case, will someone tell Leonardo to shut the hell up? Lol. Chinooks are proof of global warming apparently.
  10. The league site is way better on mobile now
  11. I'm not gonna lie, I'd buy an assault rifle if they were legal. It would be fun to shoot off. Not as much fun as the .44 revolver I got to shoot a couple years back, but still fun.
  12. There is plenty of evidence that the current warming trend is both more severe and more rapid than the natural cycle of warming and cooling that the Earth has undergone historically. I find this defeatist attitude very depressing. Did not humanity act quickly to save the ozone layer from CFCs? Granted that was a much smaller issue as our lives weren't dependent on CFCs, but the point still stands that humanity can act with self preservation in mind when we put our minds to it. Global Warming is essentially proven to be a fraud. They don't even say it anymore. Its' 'climate change' now....which is genius actually, considering the earth is ALWAYS changing. As for Global warming, it's a fraud as most have heard that there has been no general increase in global temperatures for over 20 years. It's called 'the pause' because when scientists working on government agendas have their lies exposed they make up some gibberish to cover it up.
  13. That is a legitimate fear. Great, let's hire back a failed head coach.
  14. New coach, same old garbage. Can someone please send the Bomber brass a link to the definition of insanity? Because I think we're trying the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over
  15. I'm for this. Just say no to Paul
  16. That's disgusting. They're mad at people praying get but not mad at the murderers? Seems legit. Oh well, its par for the course. People usually hate to hear this, but worldwide, Christians are the most often persecuted. People can go ahead and laugh but it doesn't change the numbers. We as a society have blinders on for some things. Sure we're not being killed en masse in Canada. .....but try aND visit a Muslim or communist regime.
  17. Which can be said about most mass shootings in the US that are committed by US citizens.I think you know what ISO meant.CNN falling all over themselves to avoid suggesting radical Islamic terrorism. Even contradicting their own intelligence analysis. Compared to the US media falling all over themselves to avoid calling other mass shootings terrorism because they were committed by white Christian men. When a Christian male kills and injures co-workers it's called a workplace shooting but when a Muslim kills and injures co-workers it is automatically brings on calls of terrorism before any facts are known (network intelligence analysis is pure speculation). Can you point to a shooting done by Muslims that was in the news that didn't end up being terrorism? It's common sense. On the other hand, the "Christian" males pretty much always end up being very much not Christian. Christ taught love and respect. Muhammed taught war, slavery and death.
  18. Does it change your mind that the shooters' names are syed and tashfeen. ......not your usual skin head type names. More akin to Islamic murderers.
  19. Exactly what you've been conditioned to think
  20. They're getting lazy in organizing these shootings. Early reports say the shooters had tactical gear and escaped in a black suv. And last week there was a shooting drill in the community next door. There are no coincidences Pray for the dead and the perpetrators, that they'll see their error.
  21. Uh oh then you better call the local Greek community Centre and have them complain about the argonauts.
  22. Terrible. .....just terrible. And the joke just got bigger. This new logo mimics our new commissioner. ........forgettable and difficult to see
  23. It's as outdated and derogatory as "Indian" in Canada. Only surprise is that this hasn't been an issue in the last 20-30 years. Speaks to how much of an afterthought the Inuit people are more than anything. Considering they make up what, 0.5% of our population?
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