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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. That is sickening. IGF is off to a disgusting start. We the opposite packers.
  2. Our 2nd half performance will show us how good of a coach we have
  3. Reminds me of the Daley defence
  4. A little pressure goes a long way.
  5. That would be the smoke. there's so much here in dauphin that I'm assuming you guys have it down there too
  6. I am excited to see Bastien out there. he's probably more ready then Richards at this point. Tall and can jump.
  7. Christians were killed for many years before they became powerful....and the want to kill them never went away. Christians have more than other ways, spread their beliefs through their own blood. Unlike some other religions I can name that spread it mostly by the sword. love them or hate them, the Christian faith has kept the west alive and 'free' for hundreds of years. And if you religious or not, they still want the west dead...or cowed. We're all in this together. I only say this because we're a target more than ever and this thread's topic is just one other thing that angers our enemies. I'm not blaming homosexuals, jut saying. They're allowed to live free here but are still imprisoned and killed in many nations. We're all lucky to live here. And in the grand scheme of things, I believe gay marriage is a footnote in a world where we have much bigger problems.
  8. I want to see what posey can do. Our backfield is not great
  9. I hope when the TV rights come up that the games get split between at least two networks. This monopoly garbage promotes sub par broadcasts. Just like cbc near the end.
  10. Tsn coverage has dropped in quality. How rod black is still doing football is beyond me. Talk about bush league. There is lots of talent out there. Black belongs covering midget hockey
  11. CFL.ca has more balanced highlights of the game. TSN is a disgrace. Tsn showed ONE play of ours. What a joke that channel is.
  12. The riders window is closing fast. and Taman will be run out of Regina soon.
  13. I guess Durant has horrible luck against the bombers. Call me crazy buy I'm honored that he goes down against us.
  14. @atomic You're assuming God does it for His enjoyment. He's not. We were given free will and some make bad choices and give into temptation. And you may say 'well, then why does God allow evil etc.' He gave us free will to choose, and humans are easily swayed. But it's worth having free will. I wouldn't want a world where we have no choice. He loves us and so gave us choice. Love cannot be forced. If it was, then it's not love. There are still consequences to our actions, but at least it's our choice. Man, haven't had a good debate in a while.
  15. You're a rare breed man. So many are scared to voice their opinions nowadays for fear of being labeled one thing or another. Especially if they're logical and require people to think about their situation and environment.
  16. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="The Unknown Poster" data-cid="128797" data-time="1435350787"><p><p><blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="basslicker" data-cid="128780" data-time="1435350118"><p>It's not a 'vile' sin. It's no more sinful than lying or stealing. And yes, our faith and strength are tested always.
  17. God planned for them to be Gay.Or maybe he gave them tendencies in which to overcome.
  18. What is with the block quote thing? Is that because I'm on the mobile version?
  19. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="The Unknown Poster" data-cid="128745" data-time="1435348579"><p><p><blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="basslicker" data-cid="128733" data-time="1435348153"><p>I'd attend the wedding because I would love my child no matter what. Doesn't mean I have to agree with their choices. Christians aren't supposed to hate anyone and I don't. But murderers and the like make it difficult. I pray they see their sins and try to atone. As for gay, I treat it like other sin. Pray they find their path God planned for them.
  20. So overdue that we're not due...and get pounded... It's possible. It's hard to stay positive. Can't watch tomorrow so I hope they win. Seems we've seen way too many losses in recent memory.
  21. I can only speak for myself. I don't expect government to make laws according to my beliefs. I know we're in the minority. Doesn't change my beliefs. It just affirms them. Im not sure being in the minority should affirm your beliefs. Perhaps it should cause you to reexamine them.@kelownabomberfan I knew that would come up! lol I love Lincoln. I think its the finest performance by an actor in film history. And as "immoral" as Lincoln's efforts might have been, he did the right thing. And surely some of the Democrats who voted in favor actually believed it. The movie even shows some Democrats who "got it" but the political pressure was huge. Its tough watching that film and seeing them argue that freeing the slaves would lead to black people wanting *gasp* the vote! Crazy. And Fraser, you're right. Bigotry trumps tolerance. One should not be tolerant of hate or bigotry. So you're saying minority thinkers should change because the majority told them to? Talk to many natives lately?
  22. I'd definitely rather have gay marriage be legal and me disagree with it than having them rounded up and killed. poor souls.
  23. How can one argue for others to be tolerant of intolerance? If you can, by all means please do so. I love a good debate. :-)I was being somewhat facetious by saying "Absolutely. Within reason". Does the KKK deserve our tolerance? They have the right to believe anything they want. But who here is willing to say society should allow, or be tolerant, of their words and actions? In 2015, how can anyone justify being against gay people? If you believe being gay is a choice, that would explain it. But thats too easy to dismiss. People used to believe slavery was okay and slave owners wanted others to be tolerant of their position. Thankfully, people chose not to be tolerant. I know there are people against this. And none of us can change their minds. But its the wrong side of history my friend. My wife isnt property. My black friends arent inferior. And being gay isnt wrong. Using the kkk example is not valid. I'm not out there killing people and burning crosses. Yeah I believe being gay is unnatural. So arrest me. my faith is along these lines: Hate the sin and love the sinner. And being we're all sinners......we should show love to all. I tolerate gays and others who I don't agree with. The government doesn't rule my mind or make my decisions.
  24. Yeah she's a band wagon jumper in the first degree. Presidential candidates always are. Lol
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