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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. Sometimes low expectations have the best outcome
  2. Lol, do we either? We haven't even won a game. This is a basement bowl
  3. They should appeal. The judge viewed Brady as a defenseless hopelessly oppressed working class stiff. The truth is, Brady is a multi millionaire, with first class representation, that was involved in influencing, a conspiracy maybe, to have undue advantage by not inflating to the NFL specifications on ball pressure. A specification he obviously was very aware of. But judges have very wide decision making powers. Appeals judges only have very limited scope to overturn, a colleague's decision.Robert Kraft's post decision statement is clearly self serving and appears to embolden Tom Brady and reaffirm his self entitlement. But there's nothing illegal about that statement. It's just slimy. Why isn't Kraft making a statement about the two clods that his team suspended? Get over it. The NFL's handling of this crap show has been shady from the start. False psi reports, poorly executed psi readings, full blown witch hunt that is now blowing up in their face. I don't expect either the NFL nor ESPN to retract the false reports, unreleased scientific evidence nor undue public shaming.
  4. The judge didn't have to rule on the evidence involving the accusations of misconduct against Brady. Apparently the judge said the charges were unclear. Nobody in an employment relationship is ever allowed allowed to unfairly punish, not just the NFL.What's now going to happen to the two equipment guys that have been out of work since then? That's a great question.
  5. We have no right to trash talk this year.lol
  6. Great day for players everywhere. The NFL shouldnt be allowed to unfairly punish selected teams. No other team caught tampering footballs ever got close to these punishments. And there isn't even solid evidence of tampering here.
  7. 'As long as they are legal and don't harm others' ? Problem is that some think disagreeing is doing harm. And that's wrong. I hear this all the time. People tolerate religion until religion disagrees with something. Freedom of religion is being eroded.What about forcing a bakery to make a cake for a gay wedding? Seems like someone's beliefs are being imposed on others. Freedom of religion isn't being eroded. You have the right to worship freely without persecution People disagreeing with your opinions is not persecution People finding your views to be intolerant isn’t persecution People wanting to exist and share the same rights as you is not persecution The ability to discriminate isn't a religious right A baker shouldn't be allowed to discriminate against others based on race, religion or sexual orientation or otherwise. If a gay person wants a non-descript cake they should get it. If a gay person wants a cake that says "LBGT rights are important" someone who disagrees shouldn't have to make it. If a Nazi wants a cake for his kid’s birthday, he shouldn't be denied it. If he wants a cake that says "death to Jews" on it, a baker should be able to refuse service If someone from a different religion wants a cake they should get it. If someone wants a cake with a religious message, a baker shouldn’t be forced to make it. Plenty of bakeries would love the business I'm sure. If someone wants to be intolerant and refuse sevice, be an adult and go somewhere else. Crying and whining are what children do. I'd refuse to serve a nazi or homicidal terrorist or murderer. Is that discrimination? Free country means we either have freedom or we don't. If the only thing that is hurt is feelings, then I don't call that persecution or discrimination. It's called being an dbag.
  8. 'As long as they are legal and don't harm others' ? Problem is that some think disagreeing is doing harm. And that's wrong. I hear this all the time. People tolerate religion until religion disagrees with something. Freedom of religion is being eroded.What about forcing a bakery to make a cake for a gay wedding? Seems like someone's beliefs are being imposed on others. Thats a specific law though. Im too busy to look up details but the side against the bakery cite the justification as a business not being able to refuse a customer on grounds like that. If you walk into a bakery and ask them to make a cake that is 50 feet wide and 100 feet tall and they dont have the ability, they can refuse. Ask them to make a cake that has the N word on it, they can refuse. Ask them to make a cake they make every day and because the baker doesnt agree with your perfectly legal and widely acceptable lifestyle? That's bigotry.Personally, I'd just go somewhere else and then blast them on social media. I wouldnt sue. My gf's yoga instructor went to a book keeper for tax work. he revealed he was gay. She began praying for his soul. People need to get a grip. Religious freedom is great. Lack of common sense sucks. And religious freedom doesnt trump human rights. You wouldnt agree that someone should enslave their wife because it's their religion, would you? We have "honor killings" over religion. Thats not freedom. This dummy lives in the United States. She is an elected official. If she cant respect the constitution, she should quit. And go live in Iraq or Saudi Arabia maybe. She'd like it there Im sure. I just try to not put myself in situations that are problematic with my religious beliefs. And this elected official has done just that. I believe people should have the right to refuse service to whomever. (Not counting essential services like paramedics and such) I pray for people's souls, what's wrong with that? Doesnt hurt anyone......and if there is a God (which I believe to be true) then it's doing good.
  9. She can't be fired cause she's an elected official. I hope they put her in jail. I know the people complaining are only asking for monetary penalties to be applied but I don't see that working as there are likely like-minded people with deep pockets who will cover it. People need to put their personal beliefs aside when acting in a professional capacity, a doctor can't refuse to discuss abortions because they don't agree with them, a public defender can't chose who they defend etc. If she can't do the job as outlined by law she should recuse herself I'd be in support of a Dr. refusing to perform an abortion. Plenty of other Dr.'s who will perform it. Discussing it is fine, there's not nearly enough discussion allowed in this country on a number or topics.
