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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. I'd side with Russia before turkey.
  2. When I am consuming a large pile of bacon, I remember that this pig I am eating wouldn't have existed in the first place if it wasn't created in a pig barn by artificially inseminating a sow solely for purposes of producing a litter to be raised for sale to the market. If you ever went into a pig pen you would see how you have to fight off the pigs, who will immediately attempt to bite you, and would eat you if you didn't fight back. I spent enough time in pig barns having to fight off pigs trying to bite me to feel no remorse tucking into a pile of pork chops.My niece is a huge vegan who loves to tell us all at family gatherings what evil people we are for eating ham and turkey. Last Christmas she told me as I was cutting a slab of ham that "that pig had a family you know", to which I replied "and whose mother would have gladly eaten him if she hadn't been forced to nurse him behind a metal restraining bar". She didn't know what to say to that. Hahahahaha if you won't let me vote you king, can I organize a bloody coup in your honour? My wife has stories of chicken wandering into the pig pen......never to be seen again.
  3. Thanks but no thanks, there are too many annoying peasants around here.... That video is exactly what I was thinking. Lol
  4. Yaaaaaaawn Bombers out......CFL is meaningless
  5. Can I vote you King of MBB?
  6. Real Chinese food is disgusting.....that goes for a lot ofor SE Asian foods.....fish heads are groas too......go ahead and call the thought police or the incredibly misguided wastes of skin people call SJW'sMe and my Filipino buddy always joked about him eating fish heads and me (being white ) eating potatoes.......oh the humanity! The racism!!!!!! Of the many ethnic dishes that I have tried through many travels in foreign land, fruits, vegetables and starches have pretty much all been enjoyable, except for the texture of some fungi. It's the attempts to utilize animal proteins that make the odd dish of cultures particularly inedible. Insects, entrails and small beasts served as squab for example are well beyond any desire for regular consumption in my diet. Clearly, if you'd see what some of the protein consumes before slaughter, you'd not put your mouth there even if your concerned about offending a host. I agree. When we had AUTHENTIC Asian food, the taste was fine, it was the texture that got me gagging.
  7. Do they have a choice?Does anyone? There's always a choice. Question is.......do you have the marbles to make your own ?
  8. Real Chinese food is disgusting.....that goes for a lot of SE Asian foods.....fish heads are gross too......go ahead and call the thought police or the incredibly misguided wastes of skin people call SJW'sMe and my Filipino buddy always joked about him eating fish heads and me (being white ) eating potatoes.......oh the humanity! The racism!!!!!!
  9. Just the latest step in the war to control your every action....your very thoughts. The only way to win is to say whatever is on your mind. Take the time to offend someone today.
  10. OK. You started saying that these attacks didn't happen. When I pointed out actual examples of them happening, you attacked the messenger. Now you are saying that even though these attacks do exist, it is pointless to consider them. I don't get it. But I've never understood apologists. Probably because you're not a coward. Unlike most lefty apologists......who,to quote The Last Mohecan: 'would rather make love to their own faces than fight'
  11. The middle east has hated us for way longer than 100 years. Islam has been trying to eradicate Christianity since it's inception 1400 years ago. And there has been an ethic cleansing of christians going on there for over a hundred years. In the early 20th century 20% of the population of the middle east was Christian. ....now it's 5% and quickly falling.
  12. I'd just search YouTube. That's what we did to do an all arounday check on our old stove. Some very helpful stuff on there
  13. I hope gay people, women, Christians and Jews are ready to bring in 25,000 people from a country that hates them. And atheists are no safer. Fact: a Christian ethnic cleansing has been going on for over 100 years in the middle east. They used to be 20% of the middle east population. ....now.....only 5%. And now that Europe is being invaded, it looks like the spirit of 1095 is needed again. I hope we don't wait 400 years (of Muslim aggression) again before doing something this time.
  14. Nope! Is it too much for you? You don't believe it? It's crazy but true. Don't even need polls. Use common sense Syrians being radical? Can't be. Lol Geeeeeeze TUP don't you know the world is a Disney movie?
  15. A celebrity with a lack of judgement and morals? No way. Hollywood is a cesspool of human filth.
  16. Haha I'm sure the ex-KGB agent will be shaking in fear when told off by an entitled-spoon fed-trust fund-man child.
  17. Trudeau does.........sadly
  18. Shows me you think you have the right to say or call anyone anything and its all ok cuz well you just think so. Forget politics and how about jus have respect for people. People need to earn respect. You dont have the right to be respected by everyone.
  19. Better question is what disease do the fans have? Jets are struggles, but they'll pull out of it. Dumping buff is a bad decision at the moment. And Ladd is out leader, the locker room respects him. Who would you replace them with that's an improvement?
  20. Reasons his offense was terrible: 1. Joey Elliot 2. Alex Brink 3. Steven Jyles (was actually moderately effective for only time in his career under Lapo) 4. Broken down Buck Pierce The best can make it work with very little
  21. Totally agree with this. Remember why we fired him in the first place.
  22. Yes, people are THAT dumb. These 5% are the same to be the first to bash cops, even though they got in the way of the police.
  23. Man....I have to buy a ps4 now, for fallout 4. Halo? Hugh pass on that one.
  24. Same here. My birthday is in mid April and I remember a huge snowfall the days surrounding. We had final exams cancelled because we sandbagged for weeks.
  25. Each to his own. I live in Calgary too but I can't cheer for the stamps. Or the flames. Just bought seasons for the Roughnecks though. Pumped for that season.
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