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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. I can only speak for myself. I don't expect government to make laws according to my beliefs. I know we're in the minority. Doesn't change my beliefs. It just affirms them.
  2. This will never end. But that's OK, we can still have a society and not kill each have other.
  3. Yes she is a flip flopper. http://gawker.com/remember-when-hillary-clinton-was-against-gay-marriage-1714147439
  4. It's only going to get worse for those of us who have faith. I'm not out there condemning people or worse, becoming violent about it. That doesn't mean I have to accept it as normal. The people who I'll fight are those who attack me for not falling in line and forcing me to accept their ways. Like you said.....tolerance should be a two way street. But it never is.
  5. Hillary is a joke. Up until two years ago she was against it and now, for political reasons, she's 'proud' of it. Nothing I hate more than flip flopping. Stand by your beliefs, even if people disagree with you. Differing opinions are still allowed in our society.......well, sort of. Many are vilified for disagreeing. Land of the free indeed.
  6. They will never part with their fortunes. Which is crazy because you ain't taking it with you.The rich don't often make it to heaven. I'm also very tired of the rich celebrities telling normal people how to live. ......like celebrities know anything worth while........if a celebrity told you something, it's probably evil. As opposed to what government, the media or mufti-national corporations tell you?Nope. Pretty much the same. Media and the few rich families that own them all are a part of it. It's a rich, connected tapestry. I say 'celebrities' because they influence people more than politicians. They're literally worshipped.
  7. That's disgusting that his image is allowed to hang. If I lived in Surrey I'd deface it.
  8. Wah wah. This football and this is how it goes for a 5th string QB. You are a loooong shot. And he would have to have done something amazing to change that. Clearly he didn't.
  9. They will never part with their fortunes. Which is crazy because you ain't taking it with you.The rich don't often make it to heaven. I'm also very tired of the rich celebrities telling normal people how to live. ......like celebrities know anything worth while........if a celebrity told you something, it's probably evil.
  10. Don't forget to take your ball with you when you pout and go home.He was simply pointing out the flaws in your misinformed logic.
  11. every time I see your name on here I laugh and remember when Homer changed his name and sung his Max Power song... Max power! He's the man, whose name you'd love to touch. but you mustn't touch. His name sounds good in your ear. But if you hear it, you mustn't fear! Cuz he name can be said by anyone!
  12. I sat there for about a minute trying to think of a Titans player... The only one to come to mind was Cortland Finnegan... who hasn't played there in 4 or 5 years... clearly I'm not in mid-season form...Pacman Jones is still there, right? Don't know if you're joking but he's a Bengal.Little slow on thursdays
  13. I thought it was pretty good. especially the team breakdowns. The bombers one was one of the better ones. mega man is a great idea. and he spat on the riders! !!!!!
  14. Saskatchewan is never happening. Traveling for 18 CFL games is one thing, but for 82 games? I doubt it.
  15. It's soccer and I don't care. But if Toronto is mad, then I'm in. Go Edmonton!
  16. Hahaha. What, tired of the action?..........me too. remember when I almost lost an eye? haha...you mean when you burned yourself with the flaming towel...??? lmao...pure genuis Good times. Good times. Hahahaha. or that jerk who wouldn't let me into my seat?
  17. Hahaha. What, tired of the action? ..........me too. remember when I almost lost an eye?
  18. Couple guys with NFL experience. I like our approach with this year's team. ghettis might make it. Franks too.
  19. Make sure your broker let's you know who they're getting your coverage with. I'd say get Intact. Good experience in Alberta with them. Claims are started fast. But service always depends on the adjuster you get.... but certain companies are more consistent than others.
  20. Not really surprised. Everyone has an agenda.
  21. The ball size was surprising. To be honest I don't see it. Are CFL balls not widely known as larger?
  22. That contract seems out of line for an unproven import. It looks like the Als are playing the publicity card for all it's worth. That's what I thought. I wonder if his teammates will harbour resentment that they're having to work towards that size of a contract and he gets it without proving anything.
  23. Tolerance as long as we all agree and don't debate right? It is not the debate that is the issue, it is the vitriol and sanctimoniousness that too often creeps into the debate. Once people start speaking for God, we're into the cesspool. Thanks for proving my point. some people still think homosexuality is wrong, based on their religious beliefs. Welcome to planet earth. You can't kill debate just because you don't agree with someone's opinion. the great thing about our society is debate is still allowed......sort of. Lol.
  24. How long is long enough? I guess 50 years isn't long enough.either retire it or use it I say.
  25. Tolerance as long as we all agree and don't debate right?
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