  10. 'As long as they are legal and don't harm others' ? Problem is that some think disagreeing is doing harm. And that's wrong. I hear this all the time. People tolerate religion until religion disagrees with something. Freedom of religion is being eroded. What about forcing a bakery to make a cake for a gay wedding? Seems like someone's beliefs are being imposed on others.
  11. Ugggghhhhh Another ldc smack down coming up. Riders will know we'll run and be ready for it.
  12. Nothing will change until Marcel is gone. We would lose even with Ray in there. Nichols and chevon are not the answer. Get ready to lose another ldc
  13. I dont think our DL is dominant enough for a 3-4 D Our Dline is so weak would it make a difference?
  14. And there will no unboom
  15. I'm sick of people saying how great Chavez and Che were. They were murderers and corrupted a-holes. Sad to see young people wearing Che shirts and even hammer/sickle shirts with no idea of what those people were responsible for.
  16. I like Ezra. Entertaining and points out idiocy.
  17. So you're saying that having the Winter Classic here in December this year wouldn't have affected Grey Cup ticket sales? I'm referring to the date in Feb 2016 they rejectedIt wasn't Miller doing the rejecting."The NHL wanted to play the game in late December, while the football club was pushing for a February date." CFL Heritage Classic put on hold until 2016-17 Jets, Bombers couldn’t agree on date for outdoor game By: Gary Lawless Posted: 01/20/2015 I stand corrected. Still, a month seems long enough of a time frame following the Grey cup.
  18. Good. Because cheese was on sale.
  19. So you're saying that having the Winter Classic here in December this year wouldn't have affected Grey Cup ticket sales? I'm referring to the date in Feb 2016 they rejected
  20. Coming along nicely...made great progress the last couple weeks, especially. And about to get benched. As long as the best player is playing I don't care who they are.
  21. Should be sold out already. If we can't sell out a grey cup quickly....or at all.....dont expect to get another for a long time. ....regardless of who is playing
  22. The only Grey Cup I've had the fortune of attending live was 09 in Calgary... and it was fantastic even without the 13th man ending. Just a totally different feeling to the game and it was well worth it. Anyone missing it because the home team isn't there is just nuts if you ask me. The ending of that game was oh so great! I loved being surrounded by crying Rider fans. As those idiots were all celebrating, I was yelling "too many men! Too many men!"HAHAHAHAHA. Made that whole trip very worth while. We even passed a bus full of Rider fans on the way home the next day and put the front page of the Calgary Herald in our car window for all the rider fans to see as we blared the horn on the way by!! The ******* gappers were annoying the entire day leading up to the game, but you could literally hear every single one of their hearts breaking when the ref called the penalty. Even better was the one lone Als fan a few rows behind me losing his mind at the win. The Bombers need to hurry up and win a Grey Cup because I want to be that happy about a win. Nice. Our group was actually singing every French word associated with football we knew...Touche! Touche! Premier Este (or something like that. means first down) I can't remember a game I had more fun at. Maybe those one or two wins at home over the last 10 years!
  23. We already look bad on the field, and now we can't sell out a grey cup. Winnipeg continues to astound. Pathetic. And yes, I agree it falls on the big boss. Turning away the winter classic over two months after the Grey cup is pure genius. If we miss the playoffs again, blow it up. 5 rookie had coaches in a row. And first time gm's and old buddies aren't helping.
  24. Harper became aware of spending issues, ordered senators to repay the questionable expenses. Was unaware Wright paid Duffy. If anything, Harper's hands are clean here. Just because the left leaning media keeps asking the questions hoping for a different answer doesnt mean Harper is lying.If we want to look at party members to judge the leader, here are some examples: Erin Weir: "Canadians who favour lower greenhouse gas emissions might thank OPEC for imposing a global carbon tax that far outstrips anything environmentalists have been able to implement." Seonaugh MacPherson: "In my view, the notion that we serve the "middle class" is equally as problematic" Linda McQuaig: "So the claim "its my money - I earned it" is not only embarrassingly egotistical but essentially wrong" Andrew Seagram: "Idolizing our soldiers as heroes, a God like stature on par with Hercules, is as dangerous as proselytizing a suicide bomber as a martyr" Scott Andrews: "The tar sand emit more carbon emissions than some European countries alone. Those dirty sting baggers should be scaled down over a few years until they are no more." Scott Andrews: "Your prime Minister might be an ******* when he says stuff like 'Israel is a light of freedom and democracy in what is otherwise a region of darkness'" Scott Andrews: "Time for a boycott" (Speaking on Israel) Seonaigh MacPherson: "Oil continues to soil our democracy" Erin Weir: "I feel no hypocrisy in applauding the efforts of bot OPEX and Canpotex to raise commodity prices" Erin Weir: "Income splitting would undermine the economic independence of women" Hans Marotte: "When a Palestinian asks me to sign his declaration of support for the intifada, I see how important it is not to close in on oneself" Additionally, Morgan Wheeldon resigned after his Anti-Israel remarks gained attention. Liberal candidate Ala Buzerba also stepped down after some nasty twitter posts were revealed. There is an uncomfortable amount of anti-Israel (bordering on defense of terrorists and rogue nations) and anti-Alberta sentiment in the left. Im not sure Canadians understand how badly the NDP wants to decimate the oil industry or what that might do to the Canadian economy. These are all legitimate positions that voters can choose to support or not. But they are far more important to this election than the Duffy trial. Amen
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