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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. I live by the rule that if society eats it up, its probably garbage.....and these videos validate my way of life.
  2. Uh......they suck, that's why
  3. Angry at the redblacks? No Angry at the bombers? Yes. We should be angry. A brand new expansion team has progressed father in one year Tha the bombers have since 2007.
  4. Westeman is great and our best Defensive player. Some of the greatest walked the line and he does too. Laying some hits make offensive players think twice at times.
  5. Another bad show I had to watch because I was there. Now, I was drunk........so that's good
  6. Who took us to the playoffs three years straight. We haven't been the same team since firing him. Agree 100%. Besides, I prefer to think of him as "passionate". There's a fine line between passionate and mentally unstable He was hardly mentally unstable. If anyone was unstable at that time it's Westy
  7. fyp.Oh noes! !!!!!! Someone doesn't like pop music......he's a crybaby.They'll have something for you don't worry. Such classic artists such as headley, the black Eyed Peas, beiber and Nelly furtado dazzled your senses no doubt. Or maybe you prefer the more boring ones like blue rodeo. Hey! What's wrong with Blue Rodeo? Actually I think Cuddy went off on his own. Not saying they're bad musicians, just not my thing and the show was a little boring. (I only saw it because I was at the game, otherwise I never watch )
  8. Because that's how the BOD works. It's all buddies and friends. Same reason why the team sucks. ..........nothing ever actually changes in the places that matter. .....the BOD
  9. That would be better than the usual. Ahhh, the good old days of seeing them once a month at Joe's garage.
  10. fyp.Oh noes! !!!!!! Someone doesn't like pop music......he's a crybaby.They'll have something for you don't worry. Such classic artists such as headley, the black Eyed Peas, beiber and Nelly furtado dazzled your senses no doubt. Or maybe you prefer the more boring ones like blue rodeo.
  11. Doesn't matter who plays. It'll be some crap pop outfit. .......just another halftime show I'll never watch.
  12. No one to blame but triple b. There are endless stories about the rampant corner cutting and people leaving or fired because they spoke up.
  13. Who took us to the playoffs three years straight. We haven't been the same team since firing him.
  14. Why would you think we'd blow it?
  15. There can be only one........Gin And it's Bombay London dry on ice with lime.
  16. STOPPEDHARPER Think all the anti-Harper thing started with the Parliament page did it not? Wrong. The anti-harper started when the Laurentian elitists didn't like that harper didn't follow their ivory tower hoopla. Trudeau however, is the perfect puppet to be made to dance.
  17. Prior to ridings being re-organized this election I used to be in Jason Kenneys riding, the best part of this election is that I didn't have to hold my nose and vote for that greasy bugger. You think Harper had an issue with corruption, Kenney just screams corruption. He's too much of a lifer and attached to Harpers hip. It would be more of the same. I do not like the guy despite how big his margins of victory have been. The Conservatives would be smart to distance themselves from Harper and his cronies because Canada just finished rejecting Harper and his ways in a big way. Give Trudeau credit for appealing to all of Canada, ever since 93 it seems the country has been fractured regionally but the Liberals even won seats in Calgary, that's a break through for them despite most of alberta being blue still. Too many times the country has broken along regional lines and it's good to see an actual coast to coast government, let's hope that he lives up to his election talk of uniting Canadians. Funny.....I couldn't wait to vote for him. Liked his little spat with nenshi too.
  18. By far the worst performance we've seen from Nichols. Our defense kept us in this game until late in the 4th. Until the INTs added up and killed us.
  19. To hardcore, regarding the writing of history by the winners........ do i really need to explain that? Are you 12?
  20. What does this mean exactly? Powers that be want? Racial divide. Ever heard of divide and conquer?
  21. Keep chirping.....we'll reply on the field.
  22. Or increases it. The weather is starting to turn which means KG is ready to start throwing terrible picks followed by the classic KG turtle and weak ass injury excuse like he always does. KG sucks and MTL can have him. You can spin this however you like, but the bottom line is Glenn is a better QB than anyone the Als had. Yeah I'll give you that but doesn't change KG's history of blowing it when all is on the line & blaming everyone but himself... When did Glenn blame anyone? He has always kept his thoughts to himself. Often, I remember KG's post-game comments being about how football doesn't really matter, or saying how it wasn't his fault etc. He never really owned up to mistakes or became a leader anywhere. That's why he floats around. Okay Mr Expert Coach. Carry on. Finally! Someone who recognizes my greatness and unmatched Football knowledge.
  23. Or increases it. The weather is starting to turn which means KG is ready to start throwing terrible picks followed by the classic KG turtle and weak ass injury excuse like he always does. KG sucks and MTL can have him. You can spin this however you like, but the bottom line is Glenn is a better QB than anyone the Als had. Yeah I'll give you that but doesn't change KG's history of blowing it when all is on the line & blaming everyone but himself... When did Glenn blame anyone? He has always kept his thoughts to himself. Often, I remember KG's post-game comments being about how football doesn't really matter, or saying how it wasn't his fault etc. He never really owned up to mistakes or became a leader anywhere. That's why he floats around.
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