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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. I believe what KG said after the Calgary grey cup loss was: "You guys are acting like someone died. It's just a game, like any other. We lost like 6 games this year." I'll pass on him forever.
  2. If by bears and lions you mean foreign policy and economics.....then yes.
  3. I just can't get over the image of Putin and Trudeau in the same room together. Putin just pointing and laughing and realizing that the entire Canadian north is now his for the plucking.This is why Trudeau is a bad choice. No way can he stand up to actual leaders. He'd make us a joke. I'd take putin over him in a heartbeat. Putin is strong and actually defends his country's culture and traditions. Why couldn't he? Because attack ads told you so? Justin told me so. Every time he opens his mouth.
  4. The poor Conservatives just can't catch a break. People are being so mean to them. Pointing out double standards isn't crying.
  5. I see nothing wrong with it. Justin has made himself look bad on many occasions. New leader. ....same out of touch liberals He's awful. It surprises me that his most prominent job is as an low level actor because I find his speaking style very unnatural and disingenuous. Someone should tell him just to 'act' like a respected political leader and see if he does a better job. he never seems to have answers for questions he isnt prepared for and doesnt seem to understand the issues when pressed. Complete empty suit and puppet for his masters. At least harper is the master. We know his plan.....with princess Justine you really don't know what you're getting.
  6. One comment. Oh good grief. Now you are lying too. As always I find, when cornered, the result is deliberate obtuseness as a defense. Fine, just pretend that the NDP idiots in this thread only made one stupid comment full of lies. Not true, but whatever floats your denial boat. As I said, you can't bully me or tell me how to post, and your tactics and willful blindness disgust me. I can't wait for this election to finally be over. It definitely brings out the worst in a lot of people. Imagine how angry people will when the ndp and liberals force a quick election after the conservatives win a minority. That will backfire as Canadians are very tired of this election. Really, the choice to run a longer campaign might turn out to be a stroke of genius. Actually, just wait til the Liberals win and the Cons force another election and the Liberals and NDP whine incessantly about how the Cons hate democracy. But if the Cons win a minority and the Liberals and NDP force another election it will be "the will of the people". lol
  7. Thats abject stupidity but its your right to feel that way. Im just glad neither I nor most people live in that world of constant fear.I love how people like to live in a Disney movie and think that fox and hound and lion and warthog live in a magical land of pixies and rainbows. There's evil out there. throw caution to the wind, that's your choice. I don't live in fear, I live safe, ready to defend my life and of my loved ones. Being ready isn't being afraid.
  8. One comment. Oh good grief. Now you are lying too. As always I find, when cornered, the result is deliberate obtuseness as a defense. Fine, just pretend that the NDP idiots in this thread only made one stupid comment full of lies. Not true, but whatever floats your denial boat. As I said, you can't bully me or tell me how to post, and your tactics and willful blindness disgust me. I can't wait for this election to finally be over. It definitely brings out the worst in a lot of people.
  9. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="The Unknown Poster" data-cid="160661" data-time="1444844317"><p><p><blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="basslicker" data-cid="160658" data-time="1444843984"><p>'Gun free zones' just tell wannabe shooters where they'll have an easier time shooting people. I'm for people having the right to own guns. I'd rather have the chance to defend myself then wait for authority to drag their butts there. No better home defense than a shotgun. Impossible to miss at close range.
  10. I see nothing wrong with it. Justin has made himself look bad on many occasions. New leader. ....same out of touch liberals
  11. I just can't get over the image of Putin and Trudeau in the same room together. Putin just pointing and laughing and realizing that the entire Canadian north is now his for the plucking. This is why Trudeau is a bad choice. No way can he stand up to actual leaders. He'd make us a joke. I'd take putin over him in a heartbeat. Putin is strong and actually defends his country's culture and traditions.
  12. Why? It's a large group and they vote. Seems smart to me.
  13. All eyes on Scott
  14. Your right to do so. Isn't freedom great?
  15. "I keep a weapon in every room"That's hilarious. Maybe if I lived in Stony Mountain or something. I do have a blunt object near my bed as that's the most defenseless I'd be in my house. Even then, I only have it because I came into possession of it while working at a bar. I'd hate to be someone that is so fearful or paranoid they need a weapon in every room. To be fair though, I dont have kids. And Im not sure if that would make me more likely to hide weapons Dwight Schrute style or less likely. I'm not fearful or paranoid....just going to be ready for the next psycho to break down my door. Cops took 45 mins to arrive. We got lucky and he was able to be 'restrained' by another person. (Choked out) 911 lady said don't hurt him, I said lady, he tried to kill my roommate. Last time I count tell on the police. Nothing against them, but it takes time to get to calls. Now I'm married, and I will protect her with my life.....and the within reach objects.
  16. That's way worse
  17. .....memories. ...
  18. Given how corrupt the government is, they should have their own guns. That's the reason for the 2nd amendment. To defend against tyranny. And right now, they're borderline.
  19. Canadians, we think we're so much better than Americans. We're pretty much not allowed to defend ourselves and our family, and that's disgraceful. Instead, we have to call the police and pray they get there in time. I keep a weapon in every room. I don't own guns, but many objects are weapons. I won't be caught flat footed again.
  20. Answer: Salvation.
  21. Oh oh oh wait.wait wait. Hillary said so! I changed he'd my mind. She's so amazing!
  22. Good luck Robert.
  23. Well that ain't the NDP then. Maybe the Liberals.....if they were our Father's Liberals....not the modern party, which is NDP lite
  24. We should just stop learning??? I don't understand that POV.Learning is nice, but have we really gotten anywhere with our expanded knowledge? New tech, same old evil.
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