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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. I am childish!
  2. Actually this looks kind of bad. Bad, as in cheap laughs. Deadpool is usually the insane equivalent of spiderman's smart ass comments. But this just looks childish.
  3. News flash. We're not all equal.
  4. What, like rounding up illegal aliens? I'm cool with that. If you're not paying taxes, I want you to.
  5. I'd take Trump over the alternative. He's saying things that millions are thinking.
  6. Lol that's like quoting the Sun on a Trudeau article. NYT openly leans to the left. You can't trust any media.....ever. T.v., radio, print, all garbage. All have an angle and use propaganda to sway people and social engineer. You could look at ten articles on the same story and still not know the truth. Too many outlets owned by too few corporations
  7. Go a little deeper into T'cona to find the real gems. The Central, The Spike, still around too. It's like going into a time machine. You forgot the Pandora and the Royal George.The old slogan on the Pandora sign :"If your wife drives you to drink, get her to drive you to the Pandora." T-cona born and bred.
  8. Not sure if I missed it earier in the thread, but I'm gonna miss the Zoo....a lot. Being involved in the local music scene for 15+ years, I love that place.
  9. Go a little deeper into T'cona to find the real gems. The Central, The Spike, still around too. It's like going into a time machine. Ah the Central.....aka Rookies. Almost got arrested out front one time. Lots of memories of that place. 25cent draft night, playing shows, free drinks and having a bartender put my head in a wall. (Brother's friend)
  10. Only in new York. ......hahaha Go Pats! Season hasn't even started and the Jets are already declining. Haha
  11. Man we finally get a potential star qb and we fail to protect him.
  12. Believe it or not the game wasn't over.If there's hope I'd keep my qb in the game. In the CFL there is always hope and maybe that's he problem.
  13. I'd take Doug berry any day of the week. We've been mostly cap since he was fired. We never missed the playoffs under him. And he fired Westwood. .....and he'll always hold a place in my heart for that.
  14. Exactly. The soldiers with guns. ....in our cities. ......training.......in Canada. ......I didn't make this up.
  15. I remember this ad.at least Harper's attack ads don't attempt to frighten us with death military control. I'm all for more bases. Going to st.Paul's in high school I used to see the soldiers from kapyong training and running in the morning. Safest neighborhood in the city.
  16. I said the same thing to my wife this morning. Only morons fall for these ads. We must be a country of morons. You just figured that out now?
  17. Are Canadians that blind?I hope Quebec wakes up and saves us...... ugh. ....I feel sick....... By turning to the Cons or by NDP voters voting BQ?I cant imagine the NDP do as well in Quebec this time... The thing about Mulcair is, he has been considered the potential weak link because he's prone to outbursts and coming across like an angry guy. His decision not to take questions caused backlash. He then did take questions and was well prepared in how he focused on the Cons and wouldnt even say Justin's name (amusingly it became a story when Harper kept calling him "Justin" rather than "Justin Trudeau"...). It will be interesting to see how Mulcair performs as the election wears on. As much as I like Harper, he can be his own worst enemy too. I think when he speaks and interacts, he comes across very likeable. But he seems to be so private or determined to not be caught "relaxing" that those moments are few and far between. I think Harper himself is the best tool against the "Stop Harper" crowd because he really does seem like a likeable person. I'm referring to Quebec in the hope they will stifle the 'orange wave' and realize electing mulcair would be a mistake.
  18. Are Canadians that blind? I hope Quebec wakes up and saves us...... ugh. ....I feel sick.......
  19. I've always wondered why Trudeau or Mulcair aren't ever seen at any sporting events. Seems like pretty cheap publicity. Even Pierre took in almost every Grey Cup game, even if he didn't know a football from a meatball... Harper is a legitimate fan. Those other guys would probably puke at the thought of sitting with the beer swilling masses. Never thought of it that way but you're probably right. Makes me want him to win even more.
  20. The jfk thing is now a part of cultural lore. Will we ever truly know what happened? It would be nice but I'm not holding my breath. Personally I believe he was silenced by very powerful people. Probably the very same that put him in power. But when he didn't go along with being a puppet, they killed him....and Bobby too.
  21. ^^^^just another example of a well-intentioned-bleeding heart-person with no real grasp of reality. That's all nice and feel good, 'for the greater good' is a scary thought. That's a slogan used by evil to justify evil. nothing beats hard work and taking care of your own business. Help people yes, but teach them to fish. If they choose to not, we'll, you can't make them. And that's their choice.
  22. Drives me crazy. I guess the argument is, the money they spend on politics is to benefit the union members. But I wish there was a law to cap it or reduce it or make it public what was being spent.I attended one of my union meetings during a recent provincial election and at the end of the meeting, the executive implored the members to do everything they could to get the NDP re-elected. It wasnt even "this is business" they were agonized over the idea of the NDP possibly losing. It really bothered me. But there is no talking to my union. ive never met a more paranoid, mean spirited bunch of people. During our last contract negotiation, I attended a meeting and they brought in a top guy from Ontario. He belittled management...and not the BOD or executive teams, the front line managers, many of whom used to be in our union and many people in our union aspired to move up to that front line management. Not to mention the managers were also unionized. They also belittled other unions. It was disgraceful. They are incredibly secretive and wont tell the members anything. When asked why they couldnt email us the result of recent talks (email to our work email), they were incredulous..."How stupid do you think we are?" the union president asked. "The company will read the emails." "So what," I asked. "Im pretty sure the company knows what they agreed to in the meeting they were in." Just a miserable, paranoid bunch I have a very good friend who acts on his local union board and he says they tell their members the same thing. There's a cancer in unions that says 'anyone but conservative' for no more reason than that. the funny part is when he makes farting noises when they say that at union meetings. No joke. Lol.
  23. The scariest thing is that there many people out there who think it's perfectly OK to jack up taxes and send like crazy. Usually people who don't have any money of their own. That much in foreign aid increase????? Charity starts at home and there are tens of thousands right HERE who could be aided by that cash.
  24. Maybe they had him right where they wanted him. Have any presidents traveled in an open car since?
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