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Everything posted by basslicker

  1. I keep it to a minimum. No pearls wasted on swine.
  2. I also wouldn't be surprised if he made it... good size for DE... should have enough speed... worst case scenario is it brings some American attention to the CFL... The "plus" side to him getting cut is it shows that CFL is no push-over for former NFL draftees... That was proved a long time ago.
  3. I'm already dreading Montreal games where rod black is announcing. blind people won't know who wins, but they'll know theres a gay guy playing.
  4. Just let them die already....... Drop an anvil on them or something.
  5. Looks kind of lame. A comic book chick flic.
  6. I'll miss him. Loved his hard hitting style. I'll always remember when he blew up Steven Jyles on the slide. Haha.
  7. Wow......wow.......wow what an idiot. I hope she was drunk. She sounds like a teenager who doesn't know any better. Who is she to talk about class? She really showed some here.
  8. You could look at 100 media reports and not get the full story. .....in fact. ....you will never. The media in general is manipulative and misleading. I don't miss following that cesspool like I used to.
  9. You're saying someone staying home to raise kids is a bad thing?My wife would love to able to stay home and do 'mommie things' Females are the natural caregivers And they're better at it. No career is more important than raising responsible children. And if it's dad who stays home, that works too.
  10. Amazing. Walters continues to impress.
  11. They say they want to diversify the province And avoid the boom or bust. I hope they don't sabotage he oilsands. Although the for sure will be putting the west pipeline on hold. And ya, at least one candidate said she opposed fracking.
  12. Man, I'm with ya.
  13. If she and the rest of them hadn't crossed the floor they'd have won the election without question. People got fed up with the PCs and their arrogance and corruption but no one trusted the Wild Rose after that floor crossing. The Liberals were in shambles as well, the only protest vote was to the NDP. They best tread lightly though. They won a lot of seats by the right splitting a vote, if the right gets behind one party or the other it will swing back. I am so disappointed in this province. Seen the NDP **** up Manitoba, don't want to see the same out here. You're very correct. The right vote split opened the door in many ridings. They still would have won Edmonton but in general that's how they won. You add the pc and wildrose votes together and the ndp don't win. One of them has to go.
  14. Ughhhhh I leave an ndp cesspool......just in time for Alberta to try and become one. awesome. Oh well, they can't be as bad as Manitoba's ndp......right? Notley said no pst. Let's see if she breaks that pledge
  15. Not a big F4 fan, but the potential of them crossing over with the xmen is intriguing.
  16. That's one distraction gone from this season. Talk of his expiring contract.
  17. If he's grown up and ready to work, they'll find a spot for him. Or, I have no worries about chevy's ability to get something of value for burmi.
  18. I was reading some static from other fans and reporters during the Jets-Ducks series on how our fanbase was getting all the love even though we didn't have much to cheer about and our city sucked and blah blah blah. And they kinda had a point, getting the 3rd star in game 4 was pretty weak and a little condescending I thought. But what a lot of those people don't understand and can't ever understand is how it feels having your team ripped, torn, stolen away from you and knowing you would never get it back (did anyone honestly think the NHL would come back during those dark days in the mid to late 90s?). Most of us moved on to other teams and put the Jets behind us for good.Then came the MTS Centre and there was a kernel of hope that maybe, just maybe we could get a team again. It wasn't much, especially seeing how hard the NHL fought to keep Phoenix and Nashville from moving, but it was hope. Then the day we got the Thrashers it was the complete opposite of Apr 96. It washed away 15 years of wrong and made it right again. So, to me anyways, when we yell "True North" it's our way of saying thank you to TN for bringing our team back (yeah I know the Thrashers were never in Winnipeg, not the point) and fixing that wrong from 96. And maybe a little FU to the rest of the league for letting us leave in the first place. Having said all this I do think that it should stay at Jets games. Not a fan of hearing it at Bomber games and it should never be heard at Wheaties game. Don't hold your breath about not hearing outside of jets games. I used to hear 'go jets go' at some moose games.......
  19. Since you left are you saying you can suck yourself? How do you know I left? Location: West Kelowna would be the tip off that you left the province. Oh a sarcasm detector. ...that's a real useful invention.
  20. I left and I love the true north chant. You got a problem? And I miss the deep freeze. Calgary winters are Winnipeg in march. Haha
  21. Love them both, but Football is where my heart truly lies. Go Blue!
  22. We need playoff experience and buff is one of the few who has any. I think he stays. We also dont get to see how he's a big locker room guy. remember Kane and his shower? Good thing the brass doesn't listen to fans.
  23. That was sooooo awesome!!!!!! That really makes me want to see it now.
  24. I like what van dyke brings. We need some help back there. Two good signings.
  25. So breaking a law... any law is cause for you to be shot dead. Thats just nuts. Steal a car and yup a cop can kill you. Have a warrant for unpaid child support and yup cops can shoot you dead. Steal some **** from a store and cops show up and person runs... shoot them dead. Awesome. it is tragic whenever someone dies this way, but the reality is that it is avoidable. Bottom line is that a cop can shoot you For various reasons and if you fight back or run you are putting yourself in grave danger. they are trained to keep the peace, and if you break that piece you might get shot. So don't be stupid. If I get pulled over by the police or whatever I try to be as polite and cooperative as can be. My first reaction isn't to grab his gun or punch or run.
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